Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I may have missed it, but in my opinion we experienced a probing attack today. Taking down phone service disrupted more than your wife calling to find out where you are. It was designed to see what people would do with little to no readily available information. The Chinese want to gauge reaction. The next one will be longer and more severe.

Get your go bag ready.

Plenty of room in mi casa for my brothers
They export diamonds but don't have diamond mine? Well
Explain it to me like I'm 5.
Oi, how the hell did y'all apparently end up with some Chinese bitch on the electoral commission or whatever that shit is?

A Chinese!?

From Chyna!?


Why are fuckin Commies literally strutting on in and taking over The United States of America!?

And here y'all are gettin' dicked by Israel, cheering on Commie Chyna's fuckin' Commie Russian bum buddies.

Are ya'z just so hopelessly demoralized and so tragically desperate, you'll grab hold of anything dangled in front of ya!?

Coz that is what mother fuckers outside of America are seeing and laughing about!

Cunts are shamelessly walking all over you guys, and ya just taking it!

😒Fuck sakes!

A few of you nitwits I dislike sometimes, but it pisses me off a shit tonne more seeing Communists being supported by "Patriotic Americans", as tens of thousands of trained Communist soldiers slip in the back door AND the fuckin' front door!

Yet y'all just sit there bickering about the political puppeteering performers.

Real! If you don't snap out of this fuckin' retarded puppet worshipping stupor asap, mates! You are going to lose your nation forever.

What was it?

We the puppets?


~We The People~


Do you know what percentage of the world population is "white"?

All proper European nations peoples, ie: Aussie, Britain, France, US, NZ, Wales, Italy, Scotland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, etc....

....all combined total somewhere between 6% & 9%...and this is rapidly dropping.

Who built the modern world?

Russian-"jews" are not "white", Israeli-"jews" are not "white", German-"jews" are not white. All "jews" are "jews". Their PRIMARY allegiance is to "jews".

If we "whites" are supposedly the "bad guys", with our "white privilege", and our "oppression of coloured peepo", and how we be "hoarding all the wealth" & sheeit...

... how are we even doing all that if we are the minority who is being shamelessly oppressed in our own countries?

Are you cunts doing it?

Coz I ain't.


This post is a must listen, however I think you must be prepared to also use discernment and read between the lines. This is Julian Assange's wife, Stella. She is also a human rights lawyer. Personally I think that someone like Julian is similar to a Jeffery Epstein in the way that he is an important tool for the good guys. (No I'm not calling him a pedo) So ask yourself.. Is Epstein really dead? I think we would be fooling ourselves to think that is not a possibility that he lives. Well for me, the same goes for Assange. Information war. And this man dropped bombs. He made some of the most dangerous and powerful enemies any man could have in doing so. ... So if this was the case, would we not protect him? Would we not play our role in the information war to play shadow games on his behalf? Reminds me of Trump saying, "Elon has to help us, bc we helped him"We are at war not between countries and borders, but at war with powers that have already infiltrated. .. In a way, we are watching a war play out umongst ourselves. So when she blames America, I think... Which side of the war? And I'm supposed to believe he sits safely in a jail cell where everyone knows he is?..... I don't buy it. They would have gotten to him by now. We know someone fed Julian his info. We know he just published it. We KNOW Trump and team used that information as a tool to stop Killary from taking office in 2016. Stopping the 16 year plan. Take from it what you will. And please feel free to tell us all what you think. No matter what, her words are important. Julian is important.
I read “Inside Trump’s White House” several years ago. GREAT book and I highly recommend it. And I said to my mom (who let me borrow the book) that I think Lara might be my favorite Trump after reading it and she agreed! I also enjoy her podcast (but my slight criticism is she does talk about herself a lot when interviewing guests but she also talks up her FIL any chance she gets to her guests). And as long as she includes Scott Pressler in her plans (which I’ve read she plans to), she’ll be good to go!
Ohhh..and the last part has me torqued
I have some friends that are pretty in tune with shit. Trump guys that don’t buy the MSM propaganda but this “solar flare” has them in a tizzy and they are taking it hook line and sinker.

I don’t believe it. Why would some networks still be fine? Anti solar flare equipment? Also did this impact any other countries?
We’ve been talking about Cyberpolygon and 10 days of darkness for years. They are not yet fully awake.
We’ve been talking about Cyberpolygon and 10 days of darkness for years. They are not yet fully awake.

They aren’t into the Q stuff, so no the 10 days of darkness isn’t even a thing with them.

Could this be it? Maybe, I have my doubts with Q.

If Trump was really a part of some bigger operation then how did Covid become such a thing and instead not stopped dead in it’s tracks? People still wearing masks today, yes I am still pissed about Covid and the bullshit it brought with it. The bs “pandemic” has ushered in some of the worst economic times in history and I can’t believe that would be allowed to happen if Trump really was part of some plan.

I’m all in on Trump but skeptical of Q. I think he’s just a guy that loves his country and knows there is a cabal/deep state/globalist group of assholes trying to destroy us. Just my opinion.

So short answer no they are not reading Q drops thinking 10 days of darkness are near.

No offense, I actually hope it is legitimately that and shit kicks off and the good guys win. My house is ready.
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