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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Won't be a choice. You'll only be able to buy government approved coins.

Cash is still king here and world wide.

They'll use the cryptos to prop up the dollar. It's actually all too easy to see coming.

Cash is going to go away, it's a matter of time. the supply of it is too much.

why would you use a fiat currency backed by a crypto that you could easily get instead of a manipulated and inflated asset? that literally makes no sense. They may try to force countries to buy and trade in a specific currency like they do with the petrodollar, but if the average person doesn't value the dollar they aren't going to use it, they'll use what does have value. when you go to countries that deal with hyperinflation do you know the literal first thing they do when they get their hyperinflated currency? they immediately trade it in for something of actual value. when I was traveling the balkans I was listening to how when they dealt with hyperinflation, they had a guy who did border runs with their cash to trade it out for Euro's and he did it ever payday. In venezuela do you think they are running around with wheelbarrows full of Bolivars? or do you think they are buying and selling in US dollars and crypto, we both know the answer to that question.

when it comes to financial stuff you are pretty nonsensical. you seem pretty sure you are right and nothing you say makes any damn sense.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Cash is going to go away, it's a matter of time. the supply of it is too much.

why would you use a fiat currency backed by a crypto that you could easily get instead of a manipulated and inflated asset? that literally makes no sense. They may try to force countries to buy and trade in a specific currency like they do with the petrodollar, but if the average person doesn't value the dollar they aren't going to use it, they'll use what does have value. when you go to countries that deal with hyperinflation do you know the literal first thing they do when they get their hyperinflated currency? they immediately trade it in for something of actual value. when I was traveling the balkans I was listening to how when they dealt with hyperinflation, they had a guy who did border runs with their cash to trade it out for Euro's and he did it ever payday. In venezuela do you think they are running around with wheelbarrows full of Bolivars? or do you think they are buying and selling in US dollars and crypto, we both know the answer to that question.

when it comes to financial stuff you are pretty nonsensical. you seem pretty sure you are right and nothing you say makes any damn sense.
Except people all over the world value the dollar more than anything.

Your claim that people don't value the dollar is the nonsensical part.

They will use cryptos backed by dollars and simply use the cryptos in an inflationary way the same way the dollar is used now except that then they can inflate both for a magnified effect.

The guy claiming people will lose interest in dollars shouldn't be lecturing anyone about "nonsensical" financial positions. You'll trade, buy, and sell in what they tell you that you can just like always.

The dollar isn't hyperinflated or anywhere close. Comparing the US dollar to the Balkans or Venezuela just shows how "nonsensical" you're being about this.

God Cam It

Mar 30, 2021
Except people all over the world value the dollar more than anything.

Your claim that people don't value the dollar is the nonsensical part.

They will use cryptos backed by dollars and simply use the cryptos in an inflationary way the same way the dollar is used now except that then they can inflate both for a magnified effect.

The guy claiming people will lose interest in dollars shouldn't be lecturing anyone about "nonsensical" financial positions.

It's happening though man. Russia - China - Iran and the petro yaun. I'm more of a modern money guy seeing that all of OPEC's oil reserves are future usd via petro dollar but claiming people value the dollar more than anything else is absurb in today's times. They HAVE TO USE to settle decades long debts.


Jan 8, 2021
Except people all over the world value the dollar more than anything.

Your claim that people don't value the dollar is the nonsensical part.

They will use cryptos backed by dollars and simply use the cryptos in an inflationary way the same way the dollar is used now except that then they can inflate both for a magnified effect.

The guy claiming people will lose interest in dollars shouldn't be lecturing anyone about "nonsensical" financial positions. You'll trade, buy, and sell in what they tell you that you can just like always.

The dollar isn't hyperinflated or anywhere close. Comparing the US dollar to the Balkans or Venezuela just shows how "nonsensical" you're being about this.

then how come countries are starting to shed the dollar buy crypto and gold? How come Billionaires are getting out of the dollar as fast as they can and buying commodities, land, gold and crypto? My dad is much wealthier than me and he has a billionaire friend who just bought a legit vault in New Zealand and filled it full of gold, is he doing that because it's so great to be flush with dollars?

also you clearly know very little about crypto. you can't just hyperinflate specific crypto, that's literally one of the reason's they built the blockchain technology. and if they start trying to print crypto people will just move away from that specific crypto to another one that isn't being manipulated.

you should honestly give this topic up, you continually show your ass.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
It's happening though man. Russia - China - Iran and the petro yaun. I'm more of a modern money guy seeing that all of OPEC's oil reserves are future usd via petro dollar but claiming people value the dollar more than anything else is absurb in today's times. They HAVE TO USE to settle decades long debts.
Exactly and that's never going to change.

The dollar is still the international currency. The rise and fall of other currencies and their demand happens all the time around the dollar.

It's not like Americans and Europeans would trade in petro yuans or cryptos if the US dollar wasn't in the position it's in. Trading in those things would simply become illegal.

People are acting all spooked about inflation when we MIGHT finally climb over 2% and NOWHERE NEAR 3%. Those are healthy numbers for any economy by any standard.

'Sound money' as people like to call it is money that has inflation of a rate between 1-3%. If you don't have that then you get deflation which is just as bad or worse than hyperinflation.

Until the dollar isn't the reserve currency of the world it's pretty silly to suggest countries or anything of significance values anything more than dollars because they don't.


MAGA Pinja Anon
Jan 9, 2021
You are missing out IMO. The last few specials he did on Netflix were great, and Sticks & Stones was outstanding. I felt like it was pretty close to Killing Them Softly...if you like Chappelle, you definitely need to check out his newer stuff.

Edit to add-
This joke on canel culture & the audience was perfect-

This was another hilarious one from Stick & Stones.

I'll have to check them out for sure. While the point in the first clip was good, I thought he could've pulled off some more shots against the woke Mob with a little better delivery...Blah blah blah, I know 😎 All that being said, that Jussie bit was definitely classic Chapelle. Really had a Killing Them Softly vibe to it, which is one of my favorite stand up routines that I've ever seen. Wish I could have been there live!

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
then how come countries are starting to shed the dollar buy crypto and gold? How come Billionaires are getting out of the dollar as fast as they can and buying commodities, land, gold and crypto? My dad is much wealthier than me and he has a billionaire friend who just bought a legit vault in New Zealand and filled it full of gold, is he doing that because it's so great to be flush with dollars?

also you clearly know very little about crypto. you can't just hyperinflate specific crypto, that's literally one of the reason's they built the blockchain technology. and if they start trying to print crypto people will just move away from that specific crypto to another one that isn't being manipulated.

you should honestly give this topic up, you continually show your ass.
No offense but this just shows you how little you understand economics. Land, gold, and cryptos are transacted in dollars even if done in other countries.

If the country that is happening in has a central bank then the dollar is king there. Investing in store of value assets doesn't change that.

You obviously have no clue about cryptos either and should join the crypto thread. I've destroyed the you can't inflate cryptos and the moving out of them nonsense from about 3 different angles.

You can't just move into any crypto you want and no amount of blockchain will circumvent government regulation of cryptos.

Try it out. I'll be glad to embarrass you in that thread too.

Edit to add: demand for dollars is up due the the global economic uncertainty. Wuhan Charlie helped reaffirm the dollar as the reserve currency of the world in spite of what someones brother's cousin's uncle's friend put in his vault.
Last edited:


MAGA Pinja Anon
Jan 9, 2021
I just dont have words for things like this. Sorry you are close to it.

Yeah, it's just so hard to comprehend. I've made no bones about who I've been in my past...and I've hit some VERY low places, where suicide was a serious consideration. But, this, this shit right here is absolutely infuriating, heartbreaking, confusing! Makes zero sense. The only logical rumor is that Dr. Lesslie had finally cut him off of pain pills and he lost his shit. I've had people tell me that Philip didn't ever see him for anything. So really no one even knows and won't even until after the investigation which will be hard to do considering the only other person, present that day, just died earlier. Doesn't matter though, nothing would EVER come close to repairing the damage done by this degenerate, piece of shit...May he never rest in Hell!

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021

There have been few “winners” from the coronavirus crisis, but one stands out: the U.S. dollar. As investors realized earlier this year the size of the economic shock that COVID-19 would cause, they sold riskier assets like stocks and bonds, taking safety in cash. But not just any cash. Investors all over the world wanted U.S. dollars. Demand for dollars was so high that the U.S. Federal Reserve set up new swap lines to lend dollars to other countries’ central banks. From Shanghai to Sao Paolo, investors scrambled for dollars.

In some ways, the demand for dollars was not surprising: whenever the world economy seems riskier, investors gravitate toward greenbacks. The increased demand for dollars came even as the U.S. government was taking unprecedent actions that, according to textbook economics, ought to weaken the dollar’s value. Massive deficit-funded government spending programs coupled with a huge expansion of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet is the type of policy that often degrades the value of a currency. Rather than getting cheaper, the dollar appreciated against its peers. The benchmark DXY index, which measures the dollar against a basket of peer currencies from other advanced economies, appreciated several percentage points this year.

The dollar’s increase in value amid the COVID crisis comes after years of predictions by many analysts that the dollar was poised to lose its status as the world’s safest asset. Overuse of U.S. sanctions, some analysts argued, would reduce other countries’ willingness to hold dollars, fearing the long arm of the U.S. Treasury. Others predicted that massive U.S. government deficits would reduce investors’ trust in the dollar. Neither of these appear to matter: The Trump administration has used sanctions more aggressively and has increased the deficit to a scale unseen since the Second World War—and the value of the dollar has gone up.

How can this be explained? There are several theories of the durability of dollar demand even in the face of vast budget deficits and expansionary monetary policy. The first sees dollar dominance as a function of U.S. military dominance, and suggests that America’s “empire of bases exists to protect the dollar’s exorbitant privilege,” as one scholar has put it.

It is true, of course, that the dollar, like the military, can be used as a tool of power abroad. The fact that the U.S. uses financial and military pressure simultaneously against rivals does not mean that military power sustains the dollar. If so, we would expect a correlation between the dollar’s value and U.S. military power. Since the mid-2000s, demand for the dollar has changed little even as U.S. defense spending declined substantially under the Obama administration, and the military capabilities of U.S. rivals such as Russia and China grew enormously. America’s military advantage over its rivals is the lowest at any point since the end of the Cold War, but the dollar’s dominance is as great as ever.

A second explanation for the dollar’s preeminent position points to income inequality as a driver. In a recent essay, Yakov Feygin and Dominik Leusder argue that growing income inequality in other countries drives up demand for savings, some of which must be parked in foreign assets. The most obvious example of this is China, which has accumulated a vast stockpile of dollar assets, notably U.S. Treasury bonds. Beijing has accomplished this via a growth model that keeps household consumption extraordinarily low. As a share of GDP, China’s households buy less than any country in the world, except for a few small city states and oil producers. A disproportionate share of China’s income goes into savings, especially the savings of China’s firms and its government. Much of this savings, in turn, is parked in dollars.

If income inequality in China were lower—and if households were given more resources to spend, either via lower taxes, a stronger social safety net, or higher wages—there is little doubt that China’s corporate savings rate would decline, and so, too, would demand for foreign currency savings. And the Chinese government’s $3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves would decline.

Why do Chinese prefer dollars to the currencies of other advanced economies, say euros, yen, pounds, or Swiss francs? Eurozone governments create many debt securities, but unlike in the U.S., where all treasury bonds are equal, not all euro sovereign bonds are the same. Investors think heavily indebted Italy is far more likely to default than thrifty Germany. But there are relatively few sovereign bonds issued by Germany compared to those issued by riskier Southern European countries. So, in general, German bonds are more expensive—and thus generally less attractive than U.S. Treasuries. If the Eurozone were to issue bonds guaranteed by the entire bloc, then there would be far more genuinely safe assets denominated in euros. However, richer Germans don’t want to be held responsible for the debts of poorer Southern Europeans, a divide that is unlikely to disappear.

It is possible to explain the relatively limited demand for euros in part as a result of inequality between Northern and Southern Europeans, just as China’s demand for dollars stems from high savings among that country’s wealthy individuals and firms. Nevertheless, inequality cannot explain why the Japanese hold so many dollars, or why so few foreigners like to save in yen. In the 1980s, many observers saw the yen as a currency that could overtake the dollar. Since then, it has had a relatively stable value and low inflation—characteristics that investors value. Why hasn’t the yen overtaken the dollar? Rising inequality cannot explain this.

A better explanation is a type of path dependency and network effects. Everyone has gotten used to trading, borrowing, and lending in dollars, and much of the world’s financial plumbing is denominated in dollars. So, there are major transaction costs to shifting to a new currency, and few obvious benefits.

The failure of the yen to make a serious dent in the dollar’s dominance shows just how hard it will be for China’s renminbi to take market share. Several years ago, Beijing was trumpeting the “internationalization” of the renminbi. But its share in global trade and finance has barely budged. And China lacks many of the characteristics of the dollar, yen, or euro, notably strict capital controls that make it hard to withdraw money from China. Hence, Chinese prefer, when they can, to save not in renminbi, but in foreign currency. The currency they most frequently chose, naturally, is the dollar.

Eventually, the deficit spending and central bank asset purchases undertaken to fight COVID may well reverse the dollar’s gains this year. But the effect is unlikely to be drastic. Every other major economy has undertaken similarly vast fiscal and monetary efforts, so the fundamentals behind the dollar look no worse in comparison with the euro or the yen. China’s government will be even more unlikely to loosen its capital controls given the economic shock of COVID, which will further deter use of the renminbi. The dollar’s dominance is unlikely to be challenged any time soon.


Dec 1, 2020
Yep! Been taking a daily, A-E, Flaxseed Oil and Zinc for about 2 years now...I used to be sick ALL of the time, but not anymore.

Edited to add: Would be considered to be at risk by my doctor as he considers me "a little on the heavy side" for his liking. I've been a smoker for 25 years(gross l, I know...Any advice on how to quit would be great). Spent that same time partaking in the green products as I'd rather do that then be hooked on pills for anxiety, depression and the daily aches/pains. I spent most of my time, growing up, by destroying my body playing sports. Spent most of my time from, 18-30 while in school and work, destroying my body by being a raging lunatic.. I, literally, would not refuse any drug or alcohol ever offered to me. My house was a revolving door of, God only knows, all sorts of debauchery. He's never done anything at all, besides some wine here and there. I'm 5'10" 190 pounds and he is probably 6'3" 175 and I can outrun him, beat him in any sport or physical activity. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
RQD, I quit smoking after 40 years by getting pneumonia in both lungs and being in ICU for 15 days back in March of 2018. Only cost about $26k by the time BCBS worked it out with the hospital. The part that really worked though was that I planned on smoking again when I got out of the hospital and my wife told me to make a choice. Have to admit that I chose wisely.

So go get the Nicoderm patches and wear them as directed. It is going to suck big time, but in the end it is well worth it. I now have congestive heart failure and COPD, so quit while you have more years in front of you. I have been tobacco free since March 2, 2018 (the day I was admitted to the hospital).


Jan 8, 2021
The dollar has an expiration date.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Yep! Been taking a daily, A-E, Flaxseed Oil and Zinc for about 2 years now...I used to be sick ALL of the time, but not anymore.

Edited to add: Would be considered to be at risk by my doctor as he considers me "a little on the heavy side" for his liking. I've been a smoker for 25 years(gross l, I know...Any advice on how to quit would be great). Spent that same time partaking in the green products as I'd rather do that then be hooked on pills for anxiety, depression and the daily aches/pains. I spent most of my time, growing up, by destroying my body playing sports. Spent most of my time from, 18-30 while in school and work, destroying my body by being a raging lunatic.. I, literally, would not refuse any drug or alcohol ever offered to me. My house was a revolving door of, God only knows, all sorts of debauchery. He's never done anything at all, besides some wine here and there. I'm 5'10" 190 pounds and he is probably 6'3" 175 and I can outrun him, beat him in any sport or physical activity. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Went cold turkey back in OCT. You can do it if you really want to.

Finding the thing that makes you want to is sometimes the hard part for people.

I didn't want my wife to have to work any longer than necessary because we had all sorts of crazy health concerns to save for or worse her to die alone and scared because I kicked the bucket long before her.
RQD, I quit smoking after 40 years by getting pneumonia in both lungs and being in ICU for 15 days back in March of 2018. Only cost about $26k by the time BCBS worked it out with the hospital. The part that really worked though was that I planned on smoking again when I got out of the hospital and my wife told me to make a choice. Have to admit that I chose wisely.

So go get the Nicoderm patches and wear them as directed. It is going to suck big time, but in the end it is well worth it. I now have congestive heart failure and COPD, so quit while you have more years in front of you. I have been tobacco free since March 2, 2018 (the day I was admitted to the hospital).
Prayers to you brother!

Very honored to have you around The Forum and to be able to read your wise words!


Jan 8, 2021
then how come countries are starting to shed the dollar buy crypto and gold? How come Billionaires are getting out of the dollar as fast as they can and buying commodities, land, gold and crypto? My dad is much wealthier than me and he has a billionaire friend who just bought a legit vault in New Zealand and filled it full of gold, is he doing that because it's so great to be flush with dollars?

also you clearly know very little about crypto. you can't just hyperinflate specific crypto, that's literally one of the reason's they built the blockchain technology. and if they start trying to print crypto people will just move away from that specific crypto to another one that isn't being manipulated.

you should honestly give this topic up, you continually show your ass.


i would give up on the crypto subject to this ameriaca first dude

he know 2 things about crypto and thats jack and shit

im fixin to block his sorry ass, in fact ill just go ahead and do so, im tired of reading his dumb fuck retardness


MAGA Pinja Anon
Jan 9, 2021
RQD, I quit smoking after 40 years by getting pneumonia in both lungs and being in ICU for 15 days back in March of 2018. Only cost about $26k by the time BCBS worked it out with the hospital. The part that really worked though was that I planned on smoking again when I got out of the hospital and my wife told me to make a choice. Have to admit that I chose wisely.

So go get the Nicoderm patches and wear them as directed. It is going to suck big time, but in the end it is well worth it. I now have congestive heart failure and COPD, so quit while you have more years in front of you. I have been tobacco free since March 2, 2018 (the day I was admitted to the hospital).

I am so sorry, brother! Will definitely be adding you to my nightly prayers with little man.

I understand the pain of dealing with BCBS...We got about a $28k bill for my wife's 35 day stay prior to our son having a 28 day stay in the NICU. But I will definitely give the patches a try...right after our upcoming family trip to the mountains. Not sure I could handle all of that without my crutch! My grandfather(dad's side) smoked cigarettes for 45 years before quitting cold turkey and was 89 when he passed. My mom's dad smoke a pipe for 60 years and lived to be 92. Both had some heart issues along the way but lived very long lives. I'm just trying to quit before I've done damage I can't fix. The same doctor, who criticizes my weight, also tells me that I'm as healthy as anyone he sees and my blood work is "a billion dollar bill of health" 🤷‍♂️


Jan 17, 2021
Yep! Been taking a daily, A-E, Flaxseed Oil and Zinc for about 2 years now...I used to be sick ALL of the time, but not anymore.

Edited to add: Would be considered to be at risk by my doctor as he considers me "a little on the heavy side" for his liking. I've been a smoker for 25 years(gross l, I know...Any advice on how to quit would be great). Spent that same time partaking in the green products as I'd rather do that then be hooked on pills for anxiety, depression and the daily aches/pains. I spent most of my time, growing up, by destroying my body playing sports. Spent most of my time from, 18-30 while in school and work, destroying my body by being a raging lunatic.. I, literally, would not refuse any drug or alcohol ever offered to me. My house was a revolving door of, God only knows, all sorts of debauchery. He's never done anything at all, besides some wine here and there. I'm 5'10" 190 pounds and he is probably 6'3" 175 and I can outrun him, beat him in any sport or physical activity. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
This hits close to home. I’m a recovering lunatic as well.


Jan 8, 2021
No offense but this just shows you how little you understand economics. Land, gold, and cryptos are transacted in dollars even if done in other countries.

If the country that is happening in has a central bank then the dollar is king there. Investing in store of value assets doesn't change that.

You obviously have no clue about cryptos either and should join the crypto thread. I've destroyed the you can't inflate cryptos and the moving out of them nonsense from about 3 different angles.

You can't just move into any crypto you want and no amount of blockchain will circumvent government regulation of cryptos.

Try it out. I'll be glad to embarrass you in that thread too.

Edit to add: demand for dollars is up due the the global economic uncertainty. Wuhan Charlie helped reaffirm the dollar as the reserve currency of the world in spite of what someones brother's cousin's uncle's friend put in his vault.
You are a fucking idiot. But at least you are our idiot and I like you

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
You are a fucking idiot. But at least you are our idiot and I like you
When it's gotten to the point that you're Russelling jim jams and leaving people with nothing besides name calling it's pretty obvious you've won (see Orange Man).

I like you too but I won't shy away from laying down the truth on anyone.


Dec 10, 2020
RQD, I quit smoking after 40 years by getting pneumonia in both lungs and being in ICU for 15 days back in March of 2018. Only cost about $26k by the time BCBS worked it out with the hospital. The part that really worked though was that I planned on smoking again when I got out of the hospital and my wife told me to make a choice. Have to admit that I chose wisely.

So go get the Nicoderm patches and wear them as directed. It is going to suck big time, but in the end it is well worth it. I now have congestive heart failure and COPD, so quit while you have more years in front of you. I have been tobacco free since March 2, 2018 (the day I was admitted to the hospital).
Did the same to my dad when we were kids. He had a heart attack and the doc said he needed to quit smoking or he'd die. The 3 of us kids told him to quit because we wanted him to live... hasn't smoked in 40 years other than the occassional cigar that he doesn't "inhale"... clinton joke.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021

i would give up on the crypto subject to this ameriaca first dude

he know 2 things about crypto and thats jack and shit

im fixin to block his sorry ass, in fact ill just go ahead and do so, im tired of reading his dumb fuck retardness
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of you there. He’s just dug in, but I’ve accepted he’ll be asking us all how to set up a secure crypto wallet within 2 years and he’s a good patriot so I will of course help when the time comes.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I don’t have a dog in this hunt but when it comes to discussion about finance, I’m not listening to anybody in their thirties, let alone twenties. I do appreciate your comments @America 1st and think you have a bright future.
It's economics more than finance.

I don't offer financial advise; that's what accountants and brokers are for.

Appreciate the kinda words but it doesn't change the fact that I live by America 1st and coiners should be called out for their willingness to engage in such practices.

We certainly wouldn't turn a blind eye to American citizens sending US dollars to terrorists, Iran (Barry), or the PLA (Puddin) so doing it under the guise of 'blockchain' just doesn't cut it.
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