Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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It's wild to Weinstein get this redpilled this fast. He sounded like a typical liberal democrat just 5 years ago. TDS real bad and dems were the good guys... LOL.

This has had me confused. Every time I see his name I think TDS retard that used to religiously wait for a Trump tweet to show how retarded he is. His recent stuff has been 180 degrees from what I remember

So it is that same fucktard but he’s opened his eyes?

Edit: I’m thinking of that Krassenstein jackwagon. Disregard.
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The anti-Twitter/X propaganda is ramping up on the LinkedIn platform. On the LinkedIn News/Top Stories column on the top right hand corner of the homepage, there is an article titled Troubles Keep Piling Up at X. Once you click that link, there are a number of opinion pieces linked below all in support of Brazil taking down the big, bad, rogue billionaire Musk for not abiding by Brazilian "laws". The reality is Musk refuses to acquiesce to the installed Brazilian government's demands to censor their political opponents.

Reid Hoffman is obviously a big fan of censorship and narrative shaping given his historical donations to political ideologues who align with this line of thinking. Now he has brought it to his platform.

It's next level propaganda, and I consider myself to be a pretty good spotter of propaganda.

Here is a link if you'd like to check it out yourself.
The anti-Twitter/X propaganda is ramping up on the LinkedIn platform. On the LinkedIn News/Top Stories column on the top right hand corner of the homepage, there is an article titled Troubles Keep Piling Up at X. Once you click that link, there are a number of opinion pieces linked below all in support of Brazil taking down the big, bad, rogue billionaire Musk for not abiding by Brazilian "laws". The reality is Musk refuses to acquiesce to the installed Brazilian government's demands to censor their political opponents.

Reid Hoffman is obviously a big fan of censorship and narrative shaping given his historical donations to political ideologues who align with this line of thinking. Now he has brought it to his platform.

It's next level propaganda, and I consider myself to be a pretty good spotter of propaganda.

Here is a link if you'd like to check it out yourself.
I think this is where once again we are on the downward slope of the election and shit is about to hit the fan hot and heavy. There is a reason obviously as you cogently pointed out how propaganda is resonating across the country. It’s literally the only thing they have left.

A friend tested positive for Wuhan Charlie just before flying to DC. He was ill with a minor cold for several days but they tested him (don't know who). It was positive. The MD said he had passed the infectious stage so was OK to fly. The stupidity of the whole thing.

It should be obvious they will do everything to keep Trump out. Lawsuits failed, assassination failed, next up is 9/18 for sentencing to jail. They thought they could avoid that with Crooks. Epstein is waiting.
They tested him to gather his DNA (maybe they already had it) to send to the lab for Gain of Function research....we all know why they want to do that.
Im being driven to arrogance and narcissm and I don't care:

It’s obvious you have mental issues. Take that shit to grinder.
Today's irony

Sitting in terminal b at Newark heading to Europe. Sandwiched between 2 Lufthansa gates to Munich and Frankfurt sits an El AL flight to Tel Aviv. Muslim and jews getting along, which is nice
Because they have hating Christians in common🤷‍♂️


A new just published paper is wonderful news for mankind, climate alarmism has been debunked.

✅All the trillions of dollars that were ear-marked to spend on big batteries, high voltage transmissions lines, and wind turbines can now be diverted into health, improved living standards and eliminating poverty.

✅Legions of climate grifters can now spend their time in productive endeavours.

✅We won’t have to kill thousands of koalas by destroying their native habitat constructing wind turbines.

✅The little children will no longer have to be scared.

For this new peer-reviewed published study concludes;

The global SST (Sea surface temperature) has been the main determinant of annual increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations since 1959.

No human impact was observed.

This result indicates that human efforts to curb CO2 emissions have been, at least in the past, meaningless.

Moreover, the theory that modern global warming and climate change are caused by human-emitted CO2 is also wrong, irrelevantly to the credibility of the story that modern warming and climate change are occurring more dramatically than those in the past.…

The entire climate scare campaign is first and foremost underpinned by the theory that man’s use of fossil fuels is causing C02 levels in the atmosphere to increase.

Secondly, this increase in Co2 is not natural and is causing an increase bad weather.

And thirdly, by stopping generating energy from coal, oil & gas, we can stop C02 levels from increasing and stop increases in bad weather.

However, this new study finds that increases in CO2 levels are not caused by man’s activities, but by natural increases in sea surface temperatures.

ThIs makes sense as man’s activities (37 gigatons of CO2) only account for 3% of the total CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, compared to ~330 gigatons from oceanic sources and ~ 440 gigatons from terrestrial sources - and the CO2 emitted from the oceans varies depending upon sea surfaces temperatures.

The study found that variations in sea surfaces temperatures is what is what is driving CO2 increases

For example in 1992, the world experienced a global cooling snap caused by the Mount Pinatubo eruption, and in 1992 the atmospheric CO2 concentration only increased 0.49 ppm.

In contrast, in 1998 an El Niño warmed the world, the CO2 concentration increased 2.97 ppm

So between 1992 and 1998 there was a six fold difference in the increase in C02 concentrations (0.49ppm to 2.97ppm)

However emissions from 1992 (23.4 gigatons) and 1998 (25.3 gigatons) differed by only 8%.

So the science is in. The alarmism can end.

However, we need to understand that the climate change movement is a brainwashed cult, held together by a strongly held quasi religious belief, not to mention the grifters making millions from perpetuating the alarmism -

And like those that injected themselves with a 4th, 5th & 6th covid "booster" they will bury their heads in the sand and deny science and want to continue with the destructive insanity of Net Zero.

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