Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I can tell the questioning of Q is heresy and seems like trolling, to many. I will happily eat crow if I am ever proven wrong which I view as doubtful. I do think there is real risk many have blindly latched onto a nameless faceless false prophet who has written cryptic messages analogous to a fortune teller that can be interpreted thousands of ways.

But regardless of Q, we’re all on the same team of: election is stolen, country appears f’d, and what, if anything, is going to be done about it and when.

I am convinced that Biden will be inaugurated on 1/20. It appears over for now. But I remain willing and hopeful to be wrong and continue in search of anything compelling and credible that would suggest some action is being taken. That, I haven’t seen, yet.

you should stop posting for a while.
Anyone think maybe if there really is a “plan” to expose the corrupt that it doesn’t necessarily have to happen before Biden takes office? Could it be that the exposure occurs during Biden/Harris’ time in office guaranteeing they wouldn’t be re-elected and open the door for a Trump 2nd term in 4 years?
No. Aint no one got time for that
I honestly can’t see Trump and his family surviving for 4 more years much less running a campaign. I honestly believe the left is going to pull out all the stops to destroy this family, his company and his brand. I pray that I am wrong.
If Trump pulls this off you won't recognize DC. Hopefully, for the people he gets rooms for in Gitmo, those trials take years to prosecute cuz I don't see certain individuals doing well in orange.
This may have been posted sorry I don’t care. This just made me laugh. Of course the douche bag Viking is a failed actor lives with his mother. LMAO
And now he will be in jail probably getting butt raped for a while
Here we go. This one is so long it's ridiculous. there is no way I can't summarize all of this but I'll try to do the high points. There's a lot of stuff about the censorship and all these sites. apparently google is going to nuke many sites. Reiterated to check your phone and make sure it's not been disabled through an update. The insurrection act has been activated. Trump is at the White House with 7,000 troops. In the next one to two days there will be numerous EAS broadcasts. Very dangerous time for false flags. Obtaining the pelosi laptop resulted in a military operation. we were about to sell GE to China and they provide the military with gear. He was supposed to address the nation last night but didn't because Pakistan went 40% dark rumors of the pope being taken he said seemed unreliable but there were things that happened at the Vatican. US Canadian border is on lockdown. supposedly found a bug in the White House Trump is leaving going overseas They are changing the transponder in the plane to make it look like a smaller plane and his location will not be made for 10 days. London will be without power and water. General Flynn will be the vice president. Plane crash in Indonesia killing 62 was not an accident. 1 million votes have been registered for the recall for newsome in California. FBI took over the Georgia election and shredded all ballots. I Yes we will find out if this is all true or BS in about 2 or 3 days
What is it about those fucking swamp rat peaces of shit in the Senate that makes you think they wouldn't convict? They all had zero problem being traitors on the 6th.

I agree they are weak spineless blobs of mush. But Mitch has already said it’s DOA and put out what the procedures would be that suggests the earliest vote that could occur would be after Trump is gone, rendering it moot. This is a convenient way to avoid it and try not to make things worse with their electorate.
Here we go. This one is so long it's ridiculous. there is no way I can't summarize all of this but I'll try to do the high points. There's a lot of stuff about the censorship and all these sites. apparently google is going to nuke many sites. Reiterated to check your phone and make sure it's not been disabled through an update. The insurrection act has been activated. Trump is at the White House with 7,000 troops. In the next one to two days there will be numerous EAS broadcasts. Very dangerous time for false flags. Obtaining the pelosi laptop resulted in a military operation. we were about to sell GE to China and they provide the military with gear. He was supposed to address the nation last night but didn't because Pakistan went 40% dark rumors of the pope being taken he said seemed unreliable but there were things that happened at the Vatican. US Canadian border is on lockdown. supposedly found a bug in the White House Trump is leaving going overseas They are changing the transponder in the plane to make it look like a smaller plane and his location will not be made for 10 days. London will be without power and water. General Flynn will be the vice president. Plane crash in Indonesia killing 62 was not an accident. 1 million votes have been registered for the recall for newsome in California. FBI took over the Georgia election and shredded all ballots. I Yes we will find out if this is all true or BS in about 2 or 3 days
Thank you for that!
Anyone think maybe if there really is a “plan” to expose the corrupt that it doesn’t necessarily have to happen before Biden takes office? Could it be that the exposure occurs during Biden/Harris’ time in office guaranteeing they wouldn’t be re-elected and open the door for a Trump 2nd term in 4 years?
Yes. But I will get excoriated for supporting it as moving the goalposts. This whole damned thing has evolved far beyond our wildest predictions due to scope alone. Hell, a year ago we hardly knew of Covid and had no idea about Hunter’s laptop. I can see the plan involving Biden being seated as President. But if I recognize that, I’ll have a hundred people accusing me of moving the goalposts. Fact is, I don’t care because I know the people in charge have The Plan to carry out on their timeline.
Got in my hike today with my part wolverine part Shepard bushdog. Left the wolf killer at home, too slow, haha. Stopped and got a few more vapes for the week. Took one more inventory and am kicking it fireside! About to char some meat, pop an ale and enjoy this show!! SKOL!
Sounds like a hell of a day! I’m right there with you. The wife and I started a pot roast this morning and just devoured it! Now I’m enjoying a little headband 707, watching my Draft kings fortune ($50) wither away on this game while we await this Celebration! image.jpg
Isn't McConnell no longer in charge? Wouldn't Schumer be making the rules now after GA fraud?
I agree they are weak spineless blobs of mush. But Mitch has already said it’s DOA and put out what the procedures would be that suggests the earliest vote that could occur would be after Trump is gone, rendering it moot. This is a convenient way to avoid it and try not to make things worse with their electorate.
i couldn't take another 4 yrs of moving goal posts
But that’s my point. It isn’t moving goalposts. It adjusting to the massive scope and realizing our deadlines are meaningless. I quit with hard date predictions almost a year ago. I make some predictions and suggestions, but have been clear for some time now that none of us know the full scope of The Plan and what it’s implementation timeline is.
Have my appointment tomorrow at 6pm. Initially I was a hell no and I'm still not thrilled about it, but I do have a pregnant wife and an 84 year old grandmother I help take care of. Without those factors I wouldn't even consider it. Wish me luck

Please keep me in the loop about how you feel after.

My oldest son had it a few days ago ( he is also a young fireman) and had a brief period of chills and arm soreness. My MIL and FIL had it 2 days ago and said it was not nearly as bad as a flu shot. They are both 70+ so they don't really have as much to lose. Good luck
One thing that is really starting to piss me the fuck off is I’m seeing lots of arrests being made of people who were in the capital Wednesday but the Federal Bureau of Incompetence has had Hunters laptop for a fucking year. How the hell can they find out who all these people are but can’t seem to do anything about the Biden’s. That’s the real coup. Shit like that should piss off every American in this country.
I can tell the questioning of Q is heresy and seems like trolling, to many. I will happily eat crow if I am ever proven wrong which I view as doubtful. I do think there is real risk many have blindly latched onto a nameless faceless false prophet who has written cryptic messages analogous to a fortune teller that can be interpreted thousands of ways.

But regardless of Q, we’re all on the same team of: election is stolen, country appears f’d, and what, if anything, is going to be done about it and when.

I am convinced that Biden will be inaugurated on 1/20. It appears over for now. But I remain willing and hopeful to be wrong and continue in search of anything compelling and credible that would suggest some action is being taken. That, I haven’t seen, yet.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I think you mean well, so let's get to the bottom of this. What is your fundamental problem with Q?
Yes. But I will get excoriated for supporting it as moving the goalposts. This whole damned thing has evolved far beyond our wildest predictions due to scope alone. Hell, a year ago we hardly knew of Covid and had no idea about Hunter’s laptop. I can see the plan involving Biden being seated as President. But if I recognize that, I’ll have a hundred people accusing me of moving the goalposts. Fact is, I don’t care because I know the people in charge have The Plan to carry out on their timeline.
This is not meant to be denigrating to your post, but if Biden is put in the White House then there is no one left in a position of power to carry out The Plan. Anything after that the left will paint as pure insurrection and they will be even more heavy handed than the last few weeks.
man been following this stuff for a while now, and the shenanigans at the rally and beyond including the mass censorship and calling for impeachment really make you wonder they are afraid of something. Two weeks and this is all over correct? Why are they going so crazy? Seems illogical. they should be doing a victory lap right?
Prison time isn't a good feeling if this goes down.
lets take q out of the equation because i think q is 50-50 in this thread

why dont you convince us biden is what is needed to cure whatever is ailing this country

convince us that we should all believe this is over

convince us there was no election fraud


1. I’ll never back Biden and you won’t find a bigger MAGA supporter. I bet big money on Trump in the primary that he would win the general, and I have been on board since he came down the escalator and gave his first speech.

2. This is most likely over because Congress certified the electoral college results, SCOTUS failed to act. There are not clear avenues. The time for action was in November. The courts and state legislators failed. R leadership failed (intentionally) to clearly communicate where fraud occurred - did a horrible job selling the message. Hiring Juliani didn’t help either.

I think the weak feckless blobs of mush in DC that said nothing (ie Lindsey Graham’s, Mitch McConnells of the world) are all tired of Trump and actually wanted him gone. Betting, however, that the military is somehow going to intervene despite making multiple statements that they never would, can only OBJECTIVELY be viewed as far fetched (at best). I’m hopeful, but not optimistic and rooted in reality.

3. There was blatant election fraud everywhere and I’ve never made any statement to the contrary. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. And the multi-faceted machine (courts, feds, media, tech) that Trump up against is deep and super powerful and managed to prevail despite how obvious it was.
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Here we go. This one is so long it's ridiculous. there is no way I can't summarize all of this but I'll try to do the high points. There's a lot of stuff about the censorship and all these sites. apparently google is going to nuke many sites. Reiterated to check your phone and make sure it's not been disabled through an update. The insurrection act has been activated. Trump is at the White House with 7,000 troops. In the next one to two days there will be numerous EAS broadcasts. Very dangerous time for false flags. Obtaining the pelosi laptop resulted in a military operation. we were about to sell GE to China and they provide the military with gear. He was supposed to address the nation last night but didn't because Pakistan went 40% dark rumors of the pope being taken he said seemed unreliable but there were things that happened at the Vatican. US Canadian border is on lockdown. supposedly found a bug in the White House Trump is leaving going overseas They are changing the transponder in the plane to make it look like a smaller plane and his location will not be made for 10 days. London will be without power and water. General Flynn will be the vice president. Plane crash in Indonesia killing 62 was not an accident. 1 million votes have been registered for the recall for newsome in California. FBI took over the Georgia election and shredded all ballots. I Yes we will find out if this is all true or BS in about 2 or 3 days

Ok I'll play "Devil's Advocate" how do you sell a publicly traded company to Chyna?

@athensdawg @NapervilleBuck @financedawg

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