Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I sincerely hope that somehow the reporter's address and the news director's address are posted for all to see and maybe people could show up at their door. When the media gets a dose of their own medicine perhaps they will think twice about doing "stories" like these.
Exactly, until they start getting a taste of their own medicine and get their asses kicked there not gonna stop
In for Eight hundy !

Just heard a GREAT idea on Wilcow’s show: Limit student loans to an amount commensurate with the average annual salary of the career you are going to college to pursue.
Im way late but that would send a ton of money to trade schools. Better average pay than college graduates these days.

This pisses me off so much. I cannot believe this guy is charged for pushing somebody on his own property. Total horseshit

Especially for somebody that serves our country. The media and other factions like BLM are truly trying to start a race war
I used to live near the Summit in Columbia
I tromped there and watched summit get built. To see a black dude walking through would not be unusual. There is more to this story unless the arrested was just a dickhead. Imho
Hung jury or Manslaughter. If he's convicted of murder - we're going to lose our collective minds. I will have lost all hope.
3rd degree murder.

Third-degree murder is unintentionally causing someone’s death by committing an act that is eminently dangerous to other persons while exhibiting a depraved mind, with reckless disregard for human life. Chauvin is accused of committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.

Under Minnesota law, an act that is eminently dangerous is one that “is highly likely to cause death,” Cahill told jurors. “The defendant’s act may not have been specifically intended to cause death,” and “it may not have been specifically directed at the person whose death occurred, but it must have been committed with a conscious indifference to the loss of life,” said the judge.
So rich to watch the governor of Minnesota to get up and waste his breath trying to prevent what’s coming. And list a bunch of solutions that have no relation to the root cause of the problem. Hopeless - he can do nothing.

Sad for the people of Minnesota though.
I was screaming at the TV. He is such a liberal doosh. Blaming everything on "systemic racism". Not even the prosecution did that - not even a little.
Looking like a riot summer

I expect the guard to shoot somebody intensifying the situation and setting the precedent

Not sure how one escalates one step at a time from here
I expect someone dressed as a Guardsman to shoot someone. Remember Trump taking the weapons away from the Guard in D.C. to avoid that last year? We thought he was nuts at first, but it was brilliant. They probably had Antifa’s comms about it ahead of time.
The escalation won't be against blm... it'll be against right wingers. They'll build up the anger and then have an event that turns out conservatives and something will happen and people will die on both sides and the left will rejoice... and it'll be set up. Jan 6 was the first attempt but it won't be the last. They only shot one protester but I'll bet they thought they'd get several more and make it a huge divide between the right and the military/law enforcement. You'd have to be nuts to go to a protest right now as a conservative.
Disagree. There will be black people shot and it will all be by the Swamp’s operatives.
I cannot figure out how to do a poll on here anymore
But if I could here’s the question I would ask do you think the cop gets convicted for murder in Minneapolis or no
On one side I think the facts point toward The officer being acquitted of the murder charge. On the other side the jury may be intimidated by outside forces etc. to say that he is guilty. You know kind of like OJ Simpson

my prediction is he gets acquitted of the murder charge and Minneapolis gets burnt to the ground

What say you

I vote Minny burns regardless.

How the trial turns out?

That jury is shitting their pants, hoping the judge will declare mistrial so they dont have to be ostracized at the least for the rest of their lives for doing the right thing.
Which, having faith in the sanctity and honor of the judicial system is a really bad bet. What a shit show.

No clue. I got popcorn ready.
That is hard to watch. Damn. I feel a ton of sympathy for the officer he didn’t want to kill that kid.
I quit watching videos of this stuff

Sorry im way behind and I gotta comment.
My friend would like yore help with research plz...

View attachment 15393
I met her once in a tittie bar. She was a strippers buddy. I did not bang her. That is all I am willing to say at this time.

I thought she was nice....
I vote Minny burns regardless.

How the trial turns out?

That jury is shitting their pants, hoping the judge will declare mistrial so they dont have to be ostracized at the least for the rest of their lives for doing the right thing.
Which, having faith in the sanctity and honor of the judicial system is a really bad bet. What a shit show.

No clue. I got popcorn ready.
Well the longer it takes the more likely he is acquitted in my opinion
Haven't followed at all


Chauvin gets assault with intent to do great bodily harm

Think this maxes out the division angle as the dopes and demons will argue "Murder, if he was white...." while the right wing will be "he overdosed and the officer was punished, be reasonable!"

Fan the flames back and forth, meanwhile the whole affair was scripted

Or he gets acquitted and chaos also ensues
Haven't followed at all


Chauvin gets assault with intent to do great bodily harm

Think this maxes out the division angle as the dopes and demons will argue "Murder, if he was white...." while the right wing will be "he overdosed and the officer was punished, be reasonable!"

Fan the flames back and forth, meanwhile the whole affair was scripted

Or he gets acquitted and chaos also ensues
Hung jury.

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