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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
There is an IG page called Photographing War which I recommend (linked below) as they show what war looks like for those of us (myself included) who have never been. They show some incredibly awful and then historical parts. I appreciate seeing them because it reminds of what we have here and that it's still worth fighting for. Yesterday they posted this letter (spoilered) and it reinforced that point of having something worth fighting for, whether it be your country or your family (or both).

I also happened to stumble on the story of the man in the red bandana from 9/11 somehow which gets me every time. I love watching it because it shows that at any point in time, anyone of us can be a hero. A heroic act is not something you plan for, it happens at a moments notice and we are given a choice of how to act.

Dear Mum,

Usually when I write a letter it is very much overdue and I must make every effort to get it away quickly. This letter, however is different. It is a letter I hoped you would never receive, as it is just a verification of that terse, black-edged card which you received some time ago, and which caused you so much grief. It is because of that grief that I wrote this letter, and by the time you have finished reading it I hope that it has done some good, and that I have not written in vain.

It is very difficult to write now of future things in the past tense, so I am returning to the present.
Tomorrow we go into action. As yet I do not know exactly what our job will be, but no doubt it will be a dangerous one in which many lives will be lost – mine may be one of those lives.

Well Mum, I am not afraid to die. I like this life, yes for the past two years I have planned and dreamed and mapped out a perfect future for myself. I would have liked that future to materialise, but it is not what God wills, and if by sacrificing all this I leave the world slightly better than I found it I am perfectly willing to make that sacrifice. Don’t get me wrong though, Mum; I am no flag-waving patriot, nor have I ever professed to be. England’s a great little country, the best there is, but I cannot honestly and sincerely say “that it is worth fighting for”. Nor can I fancy myself in the role of a gallant crusader fighting for the liberation of Europe. It would be a nice thought, but I would only be kidding myself. No, Mum, my little world is centred around you, and includes Dad, everyone at home, and my friends at Wolverhampton, that is worth fighting for, and if by doing so it strengthens your security and improves your lot in any way, then it is worth dying for too. Now this is where I come to the point of this letter. As I have already stated, I am not afraid to die, and am perfectly willing to do so, if, by my doing so, you benefit in any way whatsoever. If you do not then my sacrifice is all in vain. Have you benefited, Mum, or have you cried and worried yourself sick? I fear it is the latter. Don’t you see, Mum, that it will do me no good, and that in addition you are undoing all the good work I have tried to do. Grief is hypocritical, useless and unfair, and neither you or me any good. I want no flowers, no epitaph, no tears. All I want is for you to remember me and feel proud of me; then I shall rest in peace, knowing that I have done a good job. Death is nothing final or lasting; if it were there would be no point in living; it is just a stage in everyone’s life. To some it comes early, to others late, but it must come to everyone some time, and surely there is no better way of dying.

Besides, I have probably crammed more enjoyment into my 21 years than some manage to do in 80. My only regret is that I have not done as much for you as I would like to do. I loved you Mum; you were the best mother in the world, and what I failed to do in life I am trying to make up in death, so please don’t let me down, Mum, don’t worry or fret, but smile, be proud and satisfied. I have never had much money, but what little I have is yours. Please don’t be silly or sentimental about it, and don’t try to spend it on me. Spend it on yourself or the kiddies, it will do some good that way. Remember that where I am I am quite O.K. and providing that I know you are not grieving over me I shall be perfectly happy.

Well, Mum, that is all, and I hope I have not written it all in vain.

Goodbye, and thanks for everything.

Your unworthy son,


He was killed in action by the Old Church in Oosterbeek on Friday 22nd September.


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 8, 2021
Big shock that this Globalist Deep State prick would have this stance that Central Banks should be in control of crypto

“I’m not a bitcoin supporter,” Dimon said during The Wall Street Journal CEO Council summit on Tuesday. “I don’t care about bitcoin. I have no interest in it.”

“On the other hand, clients are interested, and I don’t tell clients what to do,” he said.

“Blockchain is real. We use it,” according to Dimon. “But people have to remember that a currency is supported by the taxing authority of a country, the rule of law, a central bank.”



Jan 8, 2021
They are trying to force someone to “start” a war.

Honestly, between this and the list of demands they’re making, I would honestly consider making BLM a terrorist organization.

If it were a White Lives Matter doing the same things, it would have been now.


Jan 8, 2021

@Jayhox Sporting Self-Portraits
IMO the confederate flag doesn’t belong in that pic. Of course, that’s why the liberal rag did it...


Jan 8, 2021
“On the other hand, clients are interested, and I don’t tell clients what to do,” he said.
Bullshit! He has shut down drive-in lanes for personal transactions and forced people come inside (which they wouldn't allow because of Wuhan), use their ATM machines or not be able to do drive-in banking. Several Chase branches have done this all over Dallas in essence telling clients (customers) which way they have to do business.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
Not sure the root cause, but my pool guy can’t get any from his distributors. I checked online, local big box stores, etc. No dice. I got 50 lbs right at the end of last season (actually took about 12 weeks to get it delivered). It showed up right as we were closing up - so I am flush for a spell. My pool guy is heading out soon. I will pick his brain to see what he has heard.
Looks like it's time to invest in a salt cell. Wouldn't assume there will be a salt shortage, but I guess you never know


Jan 8, 2021
Looks like it's time to invest in a salt cell. Wouldn't assume there will be a salt shortage, but I guess you never know
Probably all sorts of Wuhan rules to follow deep in the mines just like at meat packing plants or other industries being forced to operate on reduced staffs because of Wuhan paranoia.

Brother remodeled his kitchen and had to order and wait 4 weeks for appliances. The retailer only had demo models on the floor and no new appliances in stock. All due to 6-foot rule on the assembly lines plus the lock down due to not being essential.

They are repaving a road in my town. been over a year to go 1 mile and only 1/2 way done. The reason? Concrete shortage and price increase. Obama shutting down concrete manufacturers didn't help.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
Oh Same Buddy Is Taking Me to Sit Ringside for the Canelo Fight This Saturday at ATT Stadium in Dallas

He's Over the Commission Here in Texas - I'll Be Sitting Ringside Literally - Luckily Last Week I Just Got That Zoom Bleaching on My Teeth 😁

What Should I Take To Rep LAC As It Is Almost Guaranteed I'll Be Seen On TV

It Can't Be Embarrassingly Huge Sign or Anything - He's My Mentor and I Have to Be Respectful

Since I'm On "The VIP List" He's Making Me Wear a Jacket, To Pay Homage to @entergo2 I'll Be Wearing One of the Kiton Blazers I Bought - So That Rules Out the TMB LAC Shirt

Open to Suggestions

Hoping for Asian or Latina Ring Girls That Like Patriots in Kiton Jackets :cool:
I'm assuming you'll be going with a pink shirt or jacket, right?

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Big shock that this Globalist Deep State prick would have this stance that Central Banks should be in control of crypto

“I’m not a bitcoin supporter,” Dimon said during The Wall Street Journal CEO Council summit on Tuesday. “I don’t care about bitcoin. I have no interest in it.”

“On the other hand, clients are interested, and I don’t tell clients what to do,” he said.

“Blockchain is real. We use it,” according to Dimon. “But people have to remember that a currency is supported by the taxing authority of a country, the rule of law, a central bank.”

Just like anything else they say one thing and mean the opposite.

They're making tons of money off the crypto push, the dev of new cryptos, ect.

Just like we always talk about in here money in motion gives them opportunities for extortion and there is TONS of capital wrapped up in crypto at this point.

It's the Patriot Act Jedi mind tricks shit all over again sadly. The more capital that's involved the more cover they have to issue regs.

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