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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020
Any way to copy/paste the article, bro' ?

Should be able to access it here:



Jan 9, 2021
Who would react like that? Only guilty people.

Here are the questions I want answered.
-- If Democrats didn't rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona?
-- When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning?
-- How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden?
-- How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4?
-- How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand?
-- Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside?
-- There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can't we discuss these videotapes?
-- How come Twitter banned me for life over mentioning these videotapes?
-- How come the Arizona Senate's liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn't complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines?
-- How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?

These are all valid questions. Why do we get backlash for asking them and posting them on social media? What are Democrats hiding? What are they so afraid of?

In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into or even talking about this.

Democrats are guilty as sin.

- Wayne Allyn Root
Read that on telegram, exactly! This is exactly why I still have hope that this is all part of the plan, the best is yet to come


Dec 9, 2020
Dear Fellow TTime to add those brushguards you always wanted on the front but could never really justify without owning a ranch. Don’t want to dent that front bumper when you put the pedal to the floor.

insert a little “Let the bodies hit the floor” theme music.

It’s crazy to me seeing Chad Prather as some pseudo celebrity- I went to high school with him- played sports with him all through youth leagues and made fun of his ugly ass girlfriend in 10th grade lmao. Back then he didn’t have perfect teeth or really talk about anything except pussy and baseball. He’s a good guy though and I wish him nothing but success- it’s just one of those weird things in life- dude was the last guy I ever saw becoming somewhat famous.
Jan 10, 2021
Who said anything about replacing? Do you think if we have to take up arms, it will be to replace it? It will be to save it. The idiots that make up our government stomp on those rights every fucking day. They don’t care what our founding fathers put in place and haven’t for years. They will continue to shred the constitution until we stand up and say that’s it, no more, and we aren’t going to do do that through elections. They flat out stole the last election and if you think they won’t continue to do that if they feel that their power is in jeopardy, then you have a very rude awakening coming. Why the hell do you think they are trying to push through the agenda that they are? They will do anything to remain in power and the real question is, is there enough of us willing to stand up and stop it? It seems you are content with watching them erode away all of our constitutional rights and protections as long as you don’t have to physically fight to save them. That’s fucking horseshit. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of us, myself included, willing to lay it all on the line for you, even if you aren’t willing to lay it on the line for yourself.
If we were to take up arms right now it wouldn’t be to save it - the constitution - it would be to regain it.

Our government has been corrupted and compromised for a long time but now IMO, our government is captured now with the Biden Presidency.

I’ve always thought the military would be the only way - don’t have any idea on timelines because there’s so many other factors in play but the Department of Defense Law of War Manual does specifically state what needs to happen first before the military can constitutionally remove a corrupt, captured government (D.C.)

I can’t imagine if we’re not already at that point we’re damn close then. One particular thing I’ve thought about for a long time is if the patriots are going to kill the deep state, they need to kill their banking/financial system too. If you want to kill a corrupt government, remove their unlimited credit card 💳 (Federal Reserve) that pays for all their insane policies/bills. Now I’m not sure how that would happen but we won’t have our country back truly until the Central Banking system is destroyed. Maybe a new currency that is backed by gold, silver, other precious metals and crypto?

It’s just my opinion that we won’t have another Civil War. If Americans are fighting/killing other Americans, the Deep State would love for that to happen. Hypothetically, if a civil war would break out would China and the UN side with Democrats and RINO’s - would Russia too? Maybe Russia wouldn’t, who knows. Some countries may send soldiers while other countries send aid/supplies. But if a civil war happens it would make America very vulnerable on the world stage and foreign powers would get involved on both sides, just like the first Civil War.

While I’ve lost faith and trust in State/Federal government agencies I personally still trust Military Intelligence and the Military as a whole. And I don’t think the patriots in M.I. or the military would allow events to escalate to the point where we fall into so much chaos that a civil war erupts.

There are plenty of patriots in this country like the OP that would/could save/take back our country if needed - I just don’t think we’ll be needed. Our military will regain our country and constitution with as little casualties to Americans as possible - I really believe that.


Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020
If we were to take up arms right now it wouldn’t be to save it - the constitution - it would be to regain it.

Our government has been corrupted and compromised for a long time but now IMO, our government is captured now with the Biden Presidency.

I’ve always thought the military would be the only way - don’t have any idea on timelines because there’s so many other factors in play but the Department of Defense Law of War Manual does specifically state what needs to happen first before the military can constitutionally remove a corrupt, captured government (D.C.)

I can’t imagine if we’re not already at that point we’re damn close then. One particular thing I’ve thought about for a long time is if the patriots are going to kill the deep state, they need to kill their banking/financial system too. If you want to kill a corrupt government, remove their unlimited credit card 💳 (Federal Reserve) that pays for all their insane policies/bills. Now I’m not sure how that would happen but we won’t have our country back truly until the Central Banking system is destroyed. Maybe a new currency that is backed by gold, silver, other precious metals and crypto?

It’s just my opinion that we won’t have another Civil War. If Americans are fighting/killing other Americans, the Deep State would love for that to happen. Hypothetically, if a civil war would break out would China and the UN side with Democrats and RINO’s - would Russia too? Maybe Russia wouldn’t, who knows. Some countries may send soldiers while other countries send aid/supplies. But if a civil war happens it would make America very vulnerable on the world stage and foreign powers would get involved on both sides, just like the first Civil War.

While I’ve lost faith and trust in State/Federal government agencies I personally still trust Military Intelligence and the Military as a whole. And I don’t think the patriots in M.I. or the military would allow events to escalate to the point where we fall into so much chaos that a civil war erupts.

There are plenty of patriots in this country like the OP that would/could save/take back our country if needed - I just don’t think we’ll be needed. Our military will regain our country and constitution with as little casualties to Americans as possible - I really believe that.
I appreciate your reply and everything you said makes a ton of sense. Myself nor anyone I know is advocating for a war, we are just preparing ourselves in case it gets to that. I truly hope it never comes to that for the very reasons you mentioned.


Jan 19, 2021
My son got his third basketball scholarship offer the other day. It’s very exciting and makes us as parents proud. We took his first unofficial visit to that school and the mask and vaccine virtue signaling is disgusting. The AD told us most of the staff is already double vaccinated and that they can’t force students to get the vaccine but they are encouraging it.

this is from a section of the cafeteria...


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
My son got his third basketball scholarship offer the other day. It’s very exciting and makes us as parents proud. We took his first unofficial visit to that school and the mask and vaccine virtue signaling is disgusting. The AD told us most of the staff is already double vaccinated and that they can’t force students to get the vaccine but they are encouraging it.

this is from a section of the cafeteria...
View attachment 20274



Dec 10, 2020
My son got his third basketball scholarship offer the other day. It’s very exciting and makes us as parents proud. We took his first unofficial visit to that school and the mask and vaccine virtue signaling is disgusting. The AD told us most of the staff is already double vaccinated and that they can’t force students to get the vaccine but they are encouraging it.

this is from a section of the cafeteria...
View attachment 20274
Half the kids in that school will be passing a joint or a bong around later that afternoon. The virtue signaling is fucking comical.
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