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Why $XRP doubled this past week?
View attachment 14377
I put a couple bucks on XRP when it was .24 and now it is over a dollar. But I can't do shit about it other than watch because Coinbase has XRP blocked from trading. It's bullshit that I have to just sit and watch it go up and cannot do anything such as pull out profits. It'll end up crashing back down and I lose out on a few thousand.


Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.
One hundred million angels singin'.
Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettle drum.
Voices callin', voices cryin'.
Some are born and some are dyin'.
It's Alpha and Omega's Kingdom come.

And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
The virgins are all trimming their wicks.
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

In measured hundredweight and penny pound
When the man comes around.

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, and I looked and behold: a pale horse. And his name, that sat on him, was Death. And Hell followed with him.
No surprise, McConnell backs Murkowski.

FOX News reported:

Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is being targeted by former President Trump and is already facing a GOP primary challenge, but on Friday she gained the backing of the top outside group that supports Republican Senate incumbents and candidates.
The Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), which is aligned with longtime Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, announced that it was endorsing Murkowski for reelection next year.
“Alaska needs the kind of experienced representation that Lisa Murkowski provides in the United States Senate,” SLF president Steven Law emphasized in a statement. “Whether fighting for Alaskan interests like expanding energy production and protecting fisheries, or advancing conservative priorities by confirming judges and cutting taxes, her strong leadership is vitally important to Alaska’s future. Many politicians put themselves first, but Lisa Murkowski always puts Alaska first.”



They were right all along
Why $XRP doubled this past week?
View attachment 14377

they can try, but it won't be better than most of the fiat crypto's already out there, so they'll have to make current crypto's illegal and somehow force us to use their currency. that's much harder than is floated out there.

the problem is if they do what they've always done, which is print money and devalue currency it will only add value to other crypto's on the market that are more stable. People are still going to horde other forms of currency especially when our fiat system finally takes a shit. nobody is going to trust some bullshit govt coin they try to slam down our throats right after they fucked their previous currency up.
they can try, but it won't be better than most of the fiat crypto's already out there, so they'll have to make current crypto's illegal and somehow force us to use their currency. that's much harder than is floated out there.

the problem is if they do what they've always done, which is print money and devalue currency it will only add value to other crypto's on the market that are more stable. People are still going to horde other forms of currency especially when our fiat system finally takes a shit. nobody is going to trust some bullshit govt coin they try to slam down our throats right after they fucked their previous currency up.
I agree most will not trust some bullshit govt coin. Some of the sheep will if told so by CNN. Hell, they could call is US Government Gullible Sheep Currency and some would lap it up.
She was hand picked by Obama so it would make sense he would watch.

I apologize in advance for grammar issues and dear FB post but I need to vent about the incompetence of the IRS.

So I get a notification from my bank that they are finally depositing my return (retrurn was accepted the 13th of February). Not surprised it is a lower amount than I was owed.

I call the IRS number and give extension information only to finally be connected with an uniformed IRS agent. She states my Son that was born in 2020 was not eligible for the first or second stimulus check because they are using 2019 taxes. I state that I understand that however I filled for the economic rebate recovery on my 2020 taxes. She says Im sorry but I will not be getting the 1,100 owed for him.

Unsatisfied with the answer I call back and get another IRS person, he then tells me my son is eligible for the 2nd payment but not the first (WTF) so he processes the fix for the 600 dollars. I am still owed 500 and explain to him that it makes zero sense why I wouldn’t get the 500 also. So he transferred me (to the wrong department) calls dropped was on the phone for almost 2 hours when this happened.

I am now pretty pissed so I call a third time after waiting on hold for 45 min the lady rushes me off the phone and transfers me again with no additional information.

I feel like I am taking crazy pills but it sure seems like they are trying to screw people out of getting the money owed to them.
It is your money and you need it now

J G Wentworth 877 cash now
I agree most will not trust some bullshit govt coin. Some of the sheep will if told so by CNN. Hell, they could call is US Government Gullible Sheep Currency and some would lap it up.

That trust is quickly falling apart and imagine how many more people are going to wake up once they realize our govt has destroyed our currency through complete incompetence. We are currently looking at a situation where over half the US population doesn't trust our govt, that's going to increase not decrease.
Hey man, I had to fuck a sheep to get active... I would have much rather wore some sweaty hoodies. Fuck!
You went to Texas A&M?

Point is, when I pledged 45-something years ago, they accused us of wanton physical hazing including being hit, slugged or beaten. The stuff we did, like making pledges wear smelly things, was nothing compared to bleach drinking or killing pledges by forcing them to drink alcohol until they died. Our stuff was mental harassment and not physical. Every now and then the pledges retaliated. Every year, we had a Pig Roast at the farm of an active member. One year, the pledge class grab one particular active. They stripped him and tied him to the side of a cotton trailer. Everyone, including actives, walked by and tossed beer on him basting him in the hot Texas sun for an hour or so before releasing him.
If your spouse likes wine and you like sipping brandy then check out Housley Napa Valley. Yes the same Adam Housley that used to work for Fox News and his spouse is an actress. Ordered wife some of the wine as Easter present since she wouldn’t be home. No flowers or dinner for her. Side benefit ordered the brandy. Let it breath and enjoy!

Have any of Adam Housley's predictions occurred?
they can try, but it won't be better than most of the fiat crypto's already out there, so they'll have to make current crypto's illegal and somehow force us to use their currency. that's much harder than is floated out there.

the problem is if they do what they've always done, which is print money and devalue currency it will only add value to other crypto's on the market that are more stable. People are still going to horde other forms of currency especially when our fiat system finally takes a shit. nobody is going to trust some bullshit govt coin they try to slam down our throats right after they fucked their previous currency up.
I ventured into Cryptoland 2 years ago. Bought 1000 shares at .48 in a new issue Crypto. Last week they were almost $5. Also put my shares in a pool and each year I'm given 5% more.
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