They lied about the jab, they lie about the border, they lied about 'mostly peaceful' riots, they'll lie about this too.
It is incredibly disconcerting that the same people who deliberately opened up the US southern border and just spent the last 3 years loudly insisting they haven't done that as millions streamed into the US....
are the same people who lied about COVID origins, mask, vaccines, the Biden laptop, stolen elections, RussiaGate and more...
...and are now telling us the same intelligence agencies that were directly involved in all this lying shit didn't see a damn thing coming from Hamas.
Was that because they allowed this attack in Israel to happen, or because they were too busy gearing up the last couple of years to go after Trump supporters as domestic terrorists?
They completely missed the preparations for a massive Hamas offensive? Like, totally?
And if terrorists were let in here over the last 3 1/2 years, and there's a sudden wave of attacks on US soil by military aged-men who were allowed to stream in here without any families, and they insist to us all they had no warning, no idea such attacks were coming?
I won't believe them.
And you shouldn't either.