Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

It truly is amazing that most people don't know that Azov type militants locked people in a building and set it on fire with the intention of killing 100's of people who disagreed with coup. Even people who hated the elected president who was ousted were helping to get people out the building and were crying.
I already support them. You don’t have to sell me.

If Ga doesn't send this fucker packing next election, I will vote to evict them from the SEC. We can't have them fagging up our conference. Tx a&m is more than enough gay for any conference and especially for the SEC.

He is term limited, so he cannot run again. As for the post you shared from X, I live in metro Atlanta and have been watching this DA story closely. I have not seen where Kemp has said this, but I may have missed it.
Vivek seemed to come out of nowhere, allowed to spread “conspiracy theories” without any serious msm opposition to his counter-swamp narrative. Then he suddenly endorses DJT, right after telling everyone not to vote for him. The look from Trump is interesting…idk, Vivek should be watched closely.
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🔋 TECH NEWS: Nuclear battery small enough for use in commercial products, with a charge of 50 years, developed in China.

Such batteries use small amounts of nuclear material in a way entirely different than nuclear powerplants associated with danger and disasters.

The power density and charge of these new batteries are many times higher/longer than lithium batteries and could revolutionize both existing products and make entirely new products possible.

The article says:

Once mass-produced and introduced to the market, it will meet the long-endurance power supply needs of aerospace, artificial intelligence devices, medical equipment, microelectromechanical systems, sensors, small drones and micro-robots. If the power output is sufficient, mobile phones equipped with nuclear batteries will no longer need recharging, and drones will not need to return for recharging."


My SIL & BIL live in Georgia just north of Atlanta. They still vote against their best interests and go with their feelings instead of what is best for their wallets. I wish that state had the collective brains to vote out this ahole and get a real Republican governor in there but they don’t. I have ZERO faith in the state of Georgia to be able to do anything correct politically to help save this country.
Go to college to get a good job they said...

Cute Girl Wood

And She's Wearing the "I Love to Fuck" Indicator.

What's That?

Well After Extensive and Exhaustive Personal Research I Have Determined That Girls That Wear a "Thumb Ring" Love Sex, Like They Just Love to Fuck.

I Don't Know If It Comes From Some Secret Girl Nymphomaniac Society of is Just a Sign Given From Above to Direct Men to the Land of Plenty

I Can Only Tell You From Anecdotal Research There is About a 90-95% Chance That This Girl or Any Girl With This Special Piece of Jewelry Will Be a Fun Time in the Sack & She'll Lead the Way!

*Editor's Note - Research Has Found That The Same Applies to "Ankle Bracelets" But Those Are Only About a 65-75% Indicator

That Concludes Today's Lesson - Quit Looking To See If They Have a Wedding Ring - If They Have The Thumb Ring Won't Matter as They Can't Be Satisfied
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