Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Gab down? sorry if i'm way behind.. got 4 kids and work full time.
Either increased traffic or Big Tech fuckery of some sort, I'd guess
I had the same experience with social media and my connections with old vets. Most of the guys I served with shipped to Iraq a few months after I ETS'd in August of 02. Many of them served multiple tours or moved around in the big green machine to easier jobs and retired. It was really all over the place, after the 16 election some were all about Trump, some were hard core libertarians that couldn't stand him, some were all about Hillary, even a few Bernie bros. Kind of sad really, we had a great community going and enjoyed a great reunion in Vegas together. Politics had us all disagreeing about some bullshit so I deleted bookface and kept in touch with my closest friends in my platoon that still meet up often. Here is my dumb ass guarding a church from Albanians retaliating against the Serbs. View attachment 493
Same here. We were hard chargers when we needed to and partied hard without a care when we didn’t. We didn’t give a shit about politics but that all changed in 16. I was all aboard the Trump train then but kept it to myself. However, they had no qualms expressing their disdain. The way I see it if they truly feel the need to publicly say delete me if you like this person, then we are both better off. I mean weren’t/aren’t we fighting for the same freedoms and to be able to disagree with each other peacefully? Shit changed!
Some of my contacts still active went dark and Monkey Werx confirmed the same. I think it’s all systems go now. I would imagine with the Eagle in the air, we will get an EBS once touchdown

With all due respect - can you share your background or background of said contacts - like a small clue or nugget?

I understand if you cannot.
I'm going to slowly slide into the background where I've always felt more comfortable but huge thanks to everyone here. We are doing something very special here. This is your community I am just trying to be a conduit.

Do not be discouraged if things don't go the way you think they should over the next couple weeks.

We are the special interest group now.

We are the think tank now.
I remember the first day you posted your alt site in the LAC thread. I now believe you knew this day would come.
Thanks for all you have done. Roll Tide (I think).😂
There are tools to schedule future tweets. So if you had a message you wanted to get across in pieces you could program how you want it released and when to maximize audience attention. I doubt the intervals have any deep meaning.
Welp, you’re wrong. Pompeo tweeted at 5:51 and then immediately deleted it and tweeted at 6p. He’s not using a program.
I remember the first day you posted your alt site in the LAC thread. I now believe you knew this day would come.
Thanks for all you have done. Roll Tide (I think).😂
Seeing the only Wise and Merciful God in these latter days hath poured out so richly his mercy and goodness to Mankind, wherby we do attain more and more to the perfect knowledg of his Son Jesus Christ and Nature, that justly we may boast of the happy time, wherein there is not only discovered unto us the half part of the World, which was heretofore unknown & hidden, but he hath also made manifest unto us many wonderful, and never-heretofore see, Works and Creatures of Nature, and moreover hath raised men, indued with great Wisdom, which might partly renew and reduce all Arts (in this our Age spotted and imperfect) to perfection; so that finally Man might thereby understand his own Nobleness and Worth, and why he is called Microcosmus, and how far his knowledg extendeth in Nature.

Although the rude World herewith will be but little pleased, but rather smile and scoff thereat; also the Pride and Covetousness of the Learned is so great, it will not suffer them to agree together; but were they united, they might out of all those things which in this our Age God doth so richly bestow upon us, collect Librum Naturae, or a perfect Method of all Arts: but such is their opposition, that they still keep, and are loth to leave the old course, esteeming Porphiry, Aristotle, and Galen, yea and that which hath but a meer shew of learning, more then the clear and manifested Light and Truth; who if they were now living, with much joy would leave their erroneous Doctrines. But here is too great weaknesses for such a great Work: And although in Theologie, Physic, and the Mathematic, the Truth doth oppose it self; nevertheless the old Enemy by his subtilty and craft doth shew himself in hindering every good purpose by his Instruments and contentious wavering people.
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Not everything is a echo chamber of circularly repeating ideas. Agree with some, disagree with others. Or would you prefer to take a more fascist univoice approach like the big tech commies?

thats pretty funny considering one of your last posts I saw on Rivals was this...

“I literally cannot believe people still think this isn’t over. Military didn’t “dress up as FBI” and the congress isn’t going to be arrested by the military for treason. Furthermore, dems know how to use the internet too - this isn’t some secret conspiracy that somehow your in on and the entire left is about to be blind sighted.

If you believe this stuff you need a serious sanity check.”

sounds like you’re the one that wants all of us “crazies” to stop believing this nonsense.
Wasn’t Linn Calling out Tom with judicial watch on his keeping or hiding evidence of Seth Riches murder?
We have often opined about whether you can go back and impeach a past elected official. Consensus was you could. Dershowitz argued this morning you can’t because the constitutional provision requires “removal” from office if convicted by the Senate, or something to that effect, which couldn’t be done to someone not currently in office. So, there’s that, n stuff.
Thanks for letting me know I’ve been working on this. I took some time away today to go shooting, but I’ve been going through and validating users manually so they can post until I get this fixed.
Mine came but I used my Yahoo email first. On the first two tries and got nothing. Spam or inbox.
Third time I used one of my gmail accounts and the validation came but it did come to my junk folder.
thats pretty funny considering one of your last posts I saw on Rivals was this...

“I literally cannot believe people still think this isn’t over. Military didn’t “dress up as FBI” and the congress isn’t going to be arrested by the military for treason. Furthermore, dems know how to use the internet too - this isn’t some secret conspiracy that somehow your in on and the entire left is about to be blind sighted.

If you believe this stuff you need a serious sanity check.”

sounds like you’re the one that wants all of us “crazies” to stop believing this nonsense.

And, yet, despite my comment specifically related to the Q conspiracy (which I don’t believe is real nor do I think at this point has given anyone else any tangible reason to believe otherwise), I’m not so fragile to continue challenging my own thoughts that the stolen election situation is ‘over’ by reading what others who think differently are saying.

Not believing in Q and also believing there are paths to restoring the republic are not mutually exclusive.

Further, isn’t this the entire purpose of spirited debate? Expressing different opinions and trying to compel one another towards a view. Or do you prefer a sheltered echo chamber where no one challenges anything you think? Don’t be so fragile, it’s gross.
Is this real? Sick, he has to be in jail now.
There will be more, and it won't be for everyone to see. I certainly don't want to see. There are Guardians for us to take that burden off so we don't have to. But its going to come out slowly, probably through fucked up dark channels in the web. I just can't see our President taking over all comms and forcing people to watch those crimes
This has been discussed in the "Dance your cares away" thread, but I want to get some dialogue going on this specifically.

Full disclosure- I was initially very skeptical of the vaccine for many of the reasons I would guess you all have. I have done some research and been privy to some information the general public does not get. I also have spoken with a number or healthcare professionals (RNs and Doctors that I have worked with for a long time) and the overwhelming majority of them are in favor of the vaccine or have already gotten round 1, including a few emergency physicians that I trust. I am still trying to find as much information on the the vaccine as I can- I am scheduled to get it on Friday. If you have any information or knowledge on it I welcome your input. Thank you.
Mandatory for us front line big dick swingers :cool:

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