Man, I like about 99% of what you bring to the board, but this fight for change and elect someone else bullshit, is exactly that, bullshit. There is no way we are going to get enough people elected to make a difference. The swamp is not going to let it happen. Every government agency that we should be able to turn to for help is completely corrupted to the point that the only way to fix them is to scrap every damn one of them and start over. Anybody that tries to stand up the the swamp is going to be railroaded and investigated, destroyed, and arrested by said agencies. It’s being talked about them flying surveillance aircraft over the audit location in AZ and collecting data on everyone doing the audit. Do you think that is so they can send them thank you cards after they’re done? Do you not think the patriots in 1776 were not law abiding citizens? They were fighting for freedom from a tyrannical government similar to the one we are facing today. Our window of peacefully bringing change is closing, and closing fast. I don’t want this to be true, but it is, and the people who are standing around thinking that we can change this through elections need to pull their heads out of their asses and start preparing for the inevitable, or one day soon, they are going to be wondering what the fuck just happened and why weren’t they prepared. I for one am hoping that it doesn’t come to that, but I’m not sitting around and not preparing for it. You have to be willing to look at the facts that it might come to revolt to fix this or we might just lose this country that so many have lost their lives defending, and that would be a real hard pill to swallow.