Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
OK, conspiracy sleuths, I need your help with this one. I walked into the office this morning and found this open on my desk. One of my staff opened it thinking it was a part for one of our machines.

It may be nothing, but it is an item of immaterial value that came unsolicited from China. Have you heard of anybody else receiving things like this? It reminds me of this Spring when they sent tons of random seed packets over without any reason.

It was mailed directly to our business, though we have never done business with any companies in China.


Well, that's creepy AF..
so it seems the character Nolesrule that made himself known on our thread on the MB got doxxed and this is him. I was on a thread with him and replied with his picture calling him a loser and i got a warning, I am still there so that if anything goes down that we are hoping I can hammer it to the idiots over there, but without further ado, this is the bad ass talking shit poster nolesrule

Looks like a pvssy to me.
Same here...think the deal is if you listed your handle in your donation it's done. If you said Anonymous in the donation (as i did) I saw earlier they were going to set up an email to assign Founder without privacy concerns.
So the brave patriots that used their real names instead of their screen names probably fit in the later group too I would guess.
We may need to start an ESSO Forum. I don’t know how many female posters we’ll get over here, but I’d imagine hey wouldn’t last long with the current content on first page.

fwiw - i love the NSFW material and I don’t puff peters. Thanks
SIAP. This video breaks things down really well for those who may not believe in Q. Think about everything Q has transmitted, and think about all the conspiracies the OG thread talked about. Take notice around the 4 minute mark and think about ALL the knowledge that man has. Do some digging on him. Talk about a True American Hero!
What a
for the guy with the white rabbit. What that isn. Chinese merchants mail out random stuff all the time.

it’s some type of money laundering scheme and raring boost scheme for online stores and stuff. Happens all the time. People get random nonsense in the mail from China. It’s a huge problem right now.
great way to spread a virus with a long shelf life as far as contagion
Couple notes:

Everyone that made a donation of any amount will get the Founder tag - we are just reworking our process on how we give those out to protect everyone's personal info.

Also, any cost structure that has been discussed will be entirely donation based and if you want access to the premium forum without donating we will give it to you provided that you follow the rules of the forum
What’s that email address?

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