her boyfriend and I got into a full on yelling argument over politics... which ended when he said he would never live in a 'red' state. And I flat out laughed and told him tovget back to me when he graduated and had to get a job and pay taxes. (And he's truly pretty brilliant. And a great person. Not kidding.)
5 years later... he wants to move to Texas or Florida... but my daughter isn't ready in her career. . (Her company would move her to Dallas tomorrow).
They've been together for 6 years. Like I said... she's the one holding up on marriage. He'd marry her tomorrow.
Don't cut your daughter off completely, as far as your relationship. She needs to know that you will always be there for her.
Financially? Yep. You are under no obligation to finance her living situation... especially if you vehemently object.
But never cut her out of your life. And make it clear that your love for her has no relationship to your checkbook.