Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Let's see some of these traps being sprung!
Can't come up with what he likes about being white because his identity is not limited by melanin or lack there of. He's not racist.

A person isn't defined by his/her skin tone.

Personally, I go with the asshole or not asshole judgement scale. Pissy, boring asshole ranks lower *ahem...Mark*

And I'm a pretty good judge of asshole right off the bat.
Try telling the LMNOP’s they aren’t defined by who they have sex with or how they identify as a “gender.”
All good
I will say this I told Kemp he made a mistake not challenging Stacey Abrams a year ago on the mail in election ballots. He said he would have lost in the liberal courts. Which may have been true but Trump wanted him to try. So did I.
the audits were a fucking disaster

Also I’m not the big money. And the big money is pissed. A lot of people around him are pissed.

I’m supposed to meet Vernon next week. Looking forward to it.
I’ll do my best to report back on that
I will tell you what Vernon says happened to the elections in Georgia verbatim
Seems like a real loser mentality to me.

Commencement was last night. It was beautiful especially since I got all my crying done at Baccalaureate. Now to get through this weekend. My yard looks like the circus is coming to town. 2 40X40 pole tents (one in front, one in the back) is insane, but necessary. It's a party for 5 girls. 280 out of 350 invited are coming. And that's not counting the afterparty and the ones who just show up. I'm going to sleep for at least one full night after this is done. (Lax starts Tuesday)🤣

They put the tents up early because it's supposed to be stormy Friday right up to party time.

I have to say... stressing about this is a nice break from stressing about the world going to shit. (Not that I'm not keeping up)

My poor neighbors... who are all invited, of course. I mean... if you're in the neighborhood, stop by. Happy to have you.

It's the late party, so full dinner and bar. (And, hell yes, there's a bartender. This is not my first rodeo) Thankfully the other parents just let me get this handled and will write the check. And thankfully they're just as thankful that I know what I'm doing and no argument necessary. Tell me what the girls want, Moms edit, I'll get it done.

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I suppose I don't get why Baccelaueate is controversial. My son just graduated the HS in the International Baccalaureate program, is that the same thing your kid went through or different?
I've said this as well. He does say it is our choice to take it or not but he isn't shy about touting his part in the vaccine.
It was our modern day version of Washington inoculating against small pox. It seems crazy to some but in war you just do what you gotta do to keep as many of your soldiers alive as possible.

It showed what was possible as well...
Dollar crashing, hyperinflation, killing energy independence and jobs, bankrupting the USA with insurmountable debt, pushing racism and CRT education, open borders, etc. If I didn't know better, I'd almost think they're trying to intentionally destroy the country.

The dollar is back at it's same value point as when Trump took office. Four years of hard work erased by this faggot in months.

Gas, lumber, automobile, and wage inflation are the ones we are feeling the most here in in NEO. Most consumer goods not nearly as much thankfully.
I suppose I don't get why Baccelaueate is controversial. My son just graduated the HS in the International Baccalaureate program, is that the same thing your kid went through or different?
Supposedly any advanced classes perpetuate racism by broadening the education gap.

I'm guessing this is one of the angles being played there.
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The same UN human rights group that has China represented on? The UN, as an entirety, is basically an anti Semite org.
The UN is the NWO. It is the attempt at creating one world gov't. UN can eat a huge fat dick.





My first day on the job as a Virologist in a well regarded virus lab, I was shown an electron micrograph of a virus next to the smallest holes in a mask. It was like a BB in a boxcar. Hence, the reason we never wore masks. For a mask to stop all viruses you could not breathe while wearing one. Masks were instituted to stop bacteria which are infinitely larger.

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