Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Whether you realize it or not, Trump is confirming Q, as a successful operation right here.

We have been given the gift of VISION, shown not told.

How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.

It's all been right in front of us the whole time.

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Badass crowd
I recently changed electric providers. The company I was with for 50 months sent me a new offer that was 7 cents/kwh more than what I had been paying. I called and spoke with them and they had no offers less than that. I found another company which was 6 cents/kwh less than their proposal. I switched. The day before the new service was to begin, I received a call from one of the former company's executives telling me they had some deals that were near what I changed to. Where were those deals 2 weeks ago when I called and asked if they wanted to keep me as a customer? The same thing happened when I changed internet providers. No deals beforehand but once I changed new deals appeared.
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I recently changed electric providers. The company I was with for 50 months send me a new offer that was 7 cents/kwh more than what I had been paying. I called and spoke with them and they had no offers less than that. I found another company which was 6 cents/kwh less than their proposal. I switched. The day before the new service was to begin, I received a call from one of the former company's executives telling me they had some deals that were near what I changed to. Where were those deals 2 weeks ago when I called and asked if they wanted to keep me as a customer? The same thing happened when I changed internet providers. No deals beforehand but once I changed new deals appeared.
I dropped Sirius a couple of years ago because of the automatic reup at a higher price that they immediately drop on a phone call. Told them that's a garbage practice and a garbage company
I wonder if that dude wishes he didn't take the deal? Just kept his mouth shut and did sports stuff. Man, these people seem hell bent on sinking with the ship. I wonder what he had to do that he would rather go down as commie scum then be revealed? Skol!
He was really good in the early days of Sportscenter. Of course ESPN turned to crap, other than some game coverage, if you are still into following sports. Him diving into politics showed who he really is and that is someone who is just…..terrible.
This was surprising to me.
I don’t trust the governor of Georgia, but Georgia is a key state. And Trump is playing his part right now in my opinion playing the statesman

I pray to god that it's the velvet glove with steel hand method. He might be trying to scare Kemp into doing the right thing by saying.... "i'm going to win this thing and if you screw me I'm going to ruin your life". Like how he told Alec Baldwin "I wish him well" when he was indicted for killing that girl.

Too soon??


HISTORIC! "We must choose to love our kids more than we hate each other." - RFK, Jr., speaking on why he's endorsing Donald J. Trump to oppose the corporate death machine that pushes processed foods, pesticides, herbicides, toxic ingredients and deadly pharmaceuticals and vaccines onto our children. RFK Jr. just verbalized what I've also been teaching for 20+ years. We do NOT have to be a country of obese, diseased, diabetic people. We can do better, and we must defeat Big Food, Big Ag, Big Pharma and the big money political machines that sacrifice our children for their own profit



^^What libs want, everyone labeled and negated

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