Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I get what you saying, but you may need to accept that Trump was a once in a lifetime POTUS. The establishment will never allow another non-politician to run. They'll get cheated out of the primary before they even get a chance to run.

And if that's the case, Desantis is the best option we have. I'm not aware of the red flags you speak of, but the guy is governing his state in a manner that I would like to see implemented across this entire nation. I'm not sure how you pass up voting for someone with his track record, when it could easily allow someone much worse to slide into office. Just my opinion. You're a smart guy, and I'm sure you'll make a good decision.
He supports red flag laws and was in congress for starters.

If Trump doesn't run then sure I'll have to consider him but he is far less than ideal as far as I'm concerned.

I read that and immediately thought the Iranians and the US officials should just STFU. Had a moment of stunned silence realizing that's how little I believe anything this Biden administration or anyone supporting it. Can't. Believe. Any. Fucking. Thing. Those. Clowns. Say. It's to the point I'd believe almost anyone over our current government at the federal level. Just fuck them.
Sorry to clog this thread up again but I’ve mentioned my father in law in this thread. He gained his wings this morning. No more pain. This is on our deck last summer with all of his grandkids. A lot of tears today. Hug those you love every day.
View attachment 13999
Bless you and your whole family.

DM if you need anything!

Whitmer said today that if we all do our part we can get back to normal by summer.

“I think it’s very possible that there is a path out of a lot of the orders that we’ve had to issue to keep people safe, but it all depends on getting to that 70% number,” Whitmer said, referring to the collective immunity the population has when that many people are vaccinated.

“...If we’re successful and people come in and do their part, we could very well be in that position this summer,” Whitmer said.

“We were able to really push our infection rate down so low for such a long period of time. Now that variants are present here, we have lots of people that don’t have antibodies because we were successful,” Whitmer said.

“We are seeing the spread continuing in teenage sports and frankly, it’s something that we’re very concerned about, and that’s why we’re doing even more testing and possibly going further than we have,” Whitmer said.
Sorry to clog this thread up again but I’ve mentioned my father in law in this thread. He gained his wings this morning. No more pain. This is on our deck last summer with all of his grandkids. A lot of tears today. Hug those you love every day.
View attachment 13999
Condolences to you and yours, brother.
What an attractive bunch of grandkids - I know he was hugely proud!

Nervous Nancy knows the Democrats conspired with foreign powers to massively cheat in the 2020 election - had to win at any cost.

But that nervous wreck also knows that the majority of Americans think the election was fraudulent which makes the Biden Administration illegitimate.

Basically, she knows that we know and that is freaking her the fvck out.

Panic in DC. 😎
He supports red flag laws and was in congress for starters.

If Trump doesn't run then sure I'll have to consider him but he is far less than ideal as far as I'm concerned.

If you want to nit-pick Desantis, then you should have a field day with Trump.

Spent $$$ like a socialite on Rodeo Drive shopping spree, allowed himself to be led like a sheep on the Covid vaccine, crippled us perhaps fatally by putting at least two judges owned by globalists on the scotus, did zero about Justice Dept corruption in 4 years, let Fauci and Birx direct US policy for months, cluelessly looked on as Bill Barr sat on his hands 2 years instead of investigating those spying on his campaign, Jeff Sessions, Gina Haspel, Chris Wray, do I need to continue?
Whitmer said today that if we all do our part we can get back to normal by summer.

“I think it’s very possible that there is a path out of a lot of the orders that we’ve had to issue to keep people safe, but it all depends on getting to that 70% number,” Whitmer said, referring to the collective immunity the population has when that many people are vaccinated.

“...If we’re successful and people come in and do their part, we could very well be in that position this summer,” Whitmer said.

“We were able to really push our infection rate down so low for such a long period of time. Now that variants are present here, we have lots of people that don’t have antibodies because we were successful,” Whitmer said.

“We are seeing the spread continuing in teenage sports and frankly, it’s something that we’re very concerned about, and that’s why we’re doing even more testing and possibly going further than we have,” Whitmer said.
Do vaccines cause forehead growth? Just curious.
If you want to nit-pick Desantis, then you should have a field day with Trump.

Spent $$$ like a socialite on Rodeo Drive shopping spree, allowed himself to be led like a sheep on the Covid vaccine, crippled us perhaps fatally by putting at least two judges owned by globalists on the scotus, did zero about Justice Dept corruption in 4 years, let Fauci and Birx direct US policy for months, cluelessly looked on as Bill Barr sat on his hands 2 years instead of investigating those spying on his campaign, Jeff Sessions, Gina Haspel, Chris Wray, do I need to continue?
Dude you are a beating. I don’t even have to scroll up to guess who you are.
Nervous Nancy knows the Democrats conspired with foreign powers to massively cheat in the 2020 election - had to win at any cost.

But that nervous wreck also knows that the majority of Americans think the election was fraudulent which makes the Biden Administration illegitimate.

Basically, she knows that we know and that is freaking her the fvck out.

Panic in DC. 😎

Or she was drunk again. Both possibilities exist.

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