All part of the plan. What if I told you John F. Kennedy Jr. never died....
I kid, I kid...
This is not a joking matter and when it happens I should drink for free when I'm with any of you!
All part of the plan. What if I told you John F. Kennedy Jr. never died....
I kid, I kid...
What the fuck. I swear to God if Kamala wins I'm going to have to start learning Rusky.... Fuck this shit.Shoot that ICBM straight up their ass!
Haven't been in a LJS's since the lockdown and their refusal to open for indoor dining until long after most others had. They are one of a long list of businesses I refuse to shop at due to being Nazi about masks et al.
It's been the plan all along. Especially since Mr. and Mr. Obama came on the scene. The cheat is on.They want a takeover of the USA.. The only way eliminating the filibuster makes sense for a political party is if they plan to hold the Government no matter what.
^^yup, replacement theory is a myth^^
^^yup, replacement theory is a myth^^
The john legend shitshow was laughable last night.So far the Dem convention
Old rich people complaining about others having too much and blaming Trump
Young mentally ill people so proud of their abortions blaming Trump
Miserable, ugly union leaders who rip of the workers and neglect the job they're supposed to be doing and blaming Trump
Is that about right??
As long as they circumvent democracy to save it.
Has to be since she wears Depends. She was also struggling to keep those dentures from flying out of her yapper.My money is on a cocktail napkin
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