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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
Those hires did a great job of exposing the swamp and GOP for what it is / achieving a desirable end.

That's fine if you don't agree. Reasonable minds can disagree.

You can think Trump got hoodwinked and I can think you're getting hoodwinked by Ron.

I won't lose sleep over it. Trump still holds all the cards at the end of the day.

I started a thread specifically for this discussion that people should visit. Just don't want Ron discussion going the way of dog hate in this thread 👍
If Trump held all the cards he'd still be president.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
If Trump held all the cards he'd still be president.
Not really how that works; presidents don't install themselves in the US.

He certainly does hold all the cards because at the end of the day he only needs a couple hours to take over 50% of his 75M votes with him. He also dictates how the state legislatures behave and if they continue to keep their current make-ups.

Either we get behind him or we get Dims for a long long time.


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
I’m not gonna try to thank all of you individually but I can now. Thanks for the love. You miscreants have no idea how much your love means. Tough day but a peaceful day. Same day as the pic above but with his Queen and grandkids in the back yard. ❤️❤️❤️
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Good looking family. My prayers tonight are with you all, that you find peace knowing he is with God...young and healthy once again 🙏🏻


Dec 10, 2020
Here are puddin's 6 executive actions on guns. One of them deals with model red flag laws.

Executive action is different than executive order. I watched a pro 2a lawyer talk about this and he was laughing and saying that Biden blinked and is basically doing this for show and none of this will stand up in court. He said the big thing will be the fbi and atf just harassing the hell out of gun owners and manufacturers.


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Got tossed out of a restaurant last night in Austin....for refusing to allow them to take my temperature....to eat outside on the patio. They insisted people wear a mask to walk thru the front door to take 3 steps to go onto the patio before they could take it off. I used to love that place. RIP Manuel’s, you’re dead to me now.
North Location?

Best Seafood Stuffed Chile Relleno On the Planet


Dec 2, 2020

Ann Arbor says that criminals deserve housing you and landlords don't get to ask questions.

ANN ARBOR, MI — Despite pushback from some landlords, Ann Arbor is banning criminal background checks of renters, with few exceptions.

City Council voted unanimously this week to give final approval to the city’s new Fair Chance Access to Housing ordinance in hopes of ending housing discrimination against people with criminal backgrounds and helping formerly incarcerated residents return to society and lead productive lives.

“I’m delighted that we’re going to be moving forward on this,” Mayor Christopher Taylor said, calling it an area of discrimination that has real-life consequences.

“By banning the box with respect to leases, we will be expanding housing opportunities and the opportunities for returning community members to integrate fully back into our community, and that is a social good and I’m proud we’re doing it.”

Council Member Lisa Disch, D-1st Ward, cited research showing people who’ve been incarcerated once are seven times more likely to experience homelessness.

“That is not only a dangerous and precarious way to live, but it does make it really difficult to get a job and reenter society,” she said. “So, I think we’re doing a good thing here."

City officials have heard complaints from several landlords who argue the ordinance is taking away a tool they use to screen out housing applicants and keep their communities safe from dangerous criminals.

“There’s some people that when they are released from prison they can move on into society, and there’s other ones that still struggle with that,” Charlie Foster, a longtime Ann Arbor landlord, told City Council last month. “And I think as landlords we should have that right to have more checks put in the system than what you guys are offering us.”

Council Member Travis Radina, D-3rd Ward, said he’s grateful for the support for the ordinance from other community members

“I am incredibly enthusiastic about this,” he said, arguing many people in the community will benefit from it.

The city also needs to continue working toward expanding affordable housing, he said.

$5.1M from new Ann Arbor affordable housing tax could go toward downtown high-rise

The new ordinance makes it illegal for landlords to inquire in any way about a housing applicant’s criminal history or require disclosure of criminal history, or to deny someone housing if such information is received.

Violators can face penalty fines up to $500 for each day a violation occurs, plus other possible enforcement action.

The ordinance makes exceptions for landlords required in some cases to take a person’s criminal history into account.

That includes landlords who receive federal funding or accept tenants with federally subsidized housing vouchers.

The ordinance states it will not be a violation for a landlord to comply with federal or state laws that require them to exclude tenants based on certain types of criminal history. But in cases when that may apply, landlords still can’t inquire about someone’s criminal history until after they’ve determined the applicant is otherwise qualified to rent their apartment and they’ve made a conditional offer of a lease.

That rental agreement would commit the landlord to providing the apartment as long as the applicant meets federal and state mandated criminal history criteria.

Under federal law, there are three categories of people not eligible for federally subsidized housing: people convicted of producing meth in federally funded housing, people on the lifetime sex offender list, and people using illegal drugs.

Council Member Elizabeth Nelson, D-4th Ward, credited one of her constituents, Aaron Suganuma, a formerly incarcerated resident, for raising the issues that led to the ordinance.

“It feels to me like one of the best examples of how your local government works to reflect the interests and concerns that might start with an individual and then turn into a larger issue that’s going to have a really positive impact on many, many more people,” she said.

“And so I just want to thank all the people who spent time and worked on this ordinance to make it happen,” she said, thanking the city’s Human Rights Commission and legal staff.

The Human Rights Commission approved a resolution recently citing estimates that one in three adults in the U.S. has an arrest or conviction record, and nearly half of all children have at least one parent with a criminal record.

The commission also expressed concerns that private criminal record databases from which landlords sometimes pull information are not always accurate.

It also pointed to the disparate impacts on Black people, who are more likely to be incarcerated.

“The unmet housing needs of formerly incarcerated people in Ann Arbor are an acute challenge to dignity, public health and safety and equality,” it stated. “And statistical racial inequities at every stage of the criminal justice system translates into a racial disparity in access to housing.”

Similar measures to prevent discrimination based on criminal history are being enacted or considered in other communities.

This means the only way a landlord can decide if a potential tenant is a criminal is by guessing at it, likely based off of stereotypes. I'm sure this will go just as planned, and not disproportionally affect the black commity or anything.🙄


Dec 10, 2020
This means the only way a landlord can decide if a potential tenant is a criminal is by guessing at it, likely based off of stereotypes. I'm sure this will go just as planned, and not disproportionally affect the black commity or anything.🙄
People should pool money to buy homes next to judges and rent them out to violent ex-cons.


Dec 2, 2020

So true, and know we have been discussing this angle here for awhile. This is going to be my new response. Anytime I hear someone mention these laws as being racist, I am going to respond that I didn't know they were out publicly as a white supremacist.

It really is incredibly racist to think that just because someone is a different race, that they would not be able to get a government issued ID for themselves. Even more incredible, that corporate and social media have convinced a large chunk of people that it is actually racist to believe that minorities are just as capable as whites.


Dec 2, 2020
Looks like I may drive more in the future.

View attachment 13977

Yes, by all means, lets move the diversity checklist ahead of the best qualified checklist for airline pilots.

What could possibly go wrong??

Can’t they just train the 5,000 most qualified applicants regardless of their sex, race, or nationality?

Insanely, Obama did the same thing for air traffic controllers a few years back. These people hate us, and do not even care to hide it these days.



Jan 7, 2021
The Desantis shit in this thread is laughable. Like some stated above the deep state will do anything to keep an outsider out. If Desantis supported red flag laws then that was an awful choice. Please provide a link when making accusations. Let’s not sit here and pretend that Trump didn’t make a lot of mistakes, because he did. Most of them were because he was told he could trust some of those swamp creatures in the beginning of his admin and that was totally hoodwinked by Fauci and Medicine Lady.

While I do admit things have gone terribly wrong, the blame needs to be put on beaurocrats for being wholly corrupted. Fauci and Medicine lady didnt hoodwink anyone, probably 10 more bought and paid folks ready to step in their shoes.

Anyone decent gets near a position of power, the shitheads A) find dirt. B) manufacture dirt.


Jan 9, 2021
Sorry to clog this thread up again but I’ve mentioned my father in law in this thread. He gained his wings this morning. No more pain. This is on our deck last summer with all of his grandkids. A lot of tears today. Hug those you love every day.
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Sorry Nape for your loss🙏🏻, great pic.


Jan 8, 2021

The authorities likely burned the Midnight Oil to see how they could retaliate against the restaurant and their patrons for defying their edicts. Wouldn't surprise me to see them return with a large number of police, a judges' court order and one or more cancellations of occupancy permits or business licenses. The Gestapo can't allow others to react the same way.

Hate that I have to use Gestapo against Americans but the Calgary preacher was 100% correct in his use of similar names to describe the authoritarian manner in which public servants all over have brought upon themselves.


Dec 9, 2020
Sorry to clog this thread up again but I’ve mentioned my father in law in this thread. He gained his wings this morning. No more pain. This is on our deck last summer with all of his grandkids. A lot of tears today. Hug those you love every day.
View attachment 13999
Hugs to you Brother! Saying a prayer for peace within you..


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020

Comes out to average 3633 miles over a 3 week period of time. Not humanely impossible even back when they had shit nutrition and disease back in those days. AND that’s totally excluding motor vehicles which I am no longer denying they took advantage of at various points. The disagreement is that it’s all coordinated

Also an Olympic gold was won without shoes as well
And Who Can Forget "Shoe-Less" Joe Jackson :)

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021

As a parent this makes my stomach turn. He killed the doctor, his wife, and two grandkids that were at the house.


Jan 8, 2021
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