Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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It's Not That People Don't See it—They're Okay With It

It had better be true that it takes only a small percentage of us to turn the ship of state
—because people are so stupid. While most of us saw Covid as a horror show, Klaus
Schwab and his 'young global leaders' saw opportunity to exploit—to take total control.

The thing forever 'seared into our souls' is how many among us went along with it.
Elites were able to exploit more than 5 billion 'unreflective' humans to take an 'untest-
ed, emergency-use, gain of function' weapon, financed by greed—while condemning
any who questioned. While we were being coerced to abandon reason/questions at the
risk of being ostracized, rock n rollers like Neil Young, who we assumed to be anti-es-
tablishment showed themselves to be in the grip of Gates/Schwab, And, Dolly sang
'vaccine', 'vaccine', 'vaccine', 'vaccine' to the tune of 'Jolene' while getting her injection.

Long before I could pick up a guitar and play most anything, I used to drive my Fiat
600 to Taormina, Sicily (40 miles), where there was a juke box that had the new Beatle
songs—only place back them I could hear them. Tonight, I'm remembering how my
friend Sam would cone with me. Sam, who on a phone call, after the 'vaccine' rollout,
ripped into me when he found out I wouldn't take the jabs. Never heard from Sam after.

It's sad to think on how we were treated—even sadder with the awareness that the
Sams of the world will never call us up and make amends. Instead, they are okay with
doctors linking youth myocarditis to genetics, 'blood clots' to walking uneven ground.

We best not forget how close they came to putting us in camps and taking our chil-
dren—because many haven't learned a damn thing. The sad truth about human nature
is that the multitudes will turn you into the Stasi (HS/FBI), so as to protect themselves.

Now, the leaders of the 'Great Reset' (most of whom headquarter in Geneva,
Switzerland—Davos/WHO), wait and plot. And it is on us to get out front of them. They
will try for another pandemic/lockdown/'vaccine passport', but they cannot count on
that. In the meantime, they are making a push to take control of all things financial.

CBDC for sure, but maybe more insidious is 'guaranteed income'. With people in f-
nancial straits this notion is getting easier to sell—under the banner of fairness/equity/
equality. But beneath that facade, 'guaranteed income', along with 'assisted housing',
strips us of our initiative. A great life-learning experience is when, seeing no way for-
ward, you find your way. Any who can't 'find their way' are those who are 'okay with it'.

Do these people know what happens when you sit home, with enough to eat/pay
rent—but without responsibility for one's own life—a phenomena made worse by the
suppression of any curiosity for consequences. When 'dumbed-down' to a place where
abjectly-'low self-worth' collides with an elite pretending to be a provider, a friend?

These unfortunates, after decades of propaganda, don't ask, they go along with what
they see as their only alternative. Whichever way the networks go on an issue is the
way they go. They saw candidate 'Wang' selling the idea of 'guaranteed income' as
'progressive'. They see the possibility that one of 'Schwab's boys' , Gavin Newsom, as
a presidential contender—as a good thing. What else do they see as a good thing?

Since they ask 'no' questions, they see CBDC as a good thing—they're 'okay with it',
because, like 'guaranteed income', it will be put in place for their protection. Besides,
they have nothing to hide—their financial life is an open book for government/all to see.

They don't see 'sitting at home in a lazy-boy' is unproductive and economies cannot
be built/sustained through un-productivity. They don't get that they are lambs, first
fleeced, until deemed 'useless eaters', then slaughtered. Along the way, what else?

They go along with the program because they never heard Thomas Sowell's expla-
nation: “When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help
yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.” The elite will avoid telling the flock what
they need to hear. Instead, they will tell them what the flock wants to hear. Until when?

Elites will use this tactic until they deem 'socialism/collective' to be in full control. And
up to that point, the multitude will 'be okay with it'. When, under CBDC certain pur-
chases and the making such purchases will be cancelled, They will be 'okay' with that
because, as elite supported, they have little to fear. When those who object a little too
much have 'guaranteed income' restricted—even suspended—that's understandable.

As possessions are tokenized within a CBDC framework (deeds/vehicles/etcetera,
they will be 'okay with that', rationalizing it as safely guaranteeing their possessions/
wealth. But will they be okay when the consequence/intent of tokens becomes clear?

There are a couple of givens on the 'road to reset': global population will need to be
reduced by billions, as 60 years of the 'welfare state' has resulted in a population rise
that 'failing economies' can no longer sustain—better stated: can no longer condone?

Without a new plague, how do they rid us of a few billion? They can opt for war over
negotiation—but the heat of war brings 'climate change'. A better way is to incremental-
ly starve them out—keeping in mind that each demise make for a more sustainable fu-
ture'. How do 'tokens' function in a mission statement for needed population reduction?

Within a 'tokenized' society, Elizabeth Warren's wet dream for a 'wealth tax' is 'easy
pickins'—a one time thing, right? Then, enslaved minions, who've been 'okay with it',
are treated to 'token reality' wherein everything owned can be bought by elites for as-
sessed fiat value—the proceeds from which are yours to use—but only by permission.

At some point, even those relying on the elite for their well-being become restive.
But, by then control is formidable and elites can resort to an age-old Machiavellian
principle from 'The Prince': Society functions best when the prince is feared—not loved.

The time to be ready is now. Question everything—accept nothing on face value ex-
cept what comes from those you can trust with your life (you gotta trust somebody).
Become your own food source and central bank. Stock up on pre 65 dimes—and
courage. Be prepared to defend yourself. For an idea how fast this could come apart
go to, pull up my 2017 novel, 'The Audit', and read from Chapter
42. Get my articles by email, with a request: Thank you.
Fuck off.

I say screw you! "Fuck 'em" indeed!

I know several PhD's and from my perspective these people are educated beyond their intelligence!

They don't see past a peer review study! EVER! They've been conditioned by degrees to have a narrow focus on things. If it isn't 'peer reviewed' they never consider it. When they go see a movie it's because the movie critics recommended it!

They STILL don't think the plannedemic was anything but a virus!

I'm a 'show me' kind of guy. I question EVERYTHING! I entertain all manner of ideas - you know the ones they call conspiracy theories? This affords me the unique ability to accept 'unusual' perspectives and weigh them on their merits. They sit in the back of my ken and 'add' to the gestalt.

I ask myself "Why?" "Why is it I saw through the BS vaccine, GAVI, Bill Gates, Fauci, WEF, WHO, 9/11 nonsense?" from the gitgo!

I believe it's because I SEE things with a different perspective BECAUSE of my penchant for unusual concepts!!

I recommend everyone give it a go! Entertain all kinds of things.

Just like the Israel/Palistinian 'conflict' isn't what they're all saying it is!

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