Oi, how the hell did y'all apparently end up with some Chinese bitch on the electoral commission or whatever that shit is?
A Chinese!?
From Chyna!?
Why are fuckin Commies literally strutting on in and taking over The United States of America!?
And here y'all are gettin' dicked by Israel, cheering on Commie Chyna's fuckin' Commie Russian bum buddies.
Are ya'z just so hopelessly demoralized and so tragically desperate, you'll grab hold of anything dangled in front of ya!?
Coz that is what mother fuckers outside of America are seeing and laughing about!
Cunts are shamelessly walking all over you guys, and ya just taking it!

Fuck sakes!
A few of you nitwits I dislike sometimes, but it pisses me off a shit tonne more seeing Communists being supported by "Patriotic Americans", as tens of thousands of trained Communist soldiers slip in the back door AND the fuckin' front door!
Yet y'all just sit there bickering about the political puppeteering performers.
Real! If you don't snap out of this fuckin' retarded puppet worshipping stupor asap, mates! You are going to lose your nation forever.
What was it?
We the puppets?
~We The People~
Do you know what percentage of the world population is "white"?
All proper European nations peoples, ie: Aussie, Britain, France, US, NZ, Wales, Italy, Scotland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, etc....
....all combined total somewhere between 6% & 9%...and this is rapidly dropping.
Who built the modern world?
Russian-"jews" are not "white", Israeli-"jews" are not "white", German-"jews" are not white. All "jews" are "jews". Their PRIMARY allegiance is to "jews".
If we "whites" are supposedly the "bad guys", with our "white privilege", and our "oppression of coloured peepo", and how we be "hoarding all the wealth" & sheeit...
... how are we even doing all that if we are the minority who is being shamelessly oppressed in our own countries?
Are you cunts doing it?
Coz I ain't.