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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of you there. He’s just dug in, but I’ve accepted he’ll be asking us all how to set up a secure crypto wallet within 2 years and he’s a good patriot so I will of course help when the time comes.
Nah America 1st not communists 1st.

I couldn't imagine hurting my own country for a few bucks.

I stand with Trump on this like I do most things. He always turns out right on these sorts of topics.

Edit to add the 🐐
“I am not a fan of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air,”. “Unregulated crypto assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity".
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God Cam It

Mar 30, 2021
Q is Code Monkey. Change my mind. Gen Paul Valley and Jerome Corsi started it... @America 1st @Jayhox

Flynn had to have been a part. He was under non disclosure lawsuits with the federal government at the highest levels so he was not able to communicate with the public. Once that ended, almost to the exact day, it was the same last day of Q posts. Who knows though.


Dec 10, 2020
I thought it was a joke. Sadly, I guess not.
The mask thing isn't going away. I thought it was getting better because I've been shopping during the week while workers are out and about and it seemed nobody was wearing mask. Went to the grocery and lowes today and it was 90% mask. Fucking old couple stopped in front of me like they were going to say something and just kinda kept getting in my way. Luckily Lowes has a checkout in the gardening section and I just turned around.

Im going to end up punching someone over this though. Need to get mortgagehorn to teach me some KRAV. lol


Jan 8, 2021
Yep! Been taking a daily, A-E, Flaxseed Oil and Zinc for about 2 years now...I used to be sick ALL of the time, but not anymore.

Edited to add: Would be considered to be at risk by my doctor as he considers me "a little on the heavy side" for his liking. I've been a smoker for 25 years(gross l, I know...Any advice on how to quit would be great). Spent that same time partaking in the green products as I'd rather do that then be hooked on pills for anxiety, depression and the daily aches/pains. I spent most of my time, growing up, by destroying my body playing sports. Spent most of my time from, 18-30 while in school and work, destroying my body by being a raging lunatic.. I, literally, would not refuse any drug or alcohol ever offered to me. My house was a revolving door of, God only knows, all sorts of debauchery. He's never done anything at all, besides some wine here and there. I'm 5'10" 190 pounds and he is probably 6'3" 175 and I can outrun him, beat him in any sport or physical activity. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Ive seen the multiple responses on quitting so best of luck. I smoked from 19 to 42.
I quit 2 years ago, key to this story was that I was ready.

No withdrawals, dropped it and haven’t thought of one for two years.
I listened to the ebook “easy way to quit smoking” by Alan carr

listened to his audio book for 3 days and was doneno drugs, gum, hypnosis, etc.......

check it out, you won’t regret it

You can do it


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Yeah, it's just so hard to comprehend. I've made no bones about who I've been in my past...and I've hit some VERY low places, where suicide was a serious consideration. But, this, this shit right here is absolutely infuriating, heartbreaking, confusing! Makes zero sense. The only logical rumor is that Dr. Lesslie had finally cut him off of pain pills and he lost his shit. I've had people tell me that Philip didn't ever see him for anything. So really no one even knows and won't even until after the investigation which will be hard to do considering the only other person, present that day, just died earlier. Doesn't matter though, nothing would EVER come close to repairing the damage done by this degenerate, piece of shit...May he never rest in Hell!
Faith looks to the throne of God. Faith remembers that the wicked, for all their arrogance, are like grass. Soon they will fade away. “In just a little while the wicked will be no more” (Psalm 37:10).


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021
RQD, I quit smoking after 40 years by getting pneumonia in both lungs and being in ICU for 15 days back in March of 2018. Only cost about $26k by the time BCBS worked it out with the hospital. The part that really worked though was that I planned on smoking again when I got out of the hospital and my wife told me to make a choice. Have to admit that I chose wisely.

So go get the Nicoderm patches and wear them as directed. It is going to suck big time, but in the end it is well worth it. I now have congestive heart failure and COPD, so quit while you have more years in front of you. I have been tobacco free since March 2, 2018 (the day I was admitted to the hospital).
Amazing how smoking and pneumonia don't mix. My story on both happened in 1971. Haven't had a cigarette since. Cold turkey - no patches.


Jan 8, 2021
Yep! Been taking a daily, A-E, Flaxseed Oil and Zinc for about 2 years now...I used to be sick ALL of the time, but not anymore.

Edited to add: Would be considered to be at risk by my doctor as he considers me "a little on the heavy side" for his liking. I've been a smoker for 25 years(gross l, I know...Any advice on how to quit would be great). Spent that same time partaking in the green products as I'd rather do that then be hooked on pills for anxiety, depression and the daily aches/pains. I spent most of my time, growing up, by destroying my body playing sports. Spent most of my time from, 18-30 while in school and work, destroying my body by being a raging lunatic.. I, literally, would not refuse any drug or alcohol ever offered to me. My house was a revolving door of, God only knows, all sorts of debauchery. He's never done anything at all, besides some wine here and there. I'm 5'10" 190 pounds and he is probably 6'3" 175 and I can outrun him, beat him in any sport or physical activity. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I started taking this regimen shortly after my Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. Mom started shoveling these down him immediate. Along with his chemo and radiation, he beat the bastard without surgery. Since I began, I've only had one significant respiratory issue. It's been 30 years. Anytime I feel the twinge of a cold, I boost the quantity, especially zinc. Has always reduced my bout from a normal 3 days to 24 hours or less. I attribute all these elements circulating in my system to why my bout with Wuhan was mild and relatively short lived. These things were waiting for Wuhan's arrival and they're still there with no need or desire for any experimental drug.

The rest of our family has jumped on this vitamin/supplement regime. None of them have had any significant issues either.


Jan 8, 2021


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Cousin is going to The Masters tomorrow. Regardless of whether they have had their shots or the virus they have to pass 2 Wuhan tests, one the 72 hr test and one online, before being allow in. No bleachers and chairs have to be carried with the spectators. Going to allow about 25% inside.
Just more proof golf is for faggits.


Jan 8, 2021
The mask thing isn't going away. I thought it was getting better because I've been shopping during the week while workers are out and about and it seemed nobody was wearing mask. Went to the grocery and lowes today and it was 90% mask. Fucking old couple stopped in front of me like they were going to say something and just kinda kept getting in my way. Luckily Lowes has a checkout in the gardening section and I just turned around.

Im going to end up punching someone over this though. Need to get mortgagehorn to teach me some KRAV. lol
It’s impossible to social distance in a store with old people.


Jan 9, 2021
Fauci and others need to leave their Ivory Towers and realize everything they say and said are nothing but "textbook answers to real life problems".

The dumbass tried to form a business based on ideology and learned that doesn't work. I'm talking about a business of producing a product not one spewing political nitwittery.
Nobody with half a brain takes anything Faucci says seriously. He is the Al Gore of health.

Who could have seen that Hogg trying to counter a successful business would be a failure?


Jan 8, 2021
If he isn’t confused, he is a liar perpetuating harm on citizens.

If he is still confused as the evidence becomes clearer, he is incompetent.

In other words, if he isn’t confused, he should be fired. If he is confused, he should be fired.
He's the poster boy for the Peter Principle being alive and well in all gov't workers.


Jan 9, 2021
If he isn’t confused, he is a liar perpetuating harm on citizens.

If he is still confused as the evidence becomes clearer, he is incompetent.

In other words, if he isn’t confused, he should be fired. If he is confused, he should be fired.
He's a fucking idiot if nothing else. The POS has made more $$ off of this than obummer.
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