Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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leaving her elderly dad and older daughter in her home in what she said was a danger to collaborate her friend's story that Fani needed to leave her home to get privacy away from her dad for the affair. Then watch for a tie to Wade's law firm financing Fani's campaign and her in turn hiring Wade and his 2 partners as a quid pro quo. Tomorrow could be enlightening if the judge takes full control of his courtroom.

She testified today that she didn't go to DC with Wade.
She said she'd just get $20 here and there like at the grocery or gas station. Said she's always had between $500 and $9000 on hand since she was young. LOL.
But she also said she'd take $2500 to $4000 cash on vacation out of the nation... Anyone wanna call BS on that? You cancel credit cards if you get robbed but cash is gone forever. No way this bitch was just walking around airports and foreign hotels with $4K.

by any contrary evidence. Being implausible and being untrue are not the same thing. It is plausible that Willis has a habit as an adult to pay cash when the option is available. I know people who 1) don't use credit cards, and 2) don't want their banking info exposed by using a debit card. So they carry cash to use in every transaction where cash can be used.Using cash is an accepted means of engaging in commercial transactions. Until COVID you never saw retail establishments that were "cashless". The fact that smart phones have created a variety of non-cash forms of payment does not undermine the idea that some people still prefer to use cash.That said, if this was a criminal case and there was a requirement to undermine her testimony on a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard, her implausible testimony -- in the absence of any contrary evidence -- would be enough to establish reasonable doubt. But I think the standard for DQ here is much lower -- not "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." On that basis, even without contrary evidence, I do not think there is any barrier to the judge rejecting her testimony as not credible under all the circumstances present -- mainly because it is self-serving and not corroborated.

Look here is the deal -

1. You have to show records of cashing your paychecks into cash
2. Her job doesn't pay in cash
3. Take her income minus all activity from paying bills and her digital dollar footprint. The numbers won't add up.

The DEA and IRS do this in drug and tax evasion cases every day. If you're income doesn't match what you are spending you're done.


we'll see





Look here is the deal -

1. You have to show records of cashing your paychecks into cash
2. Her job doesn't pay in cash
3. Take her income minus all activity from paying bills and her digital dollar footprint. The numbers won't add up.

The DEA and IRS do this in drug and tax evasion cases every day. If you're income doesn't match what you are spending you're done.
But, will the DEA and IRS investigate? If they do, they likely will not release their findings given this prosecution is being pushed by the WH et al and Soros.
But, will the DEA and IRS investigate? If they do, they likely will not release their findings given this prosecution is being pushed by the WH et al and Soros.
I have no clue what’s up or down and left from right.

The DOJ letter on Hur yesterday to backup his report was a little weird. Thought they would go against it so I have no idea what to expect anymore.

Look here is the deal -

1. You have to show records of cashing your paychecks into cash
2. Her job doesn't pay in cash
3. Take her income minus all activity from paying bills and her digital dollar footprint. The numbers won't add up.

The DEA and IRS do this in drug and tax evasion cases every day. If you're income doesn't match what you are spending you're done.
Only issue is the Fed Agencies that do that are on her side.
So General Milley's deep state payoff for being a traitor to our country has arrived. He will be an "advisor" to JPMorgan to "navigate" these trying geopolitical times. Basically getting his payoff in large sums over time and doing absolutely nothing but appear to be on payroll.

Grrrr. Dimon bitches about the economy and money printing, yet, hires one of the people responsible for it. Dimon speaks with forked tongue.
What do you eat each day? I have been thinking about trying it.
here is my history/routine:

I decided to make some changes because I wasn’t digesting certain foods anymore and was diagnosed with a serious intestinal issue I’d rather not elaborate on. I have been eating like shit and drinking 12-18 beers a day for over 3 years. That’s not a typo. The genesis of my poor habits emerged out of “Covid” where my entire life’s work in a career was under threat because I refused to take the “vaccine” and for 2 years of my life I was prepared to lose everything over that issue. I lived in constant fear of losing my job and ability to provide and turned to alcohol to sooth. Looking back, I’m proud of standing against the vaccine as I’ve never taken it but I’m not proud of how much of a vagina I was about dealing with it…

I woke up on 5Dec23 and gave it all to God… Quit drinking and went 100% carnivore cold turkey.

Here is all I eat at this point.

No breakfast ever. First meal is around 1100 and last meal is around 2000. I try to eat within in an 8-10 hour window each day and only water and coffee outside of that window.

Bacon grease
Beef Tallow
Real Butter (salted)
Ground beef (80/20) and eat all the fat
Pork chops
Jones all Natural Sausage (or any sugar free sausage)
Hormel pepperoni
People’s Choice Sugar free jerky (Amazon)
Chicken breast and thighs
Chicken and Beef organ meats
Any and all cheese

The key for me is having an abundance of “snack” meats on hand. The people’s choice jerky is fucking phenomenal. They are out of Los Angeles and it’s the best sugar free beef jerky I’ve ever had. I am on a 3-pound per month subscription on Amazon and that shit keeps me from cheating. I also keep a lot of pepperoni and cheese on hand. When I travel I bring a cooler with all my shit in it. When I go out to eat with family and friends I sit there and drink water and coffee. It’s absolutely nuts the commitment it takes, but if you get on a David Goggins level of crazy with discipline it can change your life. I no longer feel like shit - 180 the other way now. My days are more impactful and my sleep is absolutely bad ass. I used toss and turn for hours in bed and now literally fall asleep within minutes of laying down.

I was fat adapted within about 10 days and was in full blown ketosis at 2 weeks. Diarrhea lasted about 8 weeks and comes back if I drink too much water around feeding times. Dropping 35 pounds in 70 days or so makes all of this worth it for me. I hit a plateau at around 213 and did a 72 hour fast (water and coffee only) and busted through it to 205. I plan on doing 72-96 hour fasts every 3 months to reset. I gorged myself after the fast yet have stayed around 205 so it really does work to reset your metabolism.

It’s unreal how my body reacted to veggies and processed bullshit. It’s poison - all of it. I plan to bring veggies back in at some point but I’ve never felt better at this point so I’m just riding the wave. It’s really unbelievable how great the carnivorous lifestyle contributes to a feeling of well-being. I think many folks don’t appreciate it because they don’t get on a level of crazy to carry it on long enough. Outside of a handful of true blue buds, everyone else in my life thinks I’m fucking insane for doing this - a lot of them after having seen me recently are shocked at how I look and are probably furiously researching it now lol.

You have to get on a level of crazy that is beyond the norm to pull this off and have some meat snacks on hand… Everyone you inform will think you’re batshit nuts for doing it. How do you get your nutrients?! How do you get your vitamins?! People have died doing that! Etc etc etc LOL. I just tell people now to research it. Really look at all sides. It’s not for everyone, but if it is for you and you remove all barriers to commitment, it’s 100% life changing and I highly recommend.

Hope this helps.
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WOW It’s Really Happening America’s First 15 Minute City. Car Free Communities

“There's a bold real estate experiment underway in Tempe, Arizona. Culdesac is the nation's first rental community designed and built specifically for car-free living”

This brand new rental community in Tempe has all the amenities, fitness center, dog park, outdoor kitchens, but something's missing. So there are no cars in this community at all. Isn't it great?

Culdesac is the first community in the US designed and built specifically for car free living. Cofounder Ryan Johnson says the demand is strong.

Every generation and including 90% of Gen Z would like to pay more to live in a walkable neighborhood.

Retail, restaurants, and to start, nearly 200 apartments all within steps of each other. No cars means no parking spaces, no garages.

Because we don't have residential parking, it opens us up to have 55% landscape space, and we get to add so much to the neighborhood.

Like social spaces around every corner. The complex is strategically located right next to the area's light rail system. All residents get a free pass. Ask the first two hundred also get a free electric ebike, and a partnership with Lyft gets them discount rides.

I've been fine just going via rail Or just biking.

Juan Ramos, among the first one hundred to move in here, grew up in Arizona, but left because he didn't like the car dependent sprawl. At 27, he just came back and says living car free has opened his eyes.

Frankly, for most of the apartments I've lived in for years, I've never even talked to my neighbors. I know peep like, that's Pete over there, that's Ben over there, and I'm like, that's the first time I've said that.

Residents often gather near the retail stores, which focus on small businesses. Jada Stratton is moving both her HomeSense business and herself in.

It's not as, like, affordable out here As it was a few years ago, you know, and having that opportunity to to live and work where you are and just have it as one, that's perfect. Walkable neighborhoods are all well and good when the weather's fine, but temperatures here in the summer can sit over a 100 degrees for weeks at a time. And that'll be the real test to see if Carless Living can really go the distance”

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again

Do they all work from home?
Not a fani supporter, but after watching the clip, I think she was saying that she personally took her own cash out to help finance her campaign. Basically saying that’s why she has cash laying around her house. They should have followed up asking if she can show bank records of her withdrawing said cash.
. . . and where said cash came from. Soros.

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