Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Fake news but that’s exactly why you posted it.
You are Fake news!
We need a fact check to check everything you say.
Except when you say you like dick, that is obvious to everybody including your mom. In fact, last night when your mom was chowing down on my cock, she told me the only person she knows who likes cock more than her is you!

Make no mistake - he has been banished forever from the America First movement for what he did on January 6thWe all watched the 2020 election get stolen and Mike Pence said he would fight backBut instead he backstabbed 74 million Americans who voted for him and President TrumpInstead of upholding his oath to defend the Constitution and send electoral college votes tainted by fraud back down to state legislatures for further review, he fulfilled his role in the coup and helped the DC Uniparty install an illegitimate tyrantGood riddance Mike PenceHope the blood money was worth it you backstabbing traitor

Donald "The Honey Pot" Trump. 🍯

Listen, do not focus on the trial. This is only being used to draw out the Cabal into the open. They are being forced out from their dark corner so the general public can identify the opposition. The US Military has many ways to do this.

The Wall/Border ⚠️

The Impeachment/Arrest ⚠️

The Gold Standard ⚠️

The IQD Reinstatement ⚠️

Hillary Clinton Arrest ⚠️

Barrack Obama Arrest ⚠️

John Podesta Arrest ⚠️

The J6 Tapes ⚠️

The 9/11 False Flags ⚠️

2020 Election Overturn ⚠️

Russia Collusion ⚠️


All of these possibilities are making the Cabal do amateur moves. Which is why you keep seeing "Mass Shootings". They are running out of ways to distract the public from any of the revelations aforementioned above. It's like trying to play a game of Whac-A-Mole. They do not know what to focus on solely because any of those things would be the end of them.

This is why we were warned of those 17 cities to stay away from. That will be the Hail Mary play once the Cabal realizes its over and they have played every hand. What have I told you all? The 1st Domino has not fallen publicly yet. This is why the FBI raided the Mar-A-Lago. Because they know the PEAD Act will basically be "The Trump Card". They were looking for the Red Folder.

Please, keep in mind Dong Jingwei had already provided invaluable info to our Western military authorities. He was given over 1 TB = 75 million pages of evidence containing 20 years of CCPs plans, execution & current infiltration to destroy the U.S including creating the SARS, Covid 19 bioweapons & all companies & people in involved including HRC, weapons trade money laundering, creating weapons for climate change (Evergreen Ship), U.S. officials and Deep State Military, Deep State run military bases, DC and MSM Media. He is currently in protective custody
within one of our major Mil intel agencies.

This involved Obama, Gates, Fauci, CDC, Biden, WHO, HRC, Merrill Lynch. JP Morgan, CIA, Rothschilds, Vatican and the Israeli Kazarian Crime Syndicate.

Sources say over 32 Governors and top military brass was called to the Pentagon recently and briefed on all of this...o it's really game over for allthe Bullshit, and we are at breakpoint Alpha.

As reported by Sarge. Everything we need to take down the Cabal is in our possession. This trial is for the public awakening.

Do you understand now?
You are Fake news!
We need a fact check to check everything you say.
Except when you say you like dick, that is obvious to everybody including your mom. In fact, last night when your mom was chowing down on my cock, she told me the only person she knows who likes cock more than her is you!
I wish we would fact check every post on this forum.

I’d have nothing to worry about. Many in this thread on the other hand… 😂

JUST IN: The United States has issued a gun export ban for all non-governmental users for the next 90 days.

A ban to this extent has never happened before according to firearms expert lawyer Johanna Reeves.

A review by the Commerce Department will assess the "risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities."

Like how Biden left billions of dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan?

If Mike Pence had sent the fraudulent electoral college ballots back to state legislatures for further review on J6, he would not only go down in history as a courageous American Patriot, but he would also be the heir apparent to the MAGA movement and would be #1 in GOP primary polling right now for 2024

Instead he backstabbed 74 million Americans at the moment they needed him most

That’s why he is ending his Presidential campaign in debt with rock bottom polling

We are never going back to the George Bush & Mitt Romney NeoCon country club Republican party

The America First movement is here to stay and we’ve built an entire media infrastructure to sustain it

Let Mike Pence’s fall from grace be a warning

Backstab the base at your own peril

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