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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Finer Things Club President
Dec 9, 2020
I don't believe in new revelation. After all, if we have the revelation of God, which we do, why would we need more? I do believe that the Holy Spirit moves in people to REINFORCE the revelation God has already provided, but not to reveal new revelation that is absent from the scriptures.

We don't have Prophets for new revelation just like we don't have Apostles. Other roles continued, but those two had a definitive end according to scripture. Luke 16:16 is the foundation for this truth.

“The Law and the Prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and everyone forces his way into it.

Clement is adding "new" revelation and I think that leads to a more likelihood of demonic possession than anything else.

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”

Rev 22:18-19

Praise be to God, our Lord. His word is pure authority and truth. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.


Finer Things Club President
Dec 9, 2020
Yet miracles still occur, visions are also seen and witnessed. There are most certainly false prophets but God does talk to all of us or to atleast those with ears to listen. Maybe some more than others? Not sure myself and can see validity in question every so called prophet. Just not sure why they all have to be from the devil. Interesting discussion. SKOL!

Because the Word of God is resolute and final. There are no new revelations. There are no new prophecies of discovery. The work is done. The path is defined. The way of truth is lit. Miracles and visions have nothing to do with it, sir. The truth has been told. And the way is defined. All that is left is to have faith and accept His grace. It’s that easy...

We attempt to crucify Christ daily with our minds... He did what he did exactly one single time so that we wouldn’t have to do that. Yet we continue to do it... Protestants display an empty cross for a reason... He is alive. He is not dead. There is no more suffering for those that are covered by His blood

God made it easy. The enemy tries to blur that. The enemy will not win...

Fuck Satan.


Jan 8, 2021
Checking in briefly from this ridiculously busy week.

Oakwood Baccalaureate. Public school. Every year there is pressure from a few to end this tradition. Every year it's a solid nope.

It's a beautiful tradition, even this year which was a little different, but still really beautiful.

*I might actually like this better. I'm not sweating like the first pig who suddenly sprouted sweat glands 🤣

97 years and counting. (This night is when I cry. 3 down, one to go)

And yep... girls still wear white, boys wear navy. ❤

View attachment 23086
what is the part that people want to end, the different colors that the boys and girls wear?

Congrats on getting another one graduated.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021
Great move! Hope more states follow

The fines are too low. They also need to be equal whether one is a politician or normal Joe.

If I sue a company I can claim jurisdiction in Texas and sue here if they operate here but are domiciled in another state. Same should be for anyone whose internet reach comes into Texas as well. Of course, there are likely all sorts of clauses in Big Tech's terms of service mandating arbitration and/or suing under California law.

All my contracts say Texas Law governs.


Jan 8, 2021
Checking in briefly from this ridiculously busy week.

Oakwood Baccalaureate. Public school. Every year there is pressure from a few to end this tradition. Every year it's a solid nope.

It's a beautiful tradition, even this year which was a little different, but still really beautiful.

*I might actually like this better. I'm not sweating like the first pig who suddenly sprouted sweat glands 🤣

97 years and counting. (This night is when I cry. 3 down, one to go)

And yep... girls still wear white, boys wear navy. ❤

View attachment 23086

People need to understand that if they ever give in to the activists who want to do away with traditions they will likely never get them back. Will they replace the statues and other history destroyed by the activists over the last 18 months? Doubtful.


Dec 2, 2020
This was posted by someone a little while back, but I just got around to listening to it. Excellent hour discussion about the shooting of Ashli Babbitt, with a reporter who was there with her when she was shot.

Also they get into the fucked up harrassment the reporters there that day are getting from the feds. Apparently many have quit reporting because of it. Anyway, reposting because it is worth a repost.



Jan 9, 2021

There is definitely a push for advocacy for the TG folks.

Criticism is being met with the backlash you would expect, but this goes against the foundations of medicine where we are instructed to be critical and skeptical of everything. This is a public safety measure that makes sure we aren't doing anything that causes more harm than good.

In that regard, I don't expect much traction from this push for advocacy.

Furthermore, many physicians feel that blocking the hormones that are naturally produced by someone opposes the natural order of things. As a physician you come to appreciate the natural order and gain a lot of respect for people like Darwin as well as Osler and other founders of Medicine. The counter argument to this is of course that we block hormones in various situations like using dopamine for prolactinomas, but at this point you are comparing transgenderism to a cancer, and I am not sure that's a road they want to go down.


Dec 24, 2020
The fines are too low. They also need to be equal whether one is a politician or normal Joe.

If I sue a company I can claim jurisdiction in Texas and sue here if they operate here but are domiciled in another state. Same should be for anyone whose internet reach comes into Texas as well. Of course, there are likely all sorts of clauses in Big Tech's terms of service mandating arbitration and/or suing under California law.

All my contracts say Texas Law governs.
Open the door for exemplaries and the situation will correct itself quickly.


Dec 9, 2020
A couple thoughts - I certainly agree that the canon of Scripture is closed. However, I don't think the intent of Luke 16:16 is to state that prophecy is concluded. Paul wrote prophecy in his epistles. An example of that would be in his letters to the Thessalonians, where he prophesies the coming of the Man of Sin in 2 Thess 2.

John the Apostle, writing decades after Jesus's ascension, wrote the most famous book of prophecy, Revelation.

I think Luke 16:16 might refer specifically to the body of Scripture that was intended to prepare the Jews for Jesus's first coming. I might be wrong about that, but prophecy certainly came after Jesus uttered those words.

Also, Peter was very explicit in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost when he told the crowd of amazed onlookers that what they were hearing was the fulfillment of the ancient prophesy of Joel:

"And in the last days it shall be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy."

Paul, John and Peter clearly demonstrate that prophecy did not end with Luke 16:16. We must take Jesus at His word with that verse, but we must make sure that we take Him at His meaning. One of the key principles of Scriptural interpretation is that if your interpretation of a passage contradicts another passage, you ought to re-examine your interpretation. We may be mistaken, even with our best and most honest efforts at interpretation, but God never errs.

Now, has prophecy continued past the days of the Apostles? Paul lists prophecy as a gift of the Spirit in common with many other gifts in Romans 12.

"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching..."

He does not limit any of these gifts in their assignment, and the overwhelming vast majority of his 1st century readership would have been non-Apostles. Paul instructed the people with the gift of prophecy in Rome to use that gift.

Nowhere in Scripture does there appear to be a hard and fast end to any gift of the Spirit. Readers have surmised that these gifts have ceased, but that is opinion (which may be right or wrong), rather than fact.

How ought we judge a prophet? If someone claims to be a prophet, our first responsibility is skepticism. I John 4 says that we ought to test every spirit to avoid believing false prophecy. Deuteronomy 18 is also explicit - a prophet who presumes to speak in the Lord must see everything he says come to pass; otherwise, the penalty for false prophecy is death.

In summary, Scripture says prophecy is a gift and that it ought to be exercised; however, that exercise should be done with tremendous caution, because making God out to be a liar carries the penalty of death.
The gift of prophecy is what we would call the gift of preaching today.


Dec 9, 2020
I certainly don't want to argue, but we've seen prophecy clearly defined in the Old Testament and the New Testament. I've provided examples above. Where do you see the Bible redefining that gift for the Church Age?
I'll send more info later, but even in the Old Testament the primary function of the prophet was forth-telling (preaching) and rarely fore-telling.


Dec 1, 2020
Page is Gone - What Did It Say?
Well THAT’S interesting, isn’t it??? It was an article about the fact the ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal is still being held in the intermediary lake. Many theories it was transporting people/slaves in some of the containers specially fabricated to house people for long periods of time in smuggling operations. Other theories are weapons smuggling. Other reports of Navy Seal raids of the ship. Other theories it got stuck because good guys took over the controls and incapacitated it.

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