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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Mar 24, 2023
No more voices in his 'high-powered' hearing aides...

Maine Shooting Suspect Found Dead of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound​

Robert Card, the shooting suspect in Wednesday’s attacks that left 18 dead in Lewiston, Maine, was found dead of a reported self-inflicted gunshot Friday night.

Update: During a Friday night press conference, officials in Maine revealed the body of Robert Card was discovered in a recycling yard in Lisbon, Maine. His body was still in the same clothing that Card was pictured wearing in the photographs police released Wednesday night.

Gov. Janet Mills (D) spoke at the press conference, saying, “The Maine State Police located the body of Robert Card, he is dead.”

She added, “I’m breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Card is no longer a threat to anyone.”
Details on Card’s death are scant, but WCVB indicated the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office announced, “The suspect in Wednesday night’s shootings has been located and is deceased.”

Jul 1, 2023


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