Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Allow me to explain what's going to happen to the abject morons in the back of the room suffering from the ravages of late-stage TDS.

Trump will be on all the ballots - yes, even in Colorado.

This case will ultimately fail for no other reason than its merits. Turns out you don't need to lie about the evidence if what you're asserting is actually true.

But that's EXACTLY what happened in court yesterday.

Shame on the left and anyone who supports this attempted travesty of justice.

Oh, and he's going to win too. 😁
And be told how wonderful the economy is and inflation is minimal
Well the number regarding the groceries is fake and 8% mortgage rates is essentially the historical average.

5% GDP & 3.8% unemployment are numbers Trump could have only dreamed of achieving together and you said the economy was good then I’m sure so…

That POS should rot there forever if he isn’t going to get the noose.

View attachment 207680
Another POS that deserves a noose.

They don’t even look the same 😂
Ol Teddy got the ball rolling... the history they never teach....

Theodor Herzl[a] (2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904)[3] was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state.

54m listen at 1.75x

Don't count on anyone forcing the recipients to divest their ill-gotten gains.
I called Swift a slut (should have used Skank) the other day and my nieces went bonkers. I apologized and said I mixed her up with the other slut, Sheryl Crow - of one sheet of toilet paper fame - and am still on probation.

Another reason everything should be made in the US.
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