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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

So, the President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, would have to had had access to nearly $3 million in clean, legitimate CASH in order to be innocent of the allegation he took graft in exchange for domestic and foreign policy favors.

Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75 million CASH for a home in Rehoboth Beach within weeks of Hunter sending a ‘threatening’ text message to a Chinese business associate demanding a $10 million transaction.

He says that he "loaned" his brother James Biden $200,000, but there are no bank records yet proving that claim.

Remember, Biden said that he was the 'poorest man in Congress' at one point.

Does anyone really believe that Biden was paid all that money in book sales and speeches without strings attached? And that he was paid IN CASH?

The jig is up. Biden is dirty as the day is long.

Most importantly, the FBI had 40 agents monitoring his illicit activities for years.

So why didn't they do anything about it?


You have kompromat on a president, you control him.

That is why they hate Trump. They didn't have real dirt on him. That is why you're see his enemies invent dirt on him over and over again.

The Russia-collusion hoax. The Ukraine phone call. The 'peaceful and patriotic' speech on J6, which came amid lawful election challenges.

The classified documents caper, when Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton's offenses would be far more egregious. The New York City hush money and business fraud cases. It never ends.

So, that is how the U.S. government works now: They gather dirt on puppets; if someone isn't a puppet, they invent dirt.

This is not a government that any longer represents the American people. Our 'democracy' is an illusion. It is high time we all get a reality check and unite in common cause to restore the power to the people.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

They know Joe Biden is guilty. The have a mountain of evidence against him.

-FD-1023 form
-17 audio recordings
-40 human sources

Yet the FBI is withholding that evidence because they want leverage over him.

This is a classic blackmail operation.

This is exactly why they had to destroy Donald Trump. They didn’t have any leverage over him so they fabricated stories about him.

-Steele Dossier
-Impeachment hoax
-Boxes hoax

The Biden probe started as a foreign agent money laundering investigation and has been whittled down to one gun charge.

How does that work? It’s called a tate protection.

Joe Biden is a state asset.


Jan 9, 2021

Put a school like Montverde in there and it would be a mercy rule game. It is insane to think otherwise. The girls are good players, not taking that away from them but they would not have a chance against 6 foot plus players who are more skilled, more athletic and bigger and stronger. Just what it is. It’s cute that women and some men think they’d stand a chance though:
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2021
Remains true

Jul 1, 2023

So, the President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, would have to had had access to nearly $3 million in clean, legitimate CASH in order to be innocent of the allegation he took graft in exchange for domestic and foreign policy favors.

Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75 million CASH for a home in Rehoboth Beach within weeks of Hunter sending a ‘threatening’ text message to a Chinese business associate demanding a $10 million transaction.

He says that he "loaned" his brother James Biden $200,000, but there are no bank records yet proving that claim.

Remember, Biden said that he was the 'poorest man in Congress' at one point.

Does anyone really believe that Biden was paid all that money in book sales and speeches without strings attached? And that he was paid IN CASH?

The jig is up. Biden is dirty as the day is long.

Most importantly, the FBI had 40 agents monitoring his illicit activities for years.

So why didn't they do anything about it?


You have kompromat on a president, you control him.

That is why they hate Trump. They didn't have real dirt on him. That is why you're see his enemies invent dirt on him over and over again.

The Russia-collusion hoax. The Ukraine phone call. The 'peaceful and patriotic' speech on J6, which came amid lawful election challenges.

The classified documents caper, when Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton's offenses would be far more egregious. The New York City hush money and business fraud cases. It never ends.

So, that is how the U.S. government works now: They gather dirt on puppets; if someone isn't a puppet, they invent dirt.

This is not a government that any longer represents the American people. Our 'democracy' is an illusion. It is high time we all get a reality check and unite in common cause to restore the power to the people.

Biden is dirty as fuck but that last paragraph is complete bullshit. Anyone that believes that can leave and hopefully the door doesn’t hit them in the ass!
Jul 1, 2023
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended a massive pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul on Saturday, where he announced his country is preparing to proclaim Israel a "war criminal" for its attacks on Gaza.

Erdogan spoke to hundreds of thousands of people and said Western countries were responsible for the thousands of deaths in Gaza for failing to stop Israel's airstrikes.

“Israel, we will proclaim you as a war criminal to the world,” Erdoga said. “We are making our preparations, and we will declare Israel to the world as a war criminal.”

Erdogan, whose government recently restored full diplomatic ties with Israel, has stepped up his criticism of the country. Earlier this week, he asserted that the Hamas militant group was not a terrorist organization but a liberation group fighting for its lands and people.

Participants at the rally waved Turkish and Palestinian flags, chanting “God is great.” Yusuf Islam, the musician formerly known as Cat Stevens, took part in the rally.



Mar 24, 2023
"There are no angels in war." Elon

BREAKING: Elon Musk will provide Starlink for aid groups in Gaza​

Musk made the comment in reply to New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


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