Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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May not be the best advice but trying to help a Fam member. I too, smoked not as long as you but smoked non the less. I remember it like yesterday, I won’t smoke in an abode, so I went outside. It was 30 degrees out side and I said fuck it I’m done. Went and bought a vape mod and weened myself off. Most cigs have 12-19 mg of nicotine. I started with 6mg nicotine in my juice and puffed. That was a massive decrease and it may not be for you, but I’m down to 3-0mgs With my juice and haven’t touched a cig in 2 yrs. It may not be the full cut you are looking for but is way healthier. You can do it! You just have to be committed. Best wishes. You can do this. Peace & Love.

People shit on vaping but without it, I couldn’t have quit smoking. It’s not the nicotine that kills you, it’s the tar and other chemicals.

***EDITED*** To say, that if you do fully commit to dropping cigs, you will forever love the smell of a fresh lit dart. You just have to remember the bigger goal. It will be hard but not impossible. I believe in you poster.

OP, e-cigs are not the same as a vape mod. E-cigs are worse. Vape mods require a tank, which is often included. Vaping is better than E-cigging. @ least with a tank “you” can control what goes in. Genuinely hope this helps! You got this!
That's funny cuz the smell gives me a headache now.
The Republic vs. the Corporation?

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This tweet or whatever it is states "the military is protecting Florida like Fort Knox. Trump has a massive SS detail."

So is the military protecting the entire state from some sort of infiltration of people or entities wanting to assassinate President Trump or is there something else going on that we Floridians should know about?
This tweet or whatever it is states "the military is protecting Florida like Fort Knox. Trump has a massive SS detail."

So is the military protecting the entire state from some sort of infiltration of people or entities wanting to assassinate President Trump or is there something else going on that we Floridians should know about?
Just more Qanon nonsense.
This tweet or whatever it is states "the military is protecting Florida like Fort Knox. Trump has a massive SS detail."

So is the military protecting the entire state from some sort of infiltration of people or entities wanting to assassinate President Trump or is there something else going on that we Floridians should know about?
I think it means Trump and his compound is being protected like a sitting President, rather than Florida as a whole.
This tweet or whatever it is states "the military is protecting Florida like Fort Knox. Trump has a massive SS detail."

So is the military protecting the entire state from some sort of infiltration of people or entities wanting to assassinate President Trump or is there something else going on that we Floridians should know about?
I think it is just referring to Trump
As You Know @MortgageHorn Knows a Ton of Doctors in H-Town Thru My Business, and places where I'm a member like The Houstonian Club, Krav Maga etc

Let's Just Say That Take It On My Reputation the Following is True - I'd Say I Have a Solid Track-Record Over the Last Four Plus Years

Seems in H-Town That Medical Staff (Doctors & Nurses) Are Dropping Dead After Taking The Chyna Vaccine

At One Hospital The Number is at 4

Based on the Sample Size of the Staff That (Death Rate) is Off The Charts in Galactic Proportions

Now Ask Yourself If That is Happening Here Where We Have the World's Largest Medical Center & More Hospitals Throughout the Metro Area Than Fucking McDonalds - Seriously You Cannot Drive 5 miles in Any Direction Without Hitting a Hospital...

Don't You Think That is Happening Across The Nation?

As You Might Imagine There is a Total News "Black-Out" (Or Should That Be "Absence of Light Out")

Also Opposite is Happening In This Manner:

Notice How Every Death No Matter the Actual Cause of Death Has Been "Labeled-Recorded" as a COVID Death

Well The Exact Opposite is Happening For People Getting Jabbed With the "Vaccine" People Are Dropping Like Flies From The Vaccine

BUT They Are Being Reported as Something Else Almost Every Time.

They Are Worried as Shit if the Word Gets Out People Will Panic and/or Realize It's All Bullshit

I Don't Give a Fuck What Some Doctors Have Told Some Of You On Here - They Are Either Miss-Informed, Didn't Read Up/Study This Vaccine or Blindly Believing the CDC's "Story" of How The Vaccine is Perfectly Fine.

If the Public Knew the Death Rate Per 100,000 Was Higher for Taking the Vaccine Than Truly Dying of COVID There Would Be a Backlash of Epic Proportions

Do What You Want as the Libs Say, "It Is Your Body - Your Choice"

Just Remember Who Is Behind This Scheme Gates/Fauci/Big Pharma/Deep State/Libs

I Ask You Again What The Fuck Are You Doing ITT & Taking Something That Bill Gates is Pushing Like a Mom in 36 Hours of Labor?
Here's a really good read to amplify - share with those you care about:



What most who are taking the vaccine don't know is that because these products are still in clinical trials, anyone who gets the shot is now part of the clinical trial.

They are part of the experiment.

Those (like me) who do not take it, are part of the control group.

Time will tell how this experiment works out.

But, you may be asking, if the vaccines are causing harm, wouldn't we be seeing that all over the news?

Surely the FDA would step in and pause the distribution?

Well, if the adverse events reporting system was working, maybe things would be different.
The Force is strong with this Anon! His decode analysis of the drops & what’s habbening is interesting . . .

Part 1

Part 2


Welcome to NY

Here's a really good read to amplify - share with those you care about:



What most who are taking the vaccine don't know is that because these products are still in clinical trials, anyone who gets the shot is now part of the clinical trial.

They are part of the experiment.

Those (like me) who do not take it, are part of the control group.

Time will tell how this experiment works out.

But, you may be asking, if the vaccines are causing harm, wouldn't we be seeing that all over the news?

Surely the FDA would step in and pause the distribution?

Well, if the adverse events reporting system was working, maybe things would be different.

that is a really good article. Had a few things I didn’t know about.

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