There is no rebuttal. Any honest person with a pulse and any info at all about the election knows it was stolen.
But there's nothing 'Q' about it. Q was an op by the deep state to convince patriots that Trump had election security well in hand, the deep state on the run, and people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi with one foot in prison chains already.
Welcome back my man. Glad you are healthy.I'm good my man. Was battling COVID the past few weeks, but I'm good now.
I'm good my man. Was battling COVID the past few weeks, but I'm good now.
Exactly, seems like a lot of downside but not if the game is already overI still can't figure out what Q is, but i definitely don't think the DS is Q. There is no way they'd create a mass awakening of all their corruption just to steal the election, they could have stolen the election without Q very easily, probably even easier.
And a couple faty's and good to goMake sure to get Vit. C (ascorbic). I also take B-12, D3, zinc, potassium and whole bunch of other stuff. I like Nature's Way. But there are tons of good options out there. I laugh at these variants and we shrug off colds in 24 hours around this house. Hadn't had Nyquil in years. Take your vitamins people, and give the Faucittes the bird as you do! SKOL!
Shit storm coming to my little county in MD:
UPDATE: State Police Identify Trooper Involved in Shooting That Killed Teenager in Leonardtown
The involved trooper is identified as Trooper Joseph Azzari, who is assigned to the Leonardtown Barrack as a road patrol trooper. He has been a Maryland state trooper for two years and seven
"Most secure election ever"So, what's the rebuttal to this? Is it just 'crazy Q stuff' that the critics respond with?
"Easy" being a relative word .....Simone biles will wipe the floor with them. I’m basically a gymnastics expert because my sisters both competed at a high level, but not really close to an Olympic level. I think all the stuff the guys were doing is pretty easy except for the big flippidy do on the high bar.
Great gif placement brother, Cheers
For Fucks sake LOL
The "mass awakening" wasn't as mass as many here think it was, and it was happening before anyone ever heard of Q. None of this (or very little of it) was new to me when I started in the LAC thread, and at that point I thought Qanon was something to do with the hacker group Anonymous.I still can't figure out what Q is, but i definitely don't think the DS is Q. There is no way they'd create a mass awakening of all their corruption just to steal the election, they could have stolen the election without Q very easily, probably even easier.
And bring dishonor to their household? No sir, nunchucks and throwing starsIf I'm a Billionaire Living in Hong Kong I'd Be Getting The Fuck Out Before I Was Piss Poor Sitting in a Chyna Prison
I think they found out J&J actually works against any variants they want to push to keep up the narrative — so they have to shut J&J down. Kinda shocked the J&J product made it to the public at all. But note they aren’t shutting down Pfizer or Moderna even though they have caused thousands of deaths.
See I see it as they are trying to convince people that they need the other..... that they will have to have a booster for for "variants" the media has been blasting J&J for weeks now and it just makes me even more glad I got j&j instead. 6 people in 7million got a blood clot 2-6 weeks after getting it and they shut it down?
Know what else carries a warning of blood clots?
Birth control.
Project Veritas is now controlled manipulation. Might have started with good intentions, but everyone’s got a price. Anything that is allowed to proliferate on Google and Twitter at this point is certifiably compromised (IMHO)In a sane world, this would represent the end of an entire news organization. As it is, their fake news will continue, with no one other than the NY Post and perhaps Foxnews picking up their ill deeds.
Props to James O'Keefe. If republican senators and congressmen were half as good at their job as he is at his, we'd live in a different world.