Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I’ve lost 43 lbs since sometime in October just moderating what I eat and fasting. Carbs are the thing I get the least of.

I need to up my protein for lifting but the damned whey shakes destroy my stomach. The cramps are terrible.

If anyone knows a way to up it I’m all ears. My protein comes mostly from eggs and beef.
Redcon 1 makes a protein powder derived from beef, chicken, salmon and egg that won't upset your stomach like whey does. I love it. It's called MRE Lite. I usually just mix it with water.
Do I still get a damn t-shirt or what?

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WOW It’s Really Happening America’s First 15 Minute City. Car Free Communities

“There's a bold real estate experiment underway in Tempe, Arizona. Culdesac is the nation's first rental community designed and built specifically for car-free living”

This brand new rental community in Tempe has all the amenities, fitness center, dog park, outdoor kitchens, but something's missing. So there are no cars in this community at all. Isn't it great?

Culdesac is the first community in the US designed and built specifically for car free living. Cofounder Ryan Johnson says the demand is strong.

Every generation and including 90% of Gen Z would like to pay more to live in a walkable neighborhood.

Retail, restaurants, and to start, nearly 200 apartments all within steps of each other. No cars means no parking spaces, no garages.

Because we don't have residential parking, it opens us up to have 55% landscape space, and we get to add so much to the neighborhood.

Like social spaces around every corner. The complex is strategically located right next to the area's light rail system. All residents get a free pass. Ask the first two hundred also get a free electric ebike, and a partnership with Lyft gets them discount rides.

I've been fine just going via rail Or just biking.

Juan Ramos, among the first one hundred to move in here, grew up in Arizona, but left because he didn't like the car dependent sprawl. At 27, he just came back and says living car free has opened his eyes.

Frankly, for most of the apartments I've lived in for years, I've never even talked to my neighbors. I know peep like, that's Pete over there, that's Ben over there, and I'm like, that's the first time I've said that.

Residents often gather near the retail stores, which focus on small businesses. Jada Stratton is moving both her HomeSense business and herself in.

It's not as, like, affordable out here As it was a few years ago, you know, and having that opportunity to to live and work where you are and just have it as one, that's perfect. Walkable neighborhoods are all well and good when the weather's fine, but temperatures here in the summer can sit over a 100 degrees for weeks at a time. And that'll be the real test to see if Carless Living can really go the distance”

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again
I think the real issue is Fanni testifying under oath she got her cash from the campaign funds.. this deserves some jail time.
Not a fani supporter, but after watching the clip, I think she was saying that she personally took her own cash out to help finance her campaign. Basically saying that’s why she has cash laying around her house. They should have followed up asking if she can show bank records of her withdrawing said cash.

leaving her elderly dad and older daughter in her home in what she said was a danger to collaborate her friend's story that Fani needed to leave her home to get privacy away from her dad for the affair. Then watch for a tie to Wade's law firm financing Fani's campaign and her in turn hiring Wade and his 2 partners as a quid pro quo. Tomorrow could be enlightening if the judge takes full control of his courtroom.

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