Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
10,000 illegal ballots in one county.

Two weeks ago, The Gateway Pundit published our exclusive report on MASSIVE 2020 voter registrations fraud that our sources uncovered in Michigan.

The report included information on 8,000-10,000 fraudulent registrations and a police raid on a Democrat election registration group’s office in October 2020.

The police found semiautomatic weapons, silencers, burner phones, bags of pre-paid cash cards, and blank registrations in a GBI Strategies’ voter registration manufacturing center.

After several days Michigan Attorney General finally responded to our explosive investigation and confirmed our earlier reports.
Probably worse in AZ. GA, and CA
JHFC. In the now immortal words of Tiffany Gomas…”this motherfucker is not real”.

What's the point of the blasphemy?

What's unreal? Having candidates raise their hands is childish and stupid. And how is having them raise hands in a pledge to support Trump any different than Maggie Haberman asking Don Maga to explain his "good people on both sides" for the tenth time?

It was just as dumb as having 9 people on the stage at the same time.
These people are stupid. Completely void of self reflection and critical thought.

Which people are those? Where is critical thought exercised anywhere here? Because we have a truckload of people ITT - as an example - singing the praises of RFK Jr pretty regularly. The same RFK Jr who said that "climate deniers" should be imprisoned, along with a lot of other loony tune ideas. But because Don Maga praised him, all that goes out the window in their minds and he's a potential VP candidate. Critical thinking, indeed.

I still get an uneasy feeling about Vivek, but he says things like this that are what our republic was closer to being about to begin with and he gets me to pay attention to him more. I am still withholding calling him a wolf in sheep's clothing, but at the very least, he is putting stuff out there that we here have been clamoring for years to see happen.

There is an easy way to spot a troll…

Anyone that uses the laugh emoji on a post that is trying to spread the news of the most horrific crime of our time, which is child trafficking.

Or a poster that refutes a post about child trafficking and claims they are all fake that it doesn’t exist

If you are going to laugh about child trafficking or deny it’s existence…



The courts have ruled there are limits to free-speech for example, the old “ shouting fire in a crowded theater”.

Laughing at or making fun of the existence of child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child rape, child slavery, child sacrifice, and or human trafficking in general, is the same as supporting each of these disgustingly sick issues.

The only place these sick individuals post without moderation is on the dark web.

No legitimate website in the world, including those that promote free-speech the way that your site does would ever allow these sick individuals to maintain an account and post on any forum.

Should we just “Ignore” an individual that actually promotes and makes fun of child trafficking and sexual abuse of children?

Is this what we want new people that come to the site to think? That The Free Speech Forum allows individuals to post in favor, or deny the most sickening crime of our time?

I’ve been knee-deep in this thread, like many here since day fucking one of the Las Vegas thread.

Thus, I think I can pretty much speak for every person that is here on the site because of the LAC thread and resoundingly we sure as fuck don’t want anybody that makes fun of the issue of child trafficking, and or denying it, which is essentially promoting it ITT!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to figure out who the fuck is the troll.

Everyone on this board knows me and I’m not afraid to call a spade a spade or I’m not going hide and can definitely back my shit up.

I’ll put it right here and make it very clear who the troll even though it’s obvious even to Stevie Wonder who the sick motherfucker is….

I think everybody has it figured out, but just to make it clear it’s….

@Jake Broe Stan

If you put it to a vote ITT, it would be the most lopsided vote in the history of voting, and that motherfucker would be gone!

I for one, would love to see the site grow. Since the beginning, I have done everything in my power, which is limited to bring people to the site.

After they blew up the LAC thread on the main board I recruited a vast amount of posters ITT to come here, I’ve given feedback on how to improve the site, at one time was a moderator, and like many have regularly donated.

In my honest and humble opinion, I don’t think the way to get the site to grow is to let a troll that laughs at the issue of child trafficking, and says that it’s fake, which again is actually promoting child trafficking continue to post in the LAC thread.

That’s not what all of us ITT stand for.

If we don’t allow for the promotion of pornography in here, which I’m very much in agreement with, then we sure as fuck shouldn’t allow someone that denies/refutes and laughs at child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child, rape, and child slavery.

As for any other poster, ITT 100% they should be able to post any view they want even if it’s an opposing view to the majority. That’s what free-speech is about.

But leave God’s children alone!


Prime example just from your post
Which people are those? Where is critical thought exercised anywhere here? Because we have a truckload of people ITT - as an example - singing the praises of RFK Jr pretty regularly. The same RFK Jr who said that "climate deniers" should be imprisoned, along with a lot of other loony tune ideas. But because Don Maga praised him, all that goes out the window in their minds and he's a potential VP candidate. Critical thinking, indeed.
I think you are confusing supporting some thoughts and ideas of some one for supporting him to be president. I haven't seem many, if any at all, that have said I am voting for a very liberal RFKjr. Just that they liked his willingness not to play team liberal politics in certain areas.
i dont believe planes struck those buildings or the pentagon but how would you explain one of the earlier videos with 2-3 fireman working on the street and they hear a plane overhead, they look up and a plane strikes the first tower. then they said holy shit!!!!!

do yall remember that video?

could it have been a missle and they said holy shit after it struck? but CGI'd a plane on television
Well you’d be wrong. I saw the first plane hit. My viewpoint was just a few blocks up and over from those guys. I have been posting this here, on tmb and Warchant since the first anniversary of 9/11. Didn’t see the second plane. WTC 7 was undoubtedly imploded though.
Well you’d be wrong. I saw the first plane hit. My viewpoint was just a few blocks up and over from those guys. I have been posting this here, on tmb and Warchant since the first anniversary of 9/11. Didn’t see the second plane. WTC 7 was undoubtedly imploded though.
Far too many people up here that I know have said something very similar. What happened at the pentagon, who knows because there has yet tyo be any videos of that correct?
They are so deadly that Ukraine oligarch Igor Kolomoisky stole over $1billion from Putins friend. Kolomoisky owned the TV station that Zelensky got his start. Kolomoisky is still running around the world alive even though he's wanted in several countries. I think he is now living in Israel. Small world isn't it.
Leonid Schuldman (60): The former Gazprom manager died in January - before the start of the Ukraine war. Schuldman lived in the same residential area of St. Petersburg as Voronov and was found dead in his bathroom. According to the authorities, a suicide note was found next to the body.

Alexander Tyulakov (61): Three weeks after Schuldmann, the deputy director general of Gazprom's finance department died. Tyulakov was found hanged in his home. However, local reporters reported that the victim's body showed signs of trauma. They suggested that the hanging could only be staged.

Valdislav Avayev (51): In April, Russian media reported that the former deputy head of Gazprom Bank first killed his wife and 13-year-old daughter and then himself. Family friends have denied reports that the crime was an act of jealousy.

Sergej Protosenya (55): Only a few days after Avayev, the multi-millionaire Protosenya is said to have killed his wife and daughter with an ax in Spain. The 55-year-old is said to have hanged himself after the crime. Protosenya was the ex-chairman of the Russian energy company Nowatek, in which Gazprom holds 10 percent of the company's shares. As with Avayev, observers doubt the course of the crime.

Andrei Krukovsky (37): The manager of the ski resort Krasnaya Polyana, operated by Gazprom, died in May. The 37-year-old is said to have fallen off a cliff while hiking.

Everyone, but Schuldman, had criticized Putin for his attack on Ukraine. Probably all tragic isolated cases.
Not sure why they laugh at everything. Liberals are weird.
There is tons to laugh at in this thread. Most of this shit shared makes no sense at all so of course people are going to laugh at tin foil hat takes.

In that poster’s particular case he was crying like a bitch and got exposed as a hypocrite. If that’s not funny to you that’s your problem.
Kris Kristy

Thought this was going to be the Bee but it's not....oh it's not.

First, good on Elon. Why would he even bother to hire people who can't do the job and are not qualified at all for it? Second, our country and these laws they are jamming in to support refuges more than our own citizens, is disgusting.

There is an easy way to spot a troll…

Anyone that uses the laugh emoji on a post that is trying to spread the news of the most horrific crime of our time, which is child trafficking.

Or a poster that refutes a post about child trafficking and claims they are all fake that it doesn’t exist

If you are going to laugh about child trafficking or deny it’s existence…



The courts have ruled there are limits to free-speech for example, the old “ shouting fire in a crowded theater”.

Laughing at or making fun of the existence of child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child rape, child slavery, child sacrifice, and or human trafficking in general, is the same as supporting each of these disgustingly sick issues.

The only place these sick individuals post without moderation is on the dark web.

No legitimate website in the world, including those that promote free-speech the way that your site does would ever allow these sick individuals to maintain an account and post on any forum.

Should we just “Ignore” an individual that actually promotes and makes fun of child trafficking and sexual abuse of children?

Is this what we want new people that come to the site to think? That The Free Speech Forum allows individuals to post in favor, or deny the most sickening crime of our time?

I’ve been knee-deep in this thread, like many here since day fucking one of the Las Vegas thread.

Thus, I think I can pretty much speak for every person that is here on the site because of the LAC thread and resoundingly we sure as fuck don’t want anybody that makes fun of the issue of child trafficking, and or denying it, which is essentially promoting it ITT!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to figure out who the fuck is the troll.

Everyone on this board knows me and I’m not afraid to call a spade a spade or I’m not going hide and can definitely back my shit up.

I’ll put it right here and make it very clear who the troll even though it’s obvious even to Stevie Wonder who the sick motherfucker is….

I think everybody has it figured out, but just to make it clear it’s….

@Jake Broe Stan

If you put it to a vote ITT, it would be the most lopsided vote in the history of voting, and that motherfucker would be gone!

I for one, would love to see the site grow. Since the beginning, I have done everything in my power, which is limited to bring people to the site.

After they blew up the LAC thread on the main board I recruited a vast amount of posters ITT to come here, I’ve given feedback on how to improve the site, at one time was a moderator, and like many have regularly donated.

In my honest and humble opinion, I don’t think the way to get the site to grow is to let a troll that laughs at the issue of child trafficking, and says that it’s fake, which again is actually promoting child trafficking continue to post in the LAC thread.

That’s not what all of us ITT stand for.

If we don’t allow for the promotion of pornography in here, which I’m very much in agreement with, then we sure as fuck shouldn’t allow someone that denies/refutes and laughs at child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child, rape, and child slavery.

As for any other poster, ITT 100% they should be able to post any view they want even if it’s an opposing view to the majority. That’s what free-speech is about.

But leave God’s children alone!

And yet still with the laughing emoji at a post about child trafficking…

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