Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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That’s the first thing I thought. Biden’s first 100 days have been a combination of incompetence and liquid feces wrapped up in Jen Psaki’s moist granny panties. It is so bad they had to try something to raise the morale. Where is the science for the sudden shift in mask/vaccine policy? We were all dead a week ago.
Gave you a like even though "Psaki's moist granny panties" kinda freaked me out.
Dude, do not believe in blocking anyone so never will - you have some good takes at times and add some sobriety to some of our elixir. Needed at times.

That was a lame response and you are dead wrong on this one. All said, I didn't understand that post earlier either in here about so many Jews on Biden's cabinet - but just whizzed past it like we all do at times on stuff that is not really helpful. Biden's cabinet and administration are criminal regardless of their individual religions, IMO.

I was a fairly ardent Q -follower and have a pretty good memory. There was never any anti - Israel content whatever in Q posts.

Closest he (they) ever came up with was something like, "Saving Israel for last" - maybe once. With no context.

Carry on.
I like the block function quite a bit tbh.
The recipient of my very first ignore function, on here and rivals. Such a wet blanket.
It's a great function.
Oh don't get me started.

The only reason Deweenie caved is because the legislature.... his own party....overrode his veto of the bill taking his authority over public health mandates to give it back to the legislature. He was going to be publicly slapped down.

Ohio is deep red these days. The leg was going to give it to deep state Dewine hard.

If I Was Unlucky Enough to Have Him as a Governor I'd Be Pissed He's Giving My Tax Dollars Away

Highly Doubt It is Legal
It's funny because it is your tax dollars.

He is giving away federal aid money to make that happen even though Ohio has a massive rainy day fund and one of the most vibrant economies in the world (tho obviously not Texas).
Terrorists love Bitcoin.
What do you think his rockets’ carbon footprint look like? At least the Shuttles were non-emitting gliders from roe-entry to landing. His rockets spew on the way up and the way down. Hypocrite.

He didn't say he wouldn't pay his own tax.

Elon knows how to play the game, as proven by his other Bitcoin moves, but as long as he is getting results then he won't be anywhere near the top of the list IYAM.
Here is Why the Asshole is Behind It

Shocking that most people don't understand how this game works.

Manipulation and extortion is always the name of the game.

The electric vehicles, Bitcoin, pipelines, ect. It's all Jedi mind tricks.
Need some domestic manufacturing to real this back in along with increasing wages for laborers to justify the amount of money in circulation.

I posted in another thread that steel workers here at Republic Steel and Timken make 23$/hr. That's disgustingly low: 23x40x52= 47k

Home builders around here are lucky to make close to that. Electricians are about the only exception. Even plumbers and welders are only around 18-20$/hr. It's sickening.

Listen to this man people. Then ask yourself why would anyone listen to this man? I ain't gettin' vaxxedanytime soon. Thanks for the affirmation Glass Joe. SKOL!

I enjoyed watching this RINO weasel look like a 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

What kind of a party going forward?

NOT the party of Cheney, et al. The Obama power was (and is again) Rice and Jarrett. The power behind Bush was Cheney and Powell.

They're all the same. Warmonger for personal profit.

This woman lives to send our children to war while she snacks on bonbons and our children's blood spilled for whatever the most profitable conflict and invasion is at any given time. She's a blood thirsty, petty, greedy, lying bitch.

And she'll never be president. Hell, I'm not sure she's going to be sitting her ginormous ass in congress in 1.8 years.
What rule might this be and what are the consequences for not following said rule? Imprisonment, flogging, forfeiture of assets.
Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad. (reference to old friend Meatloaf).

FBI has already said jail time for those who fake a CDC vacs card. The gov't already has permission to seize asset. It's part of the banking laws.

Flogging and keel hauling are next up. Maybe Stocks On The Public Square since OBiden is rapidly leading us back to pre-1776 days so the US and our Constitution (1789) are eliminated.
My first day working as a Virologist in a well regarded Virus Lab, I was shown an electron micrograph of a similar photo. The point was, we didn't wear masks in the lab because they're worthless. We did wear face shields and gloves because the eyes were the most common avenue for virus entry. Gloves reminded you not to touch your eyes or face. All the masks did was transport any viruses to areas without viruses. We also had HazMat buckets in every room. We also worked with viruses infinitely more virulent than Wuhan.

Thank you for the photo.
Great read and pretty short...first sentence is fantastic:

President Biden's first 100 days haven't so much slouched toward Gomorrah as they have taunted the speed of light itself, with an orgy-riddled "hold my beer" sense of debauched destiny.

There’s more line items on a P&L than just variable labor. What does the material, freight, unemployment benefit and healthcare lines look like?
No doubt.

I'm just arguing for paying the laborers more and providing reasonable ways to eat up the excess currency in circulation to keep the inflation down (steady) for everyone.
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Texas Senate has 5 pro-2nd amendment Senators appointed to the conference committee for Constitutional Carry Bill. The thing to watch is May 31. All bills must be sent to the Governor for signing by then or they die.

House passed Bill to make it illegal in Texas for banking and other financial entities to discriminate against firearms and ammo industries. If they do, they can no longer do business with the State. Don't know if this prevents "Choke Points" Obama used to prohibit credit card companies from processing firearms purchases.
Texas Senate has 5 pro-2nd amendment Senators appointed to the conference committee for Constitutional Carry Bill. The thing to watch is May 31. All bills must be sent to the Governor for signing by then or they die.

House passed Bill to make it illegal in Texas for banking and other financial entities to discriminate against firearms and ammo industries. If they do, they can no longer do business with the State. Don't know if this prevents "Choke Points" Obama used to prohibit credit card companies from processing firearms purchases.

Next thing they need to do is not allow any business to do business in the state if they discriminate against anyone based on political beliefs.

they are already debanking and basically ostracizing conservatives from society. can't get a bank, loan, social media, job....

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