Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad. (reference to old friend Meatloaf).

FBI has already said jail time for those who fake a CDC vacs card. The gov't already has permission to seize asset. It's part of the banking laws.

Flogging and keel hauling are next up. Maybe Stocks On The Public Square since OBiden is rapidly leading us back to pre-1776 days so the US and our Constitution (1789) are eliminated.
How is a vaccine card breaking a law? Drivers license I get but is there a law specific to vaccination card? Faking a ballot should be punishable by hanging from the tree of freedom. How is a vac card time to banking laws?

That. Is. Sold. Gold!!!!!
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Right on!
Yeah no doubt. I spread my anti-vax cards I made around this morning, put them in every mailbox in the neighborhood. Lots of sad people called me out on the neighborhood Facebook page. One said that tampering with a mailbox is a federal offense. Some people just can’t take a troll / truth Bomb.

Report: Israel Exaggerated Invasion to Lure Hamas Fighters into Tunnels, then Bombed Them​

Now THIS is how you social media!
The golden age of late night television.
Don’t you love science? It’s amazing how fast these mask mandates have fizzled when you have massive inflation, a horrible job report, massive unemployment due to excessive unemployment benefits, ruptured supply chains, a gas shortage, a manufactured race war and an actual war in the Middle East. Trust the science.
Sorry guys and gals I am 6 pages behind but have a citizen journalism post.

Wife is doing all she can, in the position she in to question things without rocking the boat. Someone is posting about the "info leaflet" being blank. Today she emailed a pharmacist asking for a copy of the "in box" info leaflet.

The pharmacist emailed back with a pic of a blank document, folded into ~800 pieces. I am not allowed to post the pic, but

Edit: just got permission.

Sorry guys and gals I am 6 pages behind but have a citizen journalism post.

Wife is doing all she can, in the position she in to question things without rocking the boat. Someone is posting about the "info leaflet" being blank. Today she emailed a pharmacist asking for a copy of the "in box" info leaflet.

The pharmacist emailed back with a pic of a blank document, folded into ~800 pieces. I am not allowed to post the pic, but

Edit: just got permission.

View attachment 21203

This is the agreement inside a vaccine shot. The pharmacist is a rivals 10 behind The Duke.

Was at the Oakwood Club for dinner tonight. (As I usually am... it's a great spot).

Donned the mask to walk in. Took it off at the bar and never put it back on. Nobody gave a shit. We're way past over this.

Similarly, Pine Club @316what , once they reopened for in house dining... there hasn't even been a cursory attempt at social distancing or reduced capacity. And again, nobody gives a shit. Quite the opposite. Good luck getting a table.

Bars were packed all year on Brown St. (University of Dayton) And somehow, we're not so dead. It's a frigging miracle.

Oh and the leprechaun celebration didn't kill everybody, either. Nobody was disciplined.

Dayton loves St. Patrick's Day. It's known. Deweenie's nephew is a Flyer (just graduated last weekend). Hence the ridiculous scrutiny on Dayton.

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Was at the Oakwood Club for dinner tonight. (As I usually am... it's a great spot).

Donned the mask to walk in. Took it off at the bar and never put it back on. Nobody gave a shit. We're way past over this.

Similarly, Pine Club @316what , once they reopened for in house dining... there hasn't even been a cursory attempt at social distancing or reduced capacity. And again, nobody gives a shit. Quite the opposite. Good luck getting a table.
Similar experiences here.

Getting thank you from folks for not wearing the mask in places before the official drop today.

After today I'm sure most places will want to quickly return to no masks.
Similar experiences here.

Getting thank you from folks for not wearing the mask in places before the official drop today.

After today I'm sure most places will want to quickly return to no masks.
I've been in 4 local businesses in the past couple of days. None of them will opt to keep the mask bs going. The opposite. The owner of one place told me that at 12:01 am June 2... she, and anybody who wants to join in, is throwing her mask into the bonfire she will be lighting for that purpose.

And then we're all going to get tanked.
I've been in 4 local businesses in the past couple of days. None of them will opt to keep the mask bs going. The opposite. The owner of one place told me that at 12:01 am June 2... she, and anybody who wants to join in, is throwing her mask into the bonfire she will be lighting for that purpose.

And then we're all going to get tanked.
Most places recognize how dangerous it is to have masked people running around (especially anywhere that handles cash).

Some local pharmacies and stuff might be the exception but I'd doubt it.
So WTF is going to be done about it? That’s the problem. These fucks hacked an entire election in the most powerful country in history. And so far they are Scot fuckin free. They have control of the country, FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. When the fuck are the American people going to see some justice? That senile fuck didn’t even get 65M votes. But here we are. I’m mad, real mad.
So WTF is going to be done about it? That’s the problem. These fucks hacked an entire election in the most powerful country in history. And so far they are Scot fuckin free. They have control of the country, FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. When the fuck are the American people going to see some justice? That senile fuck didn’t even get 65M votes. But here we are. I’m mad, real mad.
Welcome to my world. 🤬

I'm not mad. I'm not pissed.

I'm flat out, full on angry.... quickly edging to enraged.
Methinks we have been all over this for, meh, a year or so.

Also, I love that the experts* are finally catching up with the rest of us with a smidge of common sense.


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