Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Dear Roanoke College Community:

Since the day I arrived at Roanoke, I’ve been emboldened by our commitment to two beautiful values: equity andinclusion. We believe in both, and although we are not a perfect community, the pursuit of each has been a salient truth.

In recent days, Roanoke College has been thrust into a national debate regarding transgender participation in collegiate sports, a topic with important implications for all of us. We’re among just a handful of higher education institutions traversing this important conversation, not hypothetically, but in the form of actual students for whom we have a love and duty to care.

As is often the case with emerging cultural topics, especially related to inclusion, governing and policy bodies are in the midst of sorting out a path forward. Throughout our history with the NCAA, Roanoke College has followed its policies. In this particular case, the current NCAA standard for transgender participation yields a very different outcome from the policy they plan to phase in next year. According to this year’s NCAA guidance, our transgender student would be eligible to participate in swimming now; in the guidance planned for next year, the same student would not be eligible to participate.

It is for this reason that our entire board of trustees and senior leadership gathered multiple times to study this situation and render a clear college position. As we shared last week, our board voted on October 3 to forgo the NCAA phase-in protocol and jump directly to the NCAA’s stated final policy. Why? We believe providing clarity is in the best interest of everyone in our community. We implore the NCAA to do the same.

It pains me to know that anyone at the college felt marginalized as we gathered to sort out what is right for this college and this community. Roanoke College is a remarkable place that values free speech, inclusion and the inherent dignity of every member of our community. We want equity and inclusion.

We will stay in conversation together – both internally and externally – to help our collective communities find an outcome that supports and honors all people. This is who we are at Roanoke College and this is why, as an affiliated member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we are rooted and open.


Don't get me started. Max got the same email. That boy did not hold back on that call. He usually checks himself and laguage with me.

He. Did. Not.

I let him go. Not like he was saying anything I wasn't 😂
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Hey @tgsio what is the background on this please.
Check my post immediately previous. Got the email tonight.

So....the man decided he was was a woman. Great. Do you. It so happens the man swan on the men's team and was mediocre. Then the ladies ate blindsided that he's now swimming on the women's team. The ladies balked and were thrown under the bus for this guy. Coach told the girls (his team) he had a choice..if it came down to it, he'd coach a team of one because he chooses the man.

Roanoke ladies stood up as a team and said no. No still means no, right? First time a team refused to be silenced. The male did not join the team after his attempt at emotional blackmail failed. There are no men on the women's swim team.

AD and Coach have no trust left, hence the waffling email I posted above. They're trying to walk that tiny path when the response was always very easy. We will not let men who cannot compete with men erase women.

Roanoke women standing up for women. And Roanoke men standing up with the them in support.

Efuckingnough with this insanity.

This team of women from this small, private d3 school are standing strong for all women.
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It’s pretty simple look at the root & head of just about any evil force on the planet, and see who they are…

How much blood and treasure are we going to continue to waste on bullshit wars around the world that have nothing to do with us.

While at the same time, turning a blind eye to an invasion of our own nation happening right now.

What would our infrastructure, our education system, our veterans way of life, our elderly way of life, the middle class of this country, look like if we didn’t spend billions and trillions on wars and other countries?

Look who runs the MSM, Hollywood, music business.

I’m not saying it’s all people of the Jewish faith, but I’m telling you people of the Jewish faith run all of that shit above, and our country has suffered greatly, for our citizens have suffered greatly for it.

Does the name Weinstein or Epstein come to mind?

Look at all the bureaucrats and advisers on both sides of the aisle pretty much the majority are Jewish.

Here’s one for you, Henry Kissinger, probably the most evil son of a bitch in the world.

We’re not talking about a one off here, it’s more than a trend, it’s more than a pattern.

If you can’t decipher the difference between these Jews, and the Jew, that Jesus was, why are we in this thread?


How many of our congressman and senators have dual citizenship as Israeli citizens?

That sounds like a conflict of interest to me.

I can only imagine the thousands more advisers and bureaucrats that have the same.

Are we America first or Israel first?

Just going to throw a few things out there.

I agree with the fact that high level Jews are evil. I think @Pineapple was thinking people were saying all Jews. Bottom line, is innocent women and children were killed by the satanist cult worshipping terrorists.
Whatever Mr Pineapple thinks, well, pfft, sorry mate but fuckin tough titties for him.


Because whatever rationalizations Mr Pineapple goes with should be the lesser concerning aspect of his recent hysteria.

Going over his recent days posts, you can almost see a distinct behavioural pattern presenting...


Mr Pineapple is a good cunt for sure. Though initially I considered him to be a flaccid dick.

You may recall CuriousFiend(*me) upset a number of members here, ranting about the "jew" subject(?)

😂Pineapple went fuckin ballistic!
Even yourself Mr Cooper, you basically told me to fuck off.

Yet eventually I'm sure ya'll mad mother fuckers got to know the feral NZ cunt that I am.

Regardless that there's a the twisted mess of Talmudic crypto-"jew" webs which Mr Pinnaple and others have become tangled in—I've still become quite fond of his—& those others—humourously insightful militant Conservative Christian unpredictability.

I mean, that shits some of the righteous badassery I love about Americans.

🤨C'ept, what's occuring here, is that a 🇮🇱parasite has attached itself to 🇺🇲USA, hijacked it—brainwashed the people.

Mr Pineapple's recent behavior is the presentation of an emotionally "triggered" "flashback".

It occurs almost every single time the subject of the crypto-"jew" comes up.
"I’m out… for at least awhile. Logging out and deleting. Israel is the line for me."
Others present this shit too:
"My brother I feel the same. Life long best friends. Had to tell them so long Line in the sand"
It can also be called an Amygdala hijack. Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn.

It is direct result of intergenerational social programming—over several millennia.

Bet your hairy ass this shit is very fuckin deliberate too.

Not by the general Jewish identifying individuals who themselves have been brainwashed and are exploited as primary worker/warrior ants—but by the ancient parasitic death cult >>>Babylonian Talmudists <<<

In most cases throughout the ages this child molestering cannibalistic sex cult has prioritized concealing themselves within the powerful shield they've created with the collective Jew.

Mr Pineapple is like one of the secondary worker/warrior ants.
The brainwashed collective Judeo-Christian weapon.

Israelites didn't come outta the desert—fuckin Talmudic cultists did.

Our friends like Mr Pineapple are being exploited as hysterical crypto-"jew" Golem to do their dirty work.

Obviously they don't like us talking about them do they, which is the point of the perpetual "chosen people"="victimhood" bullshit.

Butt fuck them cunts coz this IS The Free Speech Forum!


^^Sullivan/Blinken and the rest of the crew are so far over their heads and weak, it's scary

I don't know a lot about Middle East politics. I haven't studied it extensively, and therefore, I try to limit my opinions on the matter.

However, I will say this...

I'm really tired of cave dwelling, ass backward civilizations starting shit with first world nations. It's 2023. If you're still beheading people, you need to be bombed back to the Stone Age.

Liberalism has taken over the world. It's not "progressive" to allow goat fucking, pedos, to have access to large sums of money weapons, and influence.

These people should be frozen out of the modern world. Zero trade. Zero travel. Zero tolerance for violence outside of their own border.

I don't even feel like this is a radical position to have. These people are still marrying eight year olds and throwing gay people off of buildings.

If any leader on planet Earth had even half the balls of Ghengis Khan, they'd have already conquered the entire Middle East and ruled it with an iron fist.

It's because that's what the cabal does. We've seen it often from Ukraine and other events.

Looks like the FBI/CIA are about to activate their sleepers.

Ray Epps to the white courtesy phone.

Human animals.

Dear Roanoke College Community:

Since the day I arrived at Roanoke, I’ve been emboldened by our commitment to two beautiful values: equity andinclusion. We believe in both, and although we are not a perfect community, the pursuit of each has been a salient truth.

In recent days, Roanoke College has been thrust into a national debate regarding transgender participation in collegiate sports, a topic with important implications for all of us. We’re among just a handful of higher education institutions traversing this important conversation, not hypothetically, but in the form of actual students for whom we have a love and duty to care.

As is often the case with emerging cultural topics, especially related to inclusion, governing and policy bodies are in the midst of sorting out a path forward. Throughout our history with the NCAA, Roanoke College has followed its policies. In this particular case, the current NCAA standard for transgender participation yields a very different outcome from the policy they plan to phase in next year. According to this year’s NCAA guidance, our transgender student would be eligible to participate in swimming now; in the guidance planned for next year, the same student would not be eligible to participate.

It is for this reason that our entire board of trustees and senior leadership gathered multiple times to study this situation and render a clear college position. As we shared last week, our board voted on October 3 to forgo the NCAA phase-in protocol and jump directly to the NCAA’s stated final policy. Why? We believe providing clarity is in the best interest of everyone in our community. We implore the NCAA to do the same.

It pains me to know that anyone at the college felt marginalized as we gathered to sort out what is right for this college and this community. Roanoke College is a remarkable place that values free speech, inclusion and the inherent dignity of every member of our community. We want equity and inclusion.

We will stay in conversation together – both internally and externally – to help our collective communities find an outcome that supports and honors all people. This is who we are at Roanoke College and this is why, as an affiliated member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we are rooted and open.

Don't get me started. Max got the same email. That boy did not hold back on that call. He usually checks himself and laguage with me.

He. Did. Not.

I let him go. Not like he was saying anything I wasn't 😂
Roanoke College, like many others, is lead by a bunch of Eunuchs.
Check my post immediately previous. Got the email tonight.

So....the man decided he was was a woman. Great. Do you. It so happens the man swan on the men's team and was mediocre. Then the ladies ate blindsided that he's now swimming on the women's team. The ladies balked and were thrown under the bus for this guy. Coach told the girls (his team) he had a choice..if it came down to it, he'd coach a team of one because he chooses the man.

Roanoke ladies stood up as a team and said no. No still means no, right? First time a team refused to be silenced. The male did not join the team after his attempt at emotional blackmail failed. There are no men on the women's swim team.

AD and Coach have no trust left, hence the waffling email I posted above. They're trying to walk that tiny path when the response was always very easy. We will not let men who cannot compete with men erase women.

Roanoke women standing up for women. And Roanoke men standing up with the them in support.

Efuckingnough with this insanity.

This team of women from this small, private d3 school are standing strong for all women.
Let’s not kid ourselves, the dude wanted to take showers with the women.

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