Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The shield maiden is on her second mandatory ten day quarantine. This time a student she works directly with in life skills got it. The whole school was almost certain she would get it this time. No dice. Tested negative and is returning tomorrow1 The maiden has a solid immune system bolstered by daily intake of Vit. C, B, and D. Daily zinc, potassium, and calcium ( for the bones, we olds). Meanwhile sheep bah in line for a Fauci load! Take your vitamins people!! SKOL!!
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Murkowski will run as an independent if she loses the primary. She would rather lose the seat to the dems than let the process work as intended. She did the same thing once before when she lost the primary and she won the general. I don't think she can win again but she may be able to spoiler.
Myself and just about every other Alaskan I am friends with (2, 3 tops) are all done with this con women. She duped me a couple of times, not again. SKOL!
The shield maiden is on her second mandatory ten day quarantine. This time a student she works directly with in life skills got it. The whole school was almost certain she would get it this time. No dice. Tested negative and is returning tomorrow1 The maiden has a solid immune system bolstered by daily intake of Vit. C, B, and D. Daily zinc, potassium, and calcium ( for the bones, we olds). Meanwhile sheep bah in line for a Fauci load! Take your vitamins people!! SKOL!!
I'm convinced all the vitamins and supplements I take, and have for over 30 years, stopped the virus before it could get going which resulted in a mild illness. I did have 2 days of headache, fever, stomach issues and no taste or smell crammed into 9 days of the cold that wouldn't go away. Didn't know what it was and neither did the MDs. A virus of unknown etiology is what it was called. Now we know it as Wuhan Charlie.
I'm convinced all the vitamins and supplements I take, and have for over 30 years, stopped the virus before it could get going which resulted in a mild illness. I did have 2 days of headache, fever, stomach issues and no taste or smell crammed into 9 days of the cold that wouldn't go away. Didn't know what it was and neither did the MDs. A virus of unknown etiology is what it was called. Now we know it as Wuhan Charlie.
Same here but it was last Jan/Feb-2020 when it ran through our house. All 6 have been healthy since then. We took them long before Covid and will long after. In this climate, AK, we would be fools not too. SKOL!
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I know some in here don't always check the main forum, but we booked a place in Birmingham July 16-18th for a Free Speech Forum Symposium.

Here is the place:

@Chris Farley is going to handle the guest list of who gets a room. It might just be me and him that show up, but that's fine - we will bro out by ourselves in the mansion.

I would like to spend 10am-3pm on Saturday, July 17th doing a "Freedom Symposium". We are going to work an agenda and if anyone would like a 20-30 minute slot to talk please volunteer.
I'm so fucking salty I won't be able to make the first one.

I'm go ham on symposium #2 🐸

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The shield maiden is on her second mandatory ten day quarantine. This time a student she works directly with in life skills got it. The whole school was almost certain she would get it this time. No dice. Tested negative and is returning tomorrow1 The maiden has a solid immune system bolstered by daily intake of Vit. C, B, and D. Daily zinc, potassium, and calcium ( for the bones, we olds). Meanwhile sheep bah in line for a Fauci load! Take your vitamins people!! SKOL!!
She probably already had it. We had over 100 cases at work. Our 1st and 3rd shift maintenance dept's got almost 100% infection. 2nd shift got 1 guy. Nobody believes 2nd shift was just that lucky. So we all assume that 2nd shift got it first while it spread to 1st and 3rd, so that when testing began everyone on 2nd was already clean but 1 dude. We haven't had a positive test in a few months now. Over a 1/3 of the building tested positive from May to Nov though.
Freaking Mensa---and who explained the irony of this to CNN and MSNBC

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I'm convinced all the vitamins and supplements I take, and have for over 30 years, stopped the virus before it could get going which resulted in a mild illness. I did have 2 days of headache, fever, stomach issues and no taste or smell crammed into 9 days of the cold that wouldn't go away. Didn't know what it was and neither did the MDs. A virus of unknown etiology is what it was called. Now we know it as Wuhan Charlie.
Taken a Centrum vitamin for as long as I can remember and I'm olde. Never had a flu shot and won't and no plans to get the covid shot. Haven't missed a day of work in the last 40 years.
Taken a Centrum vitamin for as long as I can remember and I'm olde. Never had a flu shot and won't and no plans to get the covid shot. Haven't missed a day of work in the last 40 years.
I've had 3 flu shots in my life. Double pneumonia 14 years ago has been the only non-structural issue I've had in the past 35 years. I'm my family's control person as everyone else has had the vaccinations except me and I won't get it.
That is beyond uninformed. What is wrong with these people ?


Georgia passed a law mandating IDs to vote, including mail-ins. That means the Democrats can't cheat anymore using illegals to vote, so the elites speed-dialed each other and are now trying to turn popular opinion against the state government by using their monopolies as political battering rams. Its not even restrictive. Oh, and they killed Loeffler's staffer.
I'm starting a new petition to ban Arbor Day as it is obviously tied to lynching also. Holy frickin hell, some of this country has lost it's damn minds. East coast and west coast states need to disappear.
It seems you are becoming properly enlightened. Maybe we could actually turn Arbor Day into an event to cut down trees. Probably should start with the Sequoias in CA. And Stanford is obviously racist.

Georgia passed a law mandating IDs to vote, including mail-ins. That means the Democrats can't cheat anymore using illegals to vote, so the elites speed-dialed each other and are now trying to turn popular opinion against the state government by using their monopolies as political battering rams. Its not even restrictive. Oh, and they killed Loeffler's staffer.

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