Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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This post is a must listen, however I think you must be prepared to also use discernment and read between the lines. This is Julian Assange's wife, Stella. She is also a human rights lawyer. Personally I think that someone like Julian is similar to a Jeffery Epstein in the way that he is an important tool for the good guys. (No I'm not calling him a pedo) So ask yourself.. Is Epstein really dead? I think we would be fooling ourselves to think that is not a possibility that he lives. Well for me, the same goes for Assange. Information war. And this man dropped bombs. He made some of the most dangerous and powerful enemies any man could have in doing so. ... So if this was the case, would we not protect him? Would we not play our role in the information war to play shadow games on his behalf? Reminds me of Trump saying, "Elon has to help us, bc we helped him"We are at war not between countries and borders, but at war with powers that have already infiltrated. .. In a way, we are watching a war play out umongst ourselves. So when she blames America, I think... Which side of the war? And I'm supposed to believe he sits safely in a jail cell where everyone knows he is?..... I don't buy it. They would have gotten to him by now. We know someone fed Julian his info. We know he just published it. We KNOW Trump and team used that information as a tool to stop Killary from taking office in 2016. Stopping the 16 year plan. Take from it what you will. And please feel free to tell us all what you think. No matter what, her words are important. Julian is important.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik is one of the harder characters to read. He is one of the smartest people on the planet. Some people believe he is the creator of the "Clockwork Orange" psychological framework in which you continuously blast a population with violence and hate (red) you create a dynamic of perpetual fear (yellow) and that allows for nefarious/corrupt practices to continue as the population as a whole is never in their executive funciton of their brain long enough to think critically about countering.

He also was the right/left hand man to Henry Kissinger and Zbiginew Brzenski throughout the 70's-80's at the State Dept. I mentioned he is quite intelligent. He recieved his Dr. of Psych from Harvard and his PhD at MIT in International Relations. He's wicked smart.

I've thought of him as the brain of the snake in the intelligence community in the unholy marriage of the CIA, Mossad and MI-6. It's hard to believe he doesn't know those dynamics well and his fingerprints were all over everything from the Camp David Accords (Israel/Egypt peace treaty), the arming/creation of the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan in the late 70's/early 80's and was an early guest on shows such as Infowars, which I believe was simply the digital/online version of the National Enquirer: a disinformation outlet run by the CIA that mixed truth and falsehoods, so everything would be discredited based on the horse (i.e. JFK killed by Bush-led CIA right next to an article about "bat-boy" found in PA cave).

Anyhow, he would certainly know where the bodies are buried as he buried many of them. He was Mike Flynn before Mike Flynn. He's also the type of person that will either compartmentalize the issue. He does this well in the video above by making it seem like 2016 was about keeping the Clinton's out of office and the Foundation. While that was indeed an issue, it was small potatoes in the entire scheme & scope of the real corruption that was unearthed. At the same time, he is the type of asset that if he "flipped" or suddenly developed a conscious, he would be formidable in a counter-insurgence situation, not only because of his scope of understanding, but also his network.

If he was compartmentalizing above because the "good guys/white hats" needed time to continue to expand the operation. That is a good thing. If he was compartmentalizing to try and keep the public from seeing the full scope, that isnt. He's a hard one to read.
They aren’t into the Q stuff, so no the 10 days of darkness isn’t even a thing with them.

Could this be it? Maybe, I have my doubts with Q.

If Trump was really a part of some bigger operation then how did Covid become such a thing and instead not stopped dead in it’s tracks? People still wearing masks today, yes I am still pissed about Covid and the bullshit it brought with it. The bs “pandemic” has ushered in some of the worst economic times in history and I can’t believe that would be allowed to happen if Trump really was part of some plan.

I’m all in on Trump but skeptical of Q. I think he’s just a guy that loves his country and knows there is a cabal/deep state/globalist group of assholes trying to destroy us. Just my opinion.

So short answer no they are not reading Q drops thinking 10 days of darkness are near.

No offense, I actually hope it is legitimately that and shit kicks off and the good guys win. My house is ready.
10 Days of Darkness is straight out of Revelation 2 in Jesus' directive to the church at Smyrna.

To the Church in Smyrna​

8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:

These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. 9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
11 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.

It's a well-known concept. The question is how is the interpretation here. We know who suffers in the Biblical text,, but WHO suffers in the Q reference? Is that us? Is that the enemy only having to endure for 10 days?
Re: Nazis target trans people. They use these useful idiots to get the power. Then the first people to be jettisoned are the useful idiots. The elites know if these people can be manipulated this easily, these idiots can be manipulated by others just as easily. The idiots are too stupid to understand.
It wasn't the Nazis targeting trans people. It was the Bolshevik's led by the ideaologies being pushed out of the Frankfurt School.

The Nazi's gained power, in part, because the population was so sick of the clearly unnatural & unreasonable ideology of the Weimar Republic, that they were open to anyone who could oppose & win against that particular view of demonic activity.

Unfortunately, they traded one demon for another.
^^Julio Alvarez Lopez^^

^^Raad Almansoori^^

Riley's not disappointed. She now has the smoke to sue the university directly.
Elon shining the light.

Seems like they all need more diversity....of thought.
Unfortunately, they traded one demon for another.
Knowing that history is all messed up, i.e., not truthful, I'm not so sure they knowingly traded one demon for another.

I think Hitler had the voice of the people much as Trump has the people backing him. That's why the PTB keep saying Trump is like Hitler!! The question is often asked "How could all those Germans back a demon like Hitler?" Well, how is it so many Americans back Trump? It's all in how you look at history, your vantage point. "How" indeed!

Juxtaposing then to now - sexual perversion, prostitution, pedophilia was rampant in Berlin - the books they were burning (Farenheight 451°) were the sex change operation manuals and porno smut books. Looking at 'book burning' in this light changes everything! It's NOT what we were led to believe. Do you see how 'history' was perverted? Same as the story that the US won WWII!? It's being revealed that Russia actually paid the price with 27M dead in WWII! They defeated Hitler's military in Stalingrad where over 1M Russians died alone, yet Russia is the bad guy today? Why? Hollywood has distorted history so much that we don't even know history!

Wall St FUNDED Hitler (war profits are good business - see any of that today?). After he tossed the "filthy lucre" bankers out of Germany and made a "days pay for a days labor" as a form of 'money' it took Germany but 10 years to become a world powerhouse - which tells you something about the current fiat debt-slave monetary system and why they don't want that to go away! When you don't have usurious interest payments your nation blossoms. Andrew Jackson proved that back in 1840's which is why Trump hung AJ's portrait in the Oval Office! That was a shot across the bow to the Deep State (banking cartel). Lincoln's portrait too! Why? Lincoln created the Green-backed Dollar - a 'competing' currency to the then banking establishment (which is why they killed him!).

Misplaced trust in the banking industry is what set Hitler off. He felt they betrayed him with the Balfour Declaration which was a Rothschild creation with England. Any wonder why Gaza is in the news today? Any wonder why the US has $34T in debt and more on the way? Any wonder why the endless wars? Putin tossed the Rothschild banking system out of Russia. BRICS+?? Ukraine? See a pattern here?

We're getting set to do WWIII. Why? I think it's to 'reset' the failing world financial system - same thing they did in 1929, but then it was to subjugate the US into giving up their gold money (aka freedom). They (bankers) CAUSED the Great Depression! This time it's to introduce CBDC to control the plebes, the 'useless' eaters! We've all read the Georgia Guidestones 'plan' to reduce the world population. The faux planndemic, the bioweapon jab. The WEF, WHO Bill Gates et al... it's why we're all here isn't it?

Heck, I could have some of it wrong as well, but it's a starting point to question everything one thinks they know about 'his story'!! You certainly can't start researching history with a false premise! You have to start by questioning EVERYTHING you THINK you know! I haven't figured it all out yet, but these are 'bread crumbs' or 'dots to connect' that I've come to know over the decades of my asking "Why?"

This seems like a threat more than a warning...

(Bloomberg) -- Poland’s foreign minister warned of “profound consequences” for US alliances across the globe if Congress fails to approve more than $60 billion in proposed assistance to Ukraine.

Opposition from Republicans close to Donald Trump has held up aid for the war-ravaged country for months. A dearth of ammunition has left Ukraine’s forces increasingly outgunned as the war with Russia enters its third year with no end in sight.

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Except German wanted their gold back and we only gave them 1/4 and told them we were keeping the rest....So do we really have the most?
This seems like a threat more than a warning...

(Bloomberg) -- Poland’s foreign minister warned of “profound consequences” for US alliances across the globe if Congress fails to approve more than $60 billion in proposed assistance to Ukraine.

Opposition from Republicans close to Donald Trump has held up aid for the war-ravaged country for months. A dearth of ammunition has left Ukraine’s forces increasingly outgunned as the war with Russia enters its third year with no end in sight.
Exactly! A threat.

Why doesn't Poland print money and 'fund' Ukraine? Why is it always the US?
This seems like a threat more than a warning...

(Bloomberg) -- Poland’s foreign minister warned of “profound consequences” for US alliances across the globe if Congress fails to approve more than $60 billion in proposed assistance to Ukraine.

Opposition from Republicans close to Donald Trump has held up aid for the war-ravaged country for months. A dearth of ammunition has left Ukraine’s forces increasingly outgunned as the war with Russia enters its third year with no end in sight.

months ?

the bill was voted down last week

the fvcking skim had to come to an end

This thing's vote is equal to yours

UK is lost

When Whoring goes wrong... 😂 😂

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