Difference of opinion and debate is welcome. Blatant trolling and wanting to silence those that you disagree with is not.
And, yet, despite my comment specifically related to the Q conspiracy (which I don’t believe is real nor do I think at this point has given anyone else any tangible reason to believe otherwise), I’m not so fragile to continue challenging my own thoughts that the stolen election situation is ‘over’ by reading what others who think differently are saying.
Not believing in Q and also believing there are paths to restoring the republic are not mutually exclusive.
Further, isn’t this the entire purpose of spirited debate? Expressing different opinions and trying to compel one another towards a view. Or do you prefer a sheltered echo chamber where no one challenges anything you think? Don’t be so fragile, it’s gross.
Difference of opinion and debate is welcome. Blatant trolling and wanting to silence those that you disagree with is not.