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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I’m not real sure what your angle is in this thread, but it seems more and more that you are a leftist moron. Last night and today you have tried and tried to use the constitution as a reason why we should just lay down and “vote our way out of this shit we are in” because that’s what the constitution says we are supposed to do, and every time someone says anything, weather directly to you or at someone else, showing how the left has destroyed the constitution, you damn sure are quick to try and cover that up. One of these days you might finally grow up and realize the very thing you keep throwing at us has been eroded over the last 100 or so years to the point that it is almost a worthless document.
Defending the constitution doesn’t mean running your fucking mouth, and trying to tell everyone who disagrees with you why they are wrong. It means taking up arms and kicking anyone who tries to destroy its ass. Every man in my family has at one time taken the oath to defend the constitution, some us at the present time, as military or police officers or both, and every one of us is ashamed of what is happening in this country right now.
You might be alright with the swamp stomping on your constitutional rights, but I damn sure am not. I will not let my daughter grow up in a country that resembles Venezuela or any other fucking socialist cesspool of a nation.
You threw articles 1 and 2 at me last night and I’d like you to tell how those 2 article will protect my family and change this country when they blatantly steal elections and we can’t depend on our courts to overturn said stolen elections. Are you naive enough the think since we all know they did that they will magically not do it again. Venezuela says hi.
My angle is Law & Order, America 1st, and honoring our "beautiful" Constitution just like Trump has repeatedly said. If that makes me a leftist moron then so be it I guess 🤷‍♂️


Check out the size of this lad
Mar 20, 2021
Hey friends. Check out my post on Rivals.com / Epstein connection

It’s a True fucking story. Mind blown:


America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I'm being obtuse but why should I renounce my citizenship when I'm the one who values the ideals that America stands for and these globalist brazenly erode the hill my shining city stands on?
I'm certainly not saying you should renounce your citizenship just that you have to freedom to continue in the American experiment as it is or leave any time you want.


Dec 1, 2020
I'm certainly not saying you should renounce your citizenship just that you have to freedom to continue in the American experiment as it is or leave any time you want.

"If you don't like it leave it" strategy

Never thought I would be hearing that actually said to me considering the circumstances, but hey, I never thought we would be sliding quickly towards Socialism/Communism in America without a whimper either.

Let's clarify something. Where do YOU draw the line?

N. Pappagiorgio

Jan 10, 2021
I’m embarrassed I ever supported this guy. I was young and naive. He’s old and naive. Pathetic.

I was not young and told a friend at the time that I thought he would go down as one of the best presidents of all time. How do you think I feel?


Jan 8, 2021
@America 1st had to unblock you right quick to see what the commotion was lol

you getting your ass kicked just like the crypto thread hahaha you dumb fock

back on mute



Dec 1, 2020

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
"If you don't like it leave it" strategy

Never thought I would be hearing that actually said to me considering the circumstances, but hey, I never thought we would be sliding quickly towards Socialism/Communism in America without a whimper either.

Let's clarify something. Where do YOU draw the line?
Draw the line on what?

I'd have a lot of red lines that would cause me to take certain actions in return.

I'm not trying to be obtuse. If you give me a more specific circumstance or question I'd gladly answer honestly.

I was much more appalled with the direction of the country during Barry's years than now with America 1st. I just generally don't even believe we are moving to communism without a whimper either; America 1st seems like the first genuine American platform of my lifetime tbh.


Dec 1, 2020
. . . because prosecutors added new charges . . .



Jan 8, 2021
I was not young and told a friend at the time that I thought he would go down as one of the best presidents of all time. How do you think I feel?

like most of us. to be fair, he's just an idiot that the deep state was able to use. he was only president over the lego's he was playing with wherever they allowed him to play.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
@America 1st had to unblock you right quick to see what the commotion was lol

you getting your ass kicked just like the crypto thread hahaha you dumb fock

back on mute

I'll never throw in the towel on America.

If you aren't speaking out and Russelling some Jim jams from time to time you're not thinking freely.

I wear the mutes and name calling like a badge of honor just like Trump 🐸🇺🇸

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
If it comes to "revolt" then it's all lost already anyways.

Comparing the situation now to 1776 is just dudes trying to make themselves feel better about giving up. The same goes with calling the current situation "tyrannical".

You're never going to put something in place better than what The Founders provided us and what we live under currently. The Constitution and the few law abiding citizens left in government / military are the only thing keeping us from true tyranny.

Don't throw away all those hard fought gains, by fallen patriots, destroying the country & The Constitution those patriots died defending.
What needs to happen, is we need to take to the streets just like blm and antifa are doing. We need to be heard, the majority of us sit around with our thoughts and don’t do anything with them. The majority just don’t want conflict so they “abide”...I agree with you ThT things need to change in the local and state governments but we also need to mass organize and get out there and be more vocal, showing them we won’t back down!

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
What needs to happen, is we need to take to the streets just like blm and antifa are doing. We need to be heard, the majority of us sit around with our thoughts and don’t do anything with them. The majority just don’t want conflict so they “abide”...I agree with you ThT things need to change in the local and state governments but we also need to mass organize and get out there and be more vocal, showing them we won’t back down!
This, work strikes, and organize for a Constitutional Convention to get an amendment for term limits.

The working strike would be the one that would really hurt them.


Jan 8, 2021
What needs to happen, is we need to take to the streets just like blm and antifa are doing. We need to be heard, the majority of us sit around with our thoughts and don’t do anything with them. The majority just don’t want conflict so they “abide”...I agree with you ThT things need to change in the local and state governments but we also need to mass organize and get out there and be more vocal, showing them we won’t back down!
In my opinion a couple things will happen

I think America has been on the decline since the 80s. And at some point this empire just like all others will fall from within
We can watch it burn or
we can prolong that hopefully by doing what Trump was initially trying to do and actually draining the swamp and overcoming, getting rid of or beating the cheaters in a year and a half for starters

. Or if the above does not work there will be violence. Because at that point everybody will have something to lose. Right now the people with nothing to lose have the loudest voice. Hopefully it does not come to it but if necessary there could be lots of blood shed. It’s happened before and I’m sure it will happen again

political cheating has going on probably for 100 years if not more. I think we can overcome that. We can out cheat them if we can’t. I think the biggest problem in America today is the divisive, polarizing and evil media. Main stream and social. Something has got to be done there. So many sheep actually believe the news. And that is a huge problem

For me I know this is a fallen world and I try to put myself and my family in gods hands. And I will do anything and everything to protect them first and foremost and also the United States of America.

We may be past the point of return. I honestly think we will know that with much more clarity in about a year and a half. Again I pray to God this is not the end of America as we know it and I pray we can turn the tide during my lifetime for my children and so on. That’s what’s on my heart


Dec 1, 2020
My angle is Law & Order, America 1st, and honoring our "beautiful" Constitution just like Trump has repeatedly said. If that makes me a leftist moron then so be it I guess 🤷‍♂️
So tell me how law and order works when the law looks completely different depending on which side of the isle you reside on. How is it America first when our own government seems to be willing to sell us down the river to the highest bidder, whomever can put the most money in their pocket and ensure they get to stay in power. Our constitution was beautiful at one time but right now is a shredded, crumpled mess on the floor of the capital building. How do you intend to put it back together when the people we have elected to protect it and live by it are the very ones who have shredded and crumpled it. The very ones who trashed it in the 2020 election and didn’t bat an eye doing it. The government that allowed an election to be stolen. You talk a big game but can’t seem to back shit up. Tell us how you figure on saving it when our elections have been rigged and stolen in the past and will continue to be in the future. If you can’t see that the left will not allow any fair elections moving forward, then I don’t know what to say. If you are not willing to fight to protect and defend the constitution you like to talk so much about, then maybe you need to take a back seat and let the big boys do the work you seem to be afraid to do.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Thomas Sowell was right. We've gotten to the place where personal responsibility means nothing to some people. People calling their fellow countrymen cowards for desiring the rule of law while at the same time using threats of guns, violence, and calls for revolt to achieve their political desires.

Sad how much control the cabal has. Their ability to create division is at an all time high.

I'm sure the Nazis told themselves they were just protecting themselves from crazy Bolchevic Jews putting them in ovens as they rounded all the Jews up at gun point 🤷‍♂️
Brotha, you know I’m with ya most of the time, but if revolution is what’s going to take, then so be it. We are beyond the point of reconcile now. It’s lost, too far gone. We have to a) be louder than them, b) focus on local and state governments and c) prepare for all that to not do a got dam thing, in which case...we must break free. Our rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being threatened and being TAKEN every day! I’m with my man here...if it’s between me and my family being sent to camps or taking up arms, betcho arse I’m taking up arms.


Jan 19, 2021

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
So tell me how law and order works when the law looks completely different depending on which side of the isle you reside on. How is it America first when our own government seems to be willing to sell us down the river to the highest bidder, whomever can put the most money in their pocket and ensure they get to stay in power. Our constitution was beautiful at one time but right now is a shredded, crumpled mess on the floor of the capital building. How do you intend to put it back together when the people we have elected to protect it and live by it are the very ones who have shredded and crumpled it. The very ones who trashed it in the 2020 election and didn’t bat an eye doing it. The government that allowed an election to be stolen. You talk a big game but can’t seem to back shit up. Tell us how you figure on saving it when our elections have been rigged and stolen in the past and will continue to be in the future. If you can’t see that the left will not allow any fair elections moving forward, then I don’t know what to say. If you are not willing to fight to protect and defend the constitution you like to talk so much about, then maybe you need to take a back seat and let the big boys do the work you seem to be afraid to do.
America 1st movement is the first time, and likely last time, We The People have a chance to fix all the shit wrong.

You keep on this soap box about stolen elections as if every election besides Trump's installation via the military wasn't a stolen election. They're all dirty.

What isn't going to happen is some sorta one party rule because the cabal wants to extort America for all it's wealth and via a fake two party system. Trump broke that system which is why they're in their death throws and lashing out.

The "left" doesn't control the narrative or what happens; We The People do via the states. Nothing can stop what's coming as patriots continue to lock up the swing states that actually control our country's future.
Brotha, you know I’m with ya most of the time, but if revolution is what’s going to take, then so be it. We are beyond the point of reconcile now. It’s lost, too far gone. We have to a) be louder than them, b) focus on local and state governments and c) prepare for all that to not do a got dam thing, in which case...we must break free. Our rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being threatened and being TAKEN every day! I’m with my man here...if it’s between me and my family being sent to camps or taking up arms, betcho arse I’m taking up arms.
I think it's a difference in generations.

Older folk are convinced America is already D.O.A. while younger America 1sts like myself see this period as the first real progress since before WW1.

Time will tell (years & likely decades) but I'm proud to be a part of the 95% of "right leaning" individuals that believe that violence isn't acceptable to achieve political aims. It's pretty much what separates us from left these days who believe that violence is acceptable at over a 33% clip according to information shared pages ago ITT.

I hope the radical left is dumb enough to attempt a violent revolution because I'd LOVE to partake in ending it 🐸

The best is yet to come! 🇺🇸


Dec 1, 2020
Draw the line on what?

I'd have a lot of red lines that would cause me to take certain actions in return.

I'm not trying to be obtuse. If you give me a more specific circumstance or question I'd gladly answer honestly.

I was much more appalled with the direction of the country during Barry's years than now with America 1st. I just generally don't even believe we are moving to communism without a whimper either; America 1st seems like the first genuine American platform of my lifetime tbh.

Let's play a hypothetical.

Trump is arrested in the next few months. Do we still play nice?


Jan 8, 2021

GTFO my State if you wanna bring that bullshit here. We TRUE TEXAS and AMERICAN PATRIOTS will stand against this bullshit. God Bless those who took that stand and I hope it shows others around the greatest Country God gave man to stand your ground and show that WE THE PEOPLE truly have the power to make these changes and it starts at the local level and moves it's way up. I believe that if TEXAS is lost so goes the Country and that shit just can't happen on our watch.

Sorry for the rant....had a bit to drink tonight. Wait no I'm not . FUCK THOSE LIBERAL ASSHOLES IN DFW !!
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America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Colonel Klink and the Nazis from Antartica

Take your pick on what the Department of Justus can come up with, insurrection by being directly involved in the Q movement, Russian Collusion, expired liquor license, Jaywalking.
Considering he would get off for all that and pretty much anything else it wouldn't really bother me. Would actually be great red pill material and would still give him plenty of time for 2024.

If ATF or the Army started going door to door searching for and seizing guns I'd considered that a red line.

If I was instructed I had to quarter someone, especially illegal aliens, against my will in my home that would be another.

Those are two I've always had picked out in my head as hard passes.
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