Who Killed Ashli Babbitt
Is it too much to ask to know the name of the federal government employee who, on our behalf, shot an unarmed veteran who was, at worst, trespassing in a public building?

Democrats Are Terrified of Georgia

A "purge" if you will is required.I quit arguing with a dude on the home board that was just dead set that Trump was the problem with everything and everything is a little better now and will continue to get better under Biden. Its freaking scary how out of touch these people are. Every single thing you bring up that is just batchit crazy they play off like its nothing. Even in Obama's 2nd term, half this shit wouldn't have been discussed or considered in public. Chemically castrating kids because they might be girls... fuck me. Wiping pedophiles records if the age difference is under 10 years... wtf?
It's not a slippery slope anymore... its a full blown down hill ski jump course.
I went back to this study this morning. This was released in November last year. Granted we probably don't have a ton of people going to pubmed/NIH on the regular reading medical literature but this has been out for 6+ months and we're just now hearing about it.Fakebook and Twatter are blocking a study that was just released by Stanford on masks and their effectiveness because it doesn't fit the draconian narrative. Literally one of the largest studies on masks done during COVID but you can't share it.
Study Quietly Published at NIH.Gov Proves Face Masks Are Absolutely Worthless Against Covid [Updated]
Article originally published at American Conservative Movement and transferred here for posterity. Update: Stanford University has disavowed the study, sayingamericanconservativemovement.com
I sincerely hope that somehow the reporter's address and the news director's address are posted for all to see and maybe people could show up at their door. When the media gets a dose of their own medicine perhaps they will think twice about doing "stories" like these.
I sincerely hope that somehow the reporter's address and the news director's address are posted for all to see and maybe people could show up at their door. When the media gets a dose of their own medicine perhaps they will think twice about doing "stories" like these.
Wearing masks repeatedly day after day for over a year now is just priming your lungs for easier infection. Seeing little kids in them is the worst. It breaks my heart every time I see that. Covid, the masking, social distancing, and now vaccines are all part of one giant psy-op. The biggest scam in world history is playing out right before our eyes. SKOL!
My FIL always tells my wife that he "doesn't finance stupid".her boyfriend and I got into a full on yelling argument over politics... which ended when he said he would never live in a 'red' state. And I flat out laughed and told him tovget back to me when he graduated and had to get a job and pay taxes. (And he's truly pretty brilliant. And a great person. Not kidding.)
5 years later... he wants to move to Texas or Florida... but my daughter isn't ready in her career. . (Her company would move her to Dallas tomorrow).
They've been together for 6 years. Like I said... she's the one holding up on marriage. He'd marry her tomorrow.
Don't cut your daughter off completely, as far as your relationship. She needs to know that you will always be there for her.
Financially? Yep. You are under no obligation to finance her living situation... especially if you vehemently object.
But never cut her out of your life. And make it clear that your love for her has no relationship to your checkbook.
don't forget the vice president is bailing out the criminals.....can't see what could go wrongFolks, shit is fixing to get real. Multiple mass shootings every day. Cities burning. Congresswoman calling for riots. The only way this shit stops is a bunch of really good people doing a bunch of really bad things. No politician or government agency is going to come to our rescue. The left has opened a Pandora’s box and they don’t know how to put the shit back in it if they wanted to. They know what is ahead, that’s why the NG is still in DC. This country cannot go on like this and I’m not sure it can be saved at this point even if good people stand up and say enough is enough.
Suicide by cop is well known. Is suicide by vax a thing now?Heaard a doozy this morning, a woman at the gym told me her friend was disappointed that J&J's vaccine was paused, she wanted it to go with the Phizer she already had. Liberalism and sheepdom is a mental disease.
Suicide by cop is well known. Is suicide by vax a thing now?
Bit early my man.![]()
The pace has slowed
...or the ability to be connected to any “outside sources.Voting machines used in national, state, and local political elections should never be allowed to have a feature for weighted voting or the capability to erase the ballots...period.
The media is nothing more than the arm of the devil.
Better Than Hope There is God - God Wins AlwaysReading this board depresses the heck out of me. I fear there is no hope.
They better have the Nat Guard on the scene immediately or this is gonna make last year look like a picnic.