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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021



Dec 1, 2020
Not sure what that has to with partaking in our country based on your own free will but I'd agree it's a sad state affairs what humans choose sometimes.


It seems my country and my constitution are being taken against my free will.

When the law is only applied to one side one might come to the conclusion that a revolution has already taken place and we were on the losing side of it.
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Jan 10, 2021
So I am guessing Governor Cuomo survived the allegations? Or is that still ongoing?
Our current race war is hogging the headlines.
This will have another “domino effect” like we’ve talked about ITT about the Arizona audit.

The Dems want him out for his me too accusations - primarily so people stop digging and questioning about his nursing home policies because Dems know it’s the nursing home scandal they want to avoid at all costs because once the Cuomo domino falls - hello Murphy, Wolf, Whitmer and Newsome.

They fight like hell to hold up, prop up - anything they can to keep that first domino from falling. These events will have chain reactions and Dems know it.

Some in here don’t think the good guys are winning - I see the Dems/RINO’s/deep state fighting for their lives - in some cases literally.


Jan 8, 2021
View attachment 19066
God bless America.
Something to lighten things up a little bit
Also we are in my opinion all on the same side. Some may see things a little differently but ultimately I believe we are all on the same side
And when I say we I am referring to posters in this thread
Agreed. Sometimes when the friendly fire starts all the posters in the pissing contest do is drink as much water as possible.


Dec 9, 2020
2A allows you to defend yourself and your property from tyranny not to impress your will on the government and all those around you simply because you believe your rights on eroding.

In your example you're suggest the cops shoot anyone they suspect might be committing a crime based on their feelings.

The way BLM doesn't doesn't have a right to loot, riot, and revolt because of their feelings about racism also applies to your feelings about corrupt government.

If you suggest you have the time and ability to take up arms then you certainly also have the capacity to call for a Constitutional Convention or a work strike (and to organize people those peaceful causes)

Let me get you thought process. You are literally comparing anarchists v Patriots, and then you add interpretation of our 2A like you were there.

2A allows Americans, humans, to protect against anything that impedes on their God given rights and the American constitution. So if the gov't is trying to take away our 2A, then i expect patriots to use 2A to IMPRESS OUR WILL on the govt, to protect out right. Id rather die free, than ruled by transgender commies. Thats just me tho.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021

It seems my country and my constitution is being taken against my free will.

When the law is only applied to one side one might come to the conclusion that a revolution has already taken place and we were on the losing side of it.
Yeah nobody forces anybody us to partake in the American experiment. We can all leave anytime we want.

It's unfortunate you feel so negative about the current situation. I hope some things happen to refill your cup so to speak.

The America 1st movement has restored my hope. I firmly believe the best is yet to come! 🇺🇸


Dec 1, 2020
Not sure what that has to with partaking in our country based on your own free will but I'd agree it's a sad state affairs what humans choose sometimes.
I’m not real sure what your angle is in this thread, but it seems more and more that you are a leftist moron. Last night and today you have tried and tried to use the constitution as a reason why we should just lay down and “vote our way out of this shit we are in” because that’s what the constitution says we are supposed to do, and every time someone says anything, weather directly to you or at someone else, showing how the left has destroyed the constitution, you damn sure are quick to try and cover that up. One of these days you might finally grow up and realize the very thing you keep throwing at us has been eroded over the last 100 or so years to the point that it is almost a worthless document.
Defending the constitution doesn’t mean running your fucking mouth, and trying to tell everyone who disagrees with you why they are wrong. It means taking up arms and kicking anyone who tries to destroy its ass. Every man in my family has at one time taken the oath to defend the constitution, some us at the present time, as military or police officers or both, and every one of us is ashamed of what is happening in this country right now.
You might be alright with the swamp stomping on your constitutional rights, but I damn sure am not. I will not let my daughter grow up in a country that resembles Venezuela or any other fucking socialist cesspool of a nation.
You threw articles 1 and 2 at me last night and I’d like you to tell how those 2 article will protect my family and change this country when they blatantly steal elections and we can’t depend on our courts to overturn said stolen elections. Are you naive enough the think since we all know they did that they will magically not do it again. Venezuela says hi.
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America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Let me get you thought process. You are literally comparing anarchists v Patriots, and then you add interpretation of our 2A like you were there.

2A allows Americans, humans, to protect against anything that impedes on their God given rights and the American constitution. So if the gov't is trying to take away our 2A, then i expect patriots to use 2A to IMPRESS OUR WILL on the govt, to protect out right. Id rather die free, than ruled by transgender commies. Thats just me tho.
I just ordered a new AR a couple days ago so you're still good.

I'd say the chances of them passing an amendment to revoke 2A is slim but I guess anything is possible 🤷‍♂️

If that happens I'll gladly eat crow.


Dec 9, 2020
I just ordered a new AR a couple days ago so you're still good.

I'd say the chances of them passing an amendment to revoke 2A is slim but I guess anything is possible 🤷‍♂️

If that happens I'll gladly eat crow.
When they first got away with banning any type of gun they began to revoke the 2nd ammendment.

Meanwhile we sleepwalk our way thru life.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
I just ordered a new AR a couple days ago so you're still good.

I'd say the chances of them passing an amendment to revoke 2A is slim but I guess anything is possible 🤷‍♂️

If that happens I'll gladly eat crow.
They don’t need to pass an amendment, Biden has crayons and a piece of paper.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
When they first got away with banning any type of gun they began to revoke the 2nd ammendment.

Meanwhile we sleepwalk our way thru life.
It's a complicated subject and I'd say District of Columbia v. Heller is a reasonable interpretation.

Case and point I certainly don't believe illegal aliens have a right to purchase any gun inside the United States even though in theory they have the God given right to self defense the same as anyone else.
Jan 10, 2021
Lin's picture should be listed in the slang dictionary next to ZFG.

Lmao 😂

That “crazy” guy just happens to be one of the best defamation lawyers in the country and he goes out publicly, pulls down his pants just so he can drag his nuts over these corrupt fvckers just to bait and tease them.


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