Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Cute Girl Wood

And She's Wearing the "I Love to Fuck" Indicator.

What's That?

Well After Extensive and Exhaustive Personal Research I Have Determined That Girls That Wear a "Thumb Ring" Love Sex, Like They Just Love to Fuck.

I Don't Know If It Comes From Some Secret Girl Nymphomaniac Society of is Just a Sign Given From Above to Direct Men to the Land of Plenty

I Can Only Tell You From Anecdotal Research There is About a 90-95% Chance That This Girl or Any Girl With This Special Piece of Jewelry Will Be a Fun Time in the Sack

*Editor's Note - Research Has Found That The Same Applies to "Ankle Bracelets" But Those Are Only About a 65-75% Indicator

That Concludes Today's Lesson - Quit Looking To See If They Have a Wedding Ring - If They Have The Thumb Ring Won't Matter as They Can't Be Satisfied
You not see Forrest with arr dim trees in way? You math work, not cause tum ring, but cause you fuk hooka.

^^Iran does realize Pakistan has nukes, right^^


^^other side already has it, FBI, DOJ DHS^^


Ok so this story is crazy!!

Not too long ago I would have watch this video, shook my head, and moved on

BUT... then "Didn't Kill Himself" happened

Ever heard to Gary Devore? Ya me either but you'll know his movies...

Basically he was a Hollywood screenwriter that had just finished a script detailing that the Panama invasion was BS and it was because Noriega was running a "Honey Pot" to blackmail famous people and politicians

Sounds familiar🤔

Anyway, while driving back from New Mexico to deliver the final script he disappeared. A year later he was found strapped in his car submerged in an aqueduct.

Listen to THIS👇🏼 and if you want to read the story the link is in comments.

Eps wasn't a "lone gunman", I wonder how many people have been offed because they looked in the wrong places?

New York, where the common folks pay the legal fees for dirty politicians

Haley is a cunt of massive proportions.

Someone other than PedoJoe and Hunter dreamed up this scenario. Neither are smart enough to do it. The brother has been the ringleader throughout.

I think this is recent by Moore as he references Trump when he was POTUS dealing with Ford. Maybe some of you can help verify if it is new.

It's precisely because of what Moore said throughout his speech why the deep state, WEF and their ilk will not allow Trump to be elected or take office.

New York, where the common folks pay the legal fees for dirty politicians
Actually they are paying the legal bill for the politicians doing their bidding.
And This Is How You Do It...

You Go Take Drop a Big Steaming-Shit Of Truth In Their Own Back Yard.


Argentina President Javier Milei Warns Against Collectivism at Davos 2024Yesterday, Milei said he wanted "to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda."

Today, he attacks collectivism:

"The main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We're here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause."

Javier Milei


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