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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
His first day?

Sure, it sounds great but flashback to Jan 20th 2017.

Merkle (Germany), Macron (France), May (UK) and probably The Queen herself would’ve done everything they could individually and collectively to see that Rothschild wasn’t touched. Top officials of the EU in Brussels would’ve done the same. At this time they still had control of the system - their system, like a syndicate.

In the US, we would’ve had to rely on agencies like the FBI and DOJ for investigations and prosecutions 😂

And navigate safely through the swamp of dirty, corrupt federal prosecutors and judges 🤣

The Supreme Court wouldn’t have been any help to Trump in early 2017.

I could go on and on, agency by agency on the Federal level, that would’ve sold out to protect Soros. Politicians, Dems and RINO’s, would’ve collectively protected Soros as would the MSM and Big Tech.

The OPTICS would’ve been absolutely horrible even though the actions of arrests would’ve been deserved. The TIMING wasn’t right.

We needed a “Great Awakening”, not just in the US but throughout the world. People waking up is what makes the deep state cabal nervous and unhappy. Fast forward to today and look at the power structure of Europe - May resigned disgracefully, Merkle has lost her power and authority and is on the way out, Macron would be beaten by Marine Le Pen in their next election if he isn’t ousted by a military coup first. The power brokers for the EU in Brussels are being revolted against for their stupidity and inability to roll out a COVID vaccine. But on the flip side, the nationalist populist movements are gaining strength almost everywhere, making liberals cry 😢 across Europe.

Here in the US over the last four years we’ve been given a front row seat to witness how federal, state and local governments are corrupted and they no longer are serving or protecting our constitution.

The Marxist agenda that was quietly thriving in early 2017 has been fully exposed and now has a spotlight being shown on it today for all to see.

The deep state cabal was winning and their power structure/money was intact on Trumps Inauguration Day 2017.

Fast forward to today and they are panicking, nervous and trying to fast track far left policies. Biden signing EO’s like 2nd grade elementary Valentine’s Day cards - They are being exposed more and more, day by day.

A reckoning is coming, and I’d be more comfortable with Soros/Rothschild being prosecuted/judged by military tribunals that federal courts where they would skate free. I think Trump and Military Intelligence know they have one shot to kill the cabal in its entirety and the most important aspect of that is the timing of when the hammer finally drops and the world changes. The precipice is near.
I wish I could like this 1000x.


Jan 8, 2021
His first day?

Sure, it sounds great but flashback to Jan 20th 2017.

Merkle (Germany), Macron (France), May (UK) and probably The Queen herself would’ve done everything they could individually and collectively to see that Rothschild wasn’t touched. Top officials of the EU in Brussels would’ve done the same. At this time they still had control of the system - their system, like a syndicate.

In the US, we would’ve had to rely on agencies like the FBI and DOJ for investigations and prosecutions 😂

And navigate safely through the swamp of dirty, corrupt federal prosecutors and judges 🤣

The Supreme Court wouldn’t have been any help to Trump in early 2017.

I could go on and on, agency by agency on the Federal level, that would’ve sold out to protect Soros. Politicians, Dems and RINO’s, would’ve collectively protected Soros as would the MSM and Big Tech.

The OPTICS would’ve been absolutely horrible even though the actions of arrests would’ve been deserved. The TIMING wasn’t right.

We needed a “Great Awakening”, not just in the US but throughout the world. People waking up is what makes the deep state cabal nervous and unhappy. Fast forward to today and look at the power structure of Europe - May resigned disgracefully, Merkle has lost her power and authority and is on the way out, Macron would be beaten by Marine Le Pen in their next election if he isn’t ousted by a military coup first. The power brokers for the EU in Brussels are being revolted against for their stupidity and inability to roll out a COVID vaccine. But on the flip side, the nationalist populist movements are gaining strength almost everywhere, making liberals cry 😢 across Europe.

Here in the US over the last four years we’ve been given a front row seat to witness how federal, state and local governments are corrupted and they no longer are serving or protecting our constitution.

The Marxist agenda that was quietly thriving in early 2017 has been fully exposed and now has a spotlight being shown on it today for all to see.

The deep state cabal was winning and their power structure/money was intact on Trumps Inauguration Day 2017.

Fast forward to today and they are panicking, nervous and trying to fast track far left policies. Biden signing EO’s like 2nd grade elementary Valentine’s Day cards - They are being exposed more and more, day by day.

A reckoning is coming, and I’d be more comfortable with Soros/Rothschild being prosecuted/judged by military tribunals that federal courts where they would skate free. I think Trump and Military Intelligence know they have one shot to kill the cabal in its entirety and the most important aspect of that is the timing of when the hammer finally drops and the world changes. The precipice is near.

I believe The Great Awakening is now.


Jan 8, 2021
I was in the GOAT this week…Tejas. Out last night for the NFL Draft. Bar had 30 full seats at the actual bar and another 200 ppl at tables and standing….no FKN masks. Twas glorious.

Now I’m on a flight and have been told twice to pull my mask over my nose. Got 3 Woodfords so I’m constantly drinking sans mask.

Viva La Resistance
You are correct Sir, We (TEXAS) are the GOAT !


Dec 1, 2020
Fight for change and elect someone else.

It's the only "recourse" law abiding citizens should be considering besides lawful tribunals or arrests from the CiC.
Man, I like about 99% of what you bring to the board, but this fight for change and elect someone else bullshit, is exactly that, bullshit. There is no way we are going to get enough people elected to make a difference. The swamp is not going to let it happen. Every government agency that we should be able to turn to for help is completely corrupted to the point that the only way to fix them is to scrap every damn one of them and start over. Anybody that tries to stand up the the swamp is going to be railroaded and investigated, destroyed, and arrested by said agencies. It’s being talked about them flying surveillance aircraft over the audit location in AZ and collecting data on everyone doing the audit. Do you think that is so they can send them thank you cards after they’re done? Do you not think the patriots in 1776 were not law abiding citizens? They were fighting for freedom from a tyrannical government similar to the one we are facing today. Our window of peacefully bringing change is closing, and closing fast. I don’t want this to be true, but it is, and the people who are standing around thinking that we can change this through elections need to pull their heads out of their asses and start preparing for the inevitable, or one day soon, they are going to be wondering what the fuck just happened and why weren’t they prepared. I for one am hoping that it doesn’t come to that, but I’m not sitting around and not preparing for it. You have to be willing to look at the facts that it might come to revolt to fix this or we might just lose this country that so many have lost their lives defending, and that would be a real hard pill to swallow.


Finer Things Club President
Dec 9, 2020
Man, I like about 99% of what you bring to the board, but this fight for change and elect someone else bullshit, is exactly that, bullshit. There is no way we are going to get enough people elected to make a difference. The swamp is not going to let it happen. Every government agency that we should be able to turn to for help is completely corrupted to the point that the only way to fix them is to scrap every damn one of them and start over. Anybody that tries to stand up the the swamp is going to be railroaded and investigated, destroyed, and arrested by said agencies. It’s being talked about them flying surveillance aircraft over the audit location in AZ and collecting data on everyone doing the audit. Do you think that is so they can send them thank you cards after they’re done? Do you not think the patriots in 1776 were not law abiding citizens? They were fighting for freedom from a tyrannical government similar to the one we are facing today. Our window of peacefully bringing change is closing, and closing fast. I don’t want this to be true, but it is, and the people who are standing around thinking that we can change this through elections need to pull their heads out of their asses and start preparing for the inevitable, or one day soon, they are going to be wondering what the fuck just happened and why weren’t they prepared. I for one am hoping that it doesn’t come to that, but I’m not sitting around and not preparing for it. You have to be willing to look at the facts that it might come to revolt to fix this or we might just lose this country that so many have lost their lives defending, and that would be a real hard pill to swallow.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Man, I like about 99% of what you bring to the board, but this fight for change and elect someone else bullshit, is exactly that, bullshit. There is no way we are going to get enough people elected to make a difference. The swamp is not going to let it happen. Every government agency that we should be able to turn to for help is completely corrupted to the point that the only way to fix them is to scrap every damn one of them and start over. Anybody that tries to stand up the the swamp is going to be railroaded and investigated, destroyed, and arrested by said agencies. It’s being talked about them flying surveillance aircraft over the audit location in AZ and collecting data on everyone doing the audit. Do you think that is so they can send them thank you cards after they’re done? Do you not think the patriots in 1776 were not law abiding citizens? They were fighting for freedom from a tyrannical government similar to the one we are facing today. Our window of peacefully bringing change is closing, and closing fast. I don’t want this to be true, but it is, and the people who are standing around thinking that we can change this through elections need to pull their heads out of their asses and start preparing for the inevitable, or one day soon, they are going to be wondering what the fuck just happened and why weren’t they prepared. I for one am hoping that it doesn’t come to that, but I’m not sitting around and not preparing for it. You have to be willing to look at the facts that it might come to revolt to fix this or we might just lose this country that so many have lost their lives defending, and that would be a real hard pill to swallow.
If it comes to "revolt" then it's all lost already anyways.

Comparing the situation now to 1776 is just dudes trying to make themselves feel better about giving up. The same goes with calling the current situation "tyrannical".

You're never going to put something in place better than what The Founders provided us and what we live under currently. The Constitution and the few law abiding citizens left in government / military are the only thing keeping us from true tyranny.

Don't throw away all those hard fought gains, by fallen patriots, destroying the country & The Constitution those patriots died defending.
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America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


Dec 1, 2020
If it comes to "revolt" then it's all lost already anyways.

Comparing the situation now to 1776 it's just dudes trying to make themselves feel better about giving up. The same goes with calling the current situation "tyrannical".

You're never going to put something in place better than what The Founders provided us and what we live under currently. The Constitution and the few law abiding citizens left in government / military are the only thing keeping us from true tyranny.

Don't throw away all those hard fought gains, by fallen patriots, destroying the country The Constitution those patriots died defending.
Who said anything about replacing? Do you think if we have to take up arms, it will be to replace it? It will be to save it. The idiots that make up our government stomp on those rights every fucking day. They don’t care what our founding fathers put in place and haven’t for years. They will continue to shred the constitution until we stand up and say that’s it, no more, and we aren’t going to do do that through elections. They flat out stole the last election and if you think they won’t continue to do that if they feel that their power is in jeopardy, then you have a very rude awakening coming. Why the hell do you think they are trying to push through the agenda that they are? They will do anything to remain in power and the real question is, is there enough of us willing to stand up and stop it? It seems you are content with watching them erode away all of our constitutional rights and protections as long as you don’t have to physically fight to save them. That’s fucking horseshit. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of us, myself included, willing to lay it all on the line for you, even if you aren’t willing to lay it on the line for yourself.


Jan 8, 2021
Man, I like about 99% of what you bring to the board, but this fight for change and elect someone else bullshit, is exactly that, bullshit. There is no way we are going to get enough people elected to make a difference. The swamp is not going to let it happen. Every government agency that we should be able to turn to for help is completely corrupted to the point that the only way to fix them is to scrap every damn one of them and start over. Anybody that tries to stand up the the swamp is going to be railroaded and investigated, destroyed, and arrested by said agencies. It’s being talked about them flying surveillance aircraft over the audit location in AZ and collecting data on everyone doing the audit. Do you think that is so they can send them thank you cards after they’re done? Do you not think the patriots in 1776 were not law abiding citizens? They were fighting for freedom from a tyrannical government similar to the one we are facing today. Our window of peacefully bringing change is closing, and closing fast. I don’t want this to be true, but it is, and the people who are standing around thinking that we can change this through elections need to pull their heads out of their asses and start preparing for the inevitable, or one day soon, they are going to be wondering what the fuck just happened and why weren’t they prepared. I for one am hoping that it doesn’t come to that, but I’m not sitting around and not preparing for it. You have to be willing to look at the facts that it might come to revolt to fix this or we might just lose this country that so many have lost their lives defending, and that would be a real hard pill to swallow.
You speak for the vast, vast majority of us imo

The minority sentiment of "elections" is very grifty at worst and weak/delusional at best


Jan 8, 2021
If it comes to "revolt" then it's all lost already anyways.

Comparing the situation now to 1776 is just dudes trying to make themselves feel better about giving up. The same goes with calling the current situation "tyrannical".

You're never going to put something in place better than what The Founders provided us and what we live under currently. The Constitution and the few law abiding citizens left in government / military are the only thing keeping us from true tyranny.

Don't throw away all those hard fought gains, by fallen patriots, destroying the country & The Constitution those patriots died defending.
A piece of paper torn to shreds and dishonored is not an asset. The "few law abiding citizens........." who exactly is that?

Do you know the politics of the people who run the military? It's not great

America as it was intended to be is dead or never truly was. It isn't about saving or defending it's about building and creating

Also, presuming there are a "few." A "few" isn't something to rely upon in a republic....


Jan 8, 2021
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Who said anything about replacing? Do you think if we have to take up arms, it will be to replace it? It will be to save it. The idiots that make up our government stomp on those rights every fucking day. They don’t care what our founding fathers put in place and haven’t for years. They will continue to shred the constitution until we stand up and say that’s it, no more, and we aren’t going to do do that through elections. They flat out stole the last election and if you think they won’t continue to do that if they feel that their power is in jeopardy, then you have a very rude awakening coming. Why the hell do you think they are trying to push through the agenda that they are? They will do anything to remain in power and the real question is, is there enough of us willing to stand up and stop it? It seems you are content with watching them erode away all of our constitutional rights and protections as long as you don’t have to physically fight to save them. That’s fucking horseshit. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of us, myself included, willing to lay it all on the line for you, even if you aren’t willing to lay it on the line for yourself.
You don't get to take up arms to destroy multiple sections of The Constitution (at least articles 1&2) and call it "saving" The Constitution.

If your doing what you're describing then you're the one eroding my rights and freedoms.

Elections have always been dirty just like the corrupt politicians with their shit agendas but none of that is worse than domestic enemies wrapping themselves in the flag of a country whose founding documents they are destroying.

You don't get to pick and choose the parts of The Constitution you like and replace the the parts you don't.

I can't think of anything the cabal would love more than to see revolt in America.

Call a Constitutional Convention or form a national strike if you believe enough people feel like you do (I'd be right there with ya). Should be easy to gather enough folks if things are as bad as you believe they are. You have tools given to you by The Founders, under The Constitution, that you're not even attempting to use.


Jan 7, 2021
I love you as a poster on this site Jayhox, and i would truly like to catch up with you in KC sometime. In fairness, and i trust you to be honest, would you have wanted your school to jump to the SEC if they had the chance? I am glad we did, we have had some success since jumping to the SEC, and believe with Coach Drink we will get there again soon. Basketball has been a nightmare for a few years, and Coach Martin has had some success in hoops, which was amazing after the horrible 3 years we had with Coach Anderson.

I am glad we renew our hoops rivalry this year, even if we get killed in Allen Field House for the first game. Hopefully we can get on the gridiron together again soon as well.

Have a great Sunday evening.

Thank you for giving Brian Odom a slot on the coaching staff while he developed. He is a native Okie that is currently back at OU tearing it up.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I really hate to be that guy, but the Constitution wasn't written in 1776 was it?

We need a daily history lesson on the Founding Fathers and the creation of this beautiful country.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Thank you for giving Brian Odom a slot on the coaching staff while he developed. He is a native Okie that is currently back at OU tearing it up.

I really hate to be that guy, but the Constitution wasn't written in 1776 was it?

We need a daily history lesson on the Founding Fathers and the creation of this beautiful country.
The first part of his post just means "Always Vigilant, Strong, Prepared, and Faithful" (Pro Deo et Libertate) 1776.

It is the call of the patriots including those who fought in the Revolution.

The Constitution was signed Sept. 17th of 1789 after The Articles of Confederation were determined (by The Founders) to have left the federal government too weak.


Jan 7, 2021
The first part of his post just means "Always Vigilant, Strong, Prepared, and Faithful" (Pro Deo et Libertate) 1776.

It is the call of the patriots including those who fought in the Revolution.

The Constitution was signed Sept. 17th of 1789 after The Articles of Confederation were determined (by The Founders) to have left the federal government too weak.

Why aren't we quoting the legislation signed in 1776?


Dec 10, 2020
Damn @Jayhox most of us, want to see some goddamn movement not more if this we have to show them bullshit. If “we had it all” it would’ve been made public. He would not have left the WH if “we had it all.” The military is not in control. Unfortunately, whoever controls Biden is in control.

I was there with until the end. The end was 1/20/21. Now, can we clean these dirty elections up and get Trump back in in 2024, of course we can. The swamp is too deep and wide and encompasses both parties. Those parties work together in their common interest — power and money.

I held the line, but it’s time to get back to reality. The election was stolen. They stole it from we the people. It’s we the people that have to hold out elected officials accountable and vote their asses out if need be.

Let’s also be real about another issue. The only laptop we have seen is Hunter Biden’s. Because he is a stupid fucking crackhead. We will never see Wiener’s or Pelosi’s laptops. Frazzle Drip was more “information warfare.” It doesn’t exist.

There was not a gun battle in Frankfurt, either. Gen Micitery (sp) is a quack. I can’t think of one thing he has claimed that has been proven correct. Dave from X22 is also a nut job. I have to admit I still listen, because I like his enthusiasm, but trying to connect three year old Q drops to events today is insane.

Finally, Trump did not appoint all of those terrible people because of some “plan.” He appointed them, because he listened to swamp creatures like Christy and Graham. That is just a plain fact.

I pray that I have to come back and beg you for forgiveness and praise your steadfastness. I’m just over the “wait and see” and “nothing can stop what is coming.”

About your original post. I may have blown that up a tad, but people are attacked on here for having a different opinion. That’s a fact, too.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 9, 2021
Who said anything about replacing? Do you think if we have to take up arms, it will be to replace it? It will be to save it. The idiots that make up our government stomp on those rights every fucking day. They don’t care what our founding fathers put in place and haven’t for years. They will continue to shred the constitution until we stand up and say that’s it, no more, and we aren’t going to do do that through elections. They flat out stole the last election and if you think they won’t continue to do that if they feel that their power is in jeopardy, then you have a very rude awakening coming. Why the hell do you think they are trying to push through the agenda that they are? They will do anything to remain in power and the real question is, is there enough of us willing to stand up and stop it? It seems you are content with watching them erode away all of our constitutional rights and protections as long as you don’t have to physically fight to save them. That’s fucking horseshit. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of us, myself included, willing to lay it all on the line for you, even if you aren’t willing to lay it on the line for yourself.
I agree...those who are in the power seat now are trying to replace the Constitution With their own illegitimate governance. I haven’t heard anyone want anything but to defend it and put it back to where it should be...in control of those who govern....Defending what was put in place by our forefathers against those who wish to do us harm...


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021


Dec 1, 2020
You don't get to take up arms to destroy multiple sections of The Constitution (at least articles 1&2) and call it "saving" The Constitution.
Your argument dies right there. Article 2 was written expressly for this. Why do you think they want to destroy it so bad.
Do you know why this shit didn’t happen 40 yrs ago? Because the greatest generation that ever lived wouldn’t have allowed it and the government knew it. Those SOB’s fought in WW2 and would have kicked the governments ass had they tried this shit back then. The swamp had to find a way to destroy us from within ourselves and they did just that with our education system. The participation trophy and let’s talk about it instead of fighting, the I’m not going to spank my child, I’ll put them in timeout generation. The It’s not fair that so and so makes more money than me, someone needs to take what he makes and give it me so we are equal generation. And it keeps getting worse and worse. Well, sometimes you don’t need a trophy when you loose, you need to work harder the next time to win and get that trophy. Most of the time it’s better to just let two guys duke it out and beat the shit out of each other. If you want to make more money and be more equal, find a better job, get yourself training and earn more money, don’t come take what I work my ass off for to make your life easier.
And, if you truly believe that elections have been dirty for years, what in the world makes you think that we can elect our way out of this? Why are you choosing to die on that hill? Do you really think they are going to let us have a constitutional convention to make it harder for them to do the shit they do? Do you seriously think they would follow anything we added to the constitution, they shred it every day already. It sounds like to me that you need to pull your head out of your ass, wipe the shit off your eyes and look at what is happening around you.
Do I want it to happen? NO!!!!!, but am I going to sit around and watch while it does? NO. Sometimes you just need to hit the bully square in the nose instead of trying to talk him out of stealing your lunch money.
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A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021


America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Your argument dies right there. Article 2 was written expressly for this. Why do you think they want to destroy it so bad.
Do you know why this shit didn’t happen 40 yrs ago? Because the greatest generation that ever lived wouldn’t have allowed it and the government knew it. Those SOB’s fought in WW2 and would have kicked the governments ass had they tried this shit back then. The swamp had to find a way to destroy us from within ourselves and they did just that with our education system. The participation trophy and let’s talk about it instead of fighting, the I’m not going to spank my child, I’ll put them in timeout generation. The It’s not fair that so and so makes more money than me, someone needs to take what he makes and give it me so we are equal generation. And it keeps getting worse and worse. Well, sometimes you don’t need a trophy when you loose, you need to work harder the next time to win and get that trophy. Most of the time it’s better to just let two guys duke it out and beat the shit out of each other. If you want to make more money and be more equal, find a better job, get yourself training and earn more money, don’t come take what I work my ass off for to make your life easier.
And, if you truly believe that elections have been dirty for years, what in the world makes you think that we can elect our way out of this? Why are you choosing to die on that hill? Do you really think they are going to let us have a constitutional convention to make it harder for them to do the shit they do? Do you seriously think they would follow anything we added to the constitution, they shred it every day already. It sounds like to me that you need to pull your head out if your ass, wipe the shit off your eyes and look at what is happening around you.
Do I want it to happen? NO!!!!!, but am I going to sit around and watch while it does? NO. Sometimes you just need to hit the bully square in the nose instead of trying to talk him out of stealing your lunch money.
You do realize article II and the 2nd amendment aren't the same thing right?


No wonder you think what you're doing is "right" 🙄

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Nothing like trying to lecture people about the greatest generation, and The Constitution they fought and died for, by calling Article II and the 2nd amendment the same thing.

Maybe some people just need to read the damn document and understand their own government before lecturing others on how it should be run while threatening force of arms to make it happen 🤷‍♂️

The greatest generation is rolling over in their graves with all this talk of revolt. Didn't see them boo hooing as they got drafted, died, ect.
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