Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I saw this earlier.

When my IT girlfriend in India was telling me what to do to fix it, about the time she said click on the CrowdStrike folder I said, "I think we should just delete C 5 Knot dot 29 star" and call it a day.

The silence on the phone was golden.

Of all places I had read that fix on Orangebloods earlier.

But when I said it to my Indian girlfriend I envisioned myself as "Elon Musk Type Smart", moving all my cool companies to The ATX and trolling libs, likely bringing her to a climax with "IT Phone sex".

She's probably at home drooling over her chicken tiki masala about that "Dreamy American Loan Officer" that spits-out code like he built the Taj Mahal.

Thank you, Obama, OBiden and OKerry for all the help given to Iran.

And they will replace Washington's or Jefferson's bust in the Capitol with hers. Who wants to look at her tits in the Capitol?

I saw this earlier.

When my IT girlfriend in India was telling me what to do to fix it, about the time she said click on the CrowdStrike folder I said, "I think we should just delete C 5 Knot dot 29 star" and call it a day.

The silence on the phone was golden.

Of all places I had read that fix on Orangebloods earlier.

But when I said it to my Indian girlfriend I envisioned myself as "Elon Musk Type Smart", moving all my cool companies to The ATX and trolling libs, likely bringing her to a climax with "IT Phone sex".

She's probably at home drooling over her chicken tiki masala about that "Dreamy American Loan Officer" that spits-out code like he built the Taj Mahal.
I copied it from our internal bulletin. There were more emergency services than you might ever know or hear about that went offline yesterday.

I was thinking that this might be how they hit all of the ESS voting machines in November to steal the election, or could be the cause of the 10 days, darkness.

A question here:

In May, a 13 y/o boy was shot and killed at an apartment complex in a high crime area of Dallas. The family is distraught.

The boy was shot at 3:42 AM trying to sell a stolen handgun to two young adults and a 15 y/o accomplice.

WTF were he and the other 3 doing out and about at 3:42 AM?

We know why. Nothing good happens at that time of the AM.

^^truly dispicable^^

Kirsten, this happened log ago


^^if the trailer is a rockin^^
^^truly dispicable^^

Kirsten, this happened log ago
Trump's assassination attempt was "superficial" compared to all the deaths and destruction Fauci caused worldwide with his Wuhan Charlie virus and his gain of function payments.

^^if the trailer is a rockin^^
Rats: A trap caught another rat by its butt at the apartment I treat. Make #8. This one dragged the trap behind the washing machine where it died and began decomposing. Nobody called to tell me a trap was missing or they smelled anything. The rat dragging the trap had to be making noise banging the trap on the washing machine and debris behind it. Of course, they didn't hear or smell the dead rat decomposing (a smell you never confuse) because of the skunk smell of the marijuana the daughter smokes all the time. Not much can be done when the residents don't help.
Sounds like it's time to drown that mother-fucker in Holy Water.

If he lives he's the Anti-Christ and we'll have to go to Plan "B"

If he dies we just rid the earth of a Zionist.

Sounds like a "Win Win" to me.
If he’s the Anti-Christ nothing we do will matter.

It’s God’s will and in His hands.

The good news is we know who wins.
Do white people come from Europe?

Are they talking about his blood, or where his feet travel from?
Of course, white people come from Europe. Haven't you heard the cacophony about all the white Euros and white Americans who are the root cause of all the world's ills?

If I had a guess, and I don't know who this person is, I would put the young Jewish leader-in-training of the WEF, Yuval Noah Harari, at the top of the list. He is a vile person.

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