Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
There are some people that want some users outright banned, some that want thread bans, some that want an elaborate scoring system and others that just suggest the use of the ignore function

At what point do we distinguish between a troll and a difference of opinion? Some are more obvious than others, some imply sarcasm, some are just being assholes. I feel that moderation, unless outright necessary, is a very slippery slope for something we call a Free Speech Forum. Once you set the bar for moderating someone, it just keeps getting lower and lower. We’ve seen it happen on so many websites and platforms

I’ve done something about users who have spammed the thread or posted porn. In the meantime, I suggest using the ignore function if someone is bothering you.
The fact that you had to actually type this out........🤯

But you the saying goes "this place has gone to shit!" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I understand where everyone is coming from. We’ve tried and tried to find solutions.​

One thing that makes it difficult is the nature of this thread. So many different streams of information on so many different topics. Arguments can really disrupt things, but many of those arguments need to be had. I’ve seen people change opinions over the years in this thread.

At one point, anything anti-Trump was considered trolling.

At another point, anything anti-Q

Those are obvious examples, but there are many more

So many times people that get called trolls in here firmly believe what they say. I see @Stray joined the site within the last few days and I can see through his IP he’s a legitimate dude from Germany, he’s not posting from a VPN.

I remember when curious fiend started posting on here and half the site wanted him banned


There is an easy way to spot a troll…

Anyone that uses the laugh emoji on a post that is trying to spread the news of the most horrific crime of our time, which is child trafficking.

Or a poster that refutes a post about child trafficking and claims they are all fake that it doesn’t exist

If you are going to laugh about child trafficking or deny it’s existence…



The courts have ruled there are limits to free-speech for example, the old “ shouting fire in a crowded theater”.

Laughing at or making fun of the existence of child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child rape, child slavery, child sacrifice, and or human trafficking in general, is the same as supporting each of these disgustingly sick issues.

The only place these sick individuals post without moderation is on the dark web.

No legitimate website in the world, including those that promote free-speech the way that your site does would ever allow these sick individuals to maintain an account and post on any forum.

Should we just “Ignore” an individual that actually promotes and makes fun of child trafficking and sexual abuse of children?

Is this what we want new people that come to the site to think? That The Free Speech Forum allows individuals to post in favor, or deny the most sickening crime of our time?

I’ve been knee-deep in this thread, like many here since day fucking one of the Las Vegas thread.

Thus, I think I can pretty much speak for every person that is here on the site because of the LAC thread and resoundingly we sure as fuck don’t want anybody that makes fun of the issue of child trafficking, and or denying it, which is essentially promoting it ITT!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to figure out who the fuck is the troll.

Everyone on this board knows me and I’m not afraid to call a spade a spade or I’m not going hide and can definitely back my shit up.

I’ll put it right here and make it very clear who the troll even though it’s obvious even to Stevie Wonder who the sick motherfucker is….

I think everybody has it figured out, but just to make it clear it’s….

@Jake Broe Stan

If you put it to a vote ITT, it would be the most lopsided vote in the history of voting, and that motherfucker would be gone!

I for one, would love to see the site grow. Since the beginning, I have done everything in my power, which is limited to bring people to the site.

After they blew up the LAC thread on the main board I recruited a vast amount of posters ITT to come here, I’ve given feedback on how to improve the site, at one time was a moderator, and like many have regularly donated.

In my honest and humble opinion, I don’t think the way to get the site to grow is to let a troll that laughs at the issue of child trafficking, and says that it’s fake, which again is actually promoting child trafficking continue to post in the LAC thread.

That’s not what all of us ITT stand for.

If we don’t allow for the promotion of pornography in here, which I’m very much in agreement with, then we sure as fuck shouldn’t allow someone that denies/refutes and laughs at child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child, rape, and child slavery.

As for any other poster, ITT 100% they should be able to post any view they want even if it’s an opposing view to the majority. That’s what free-speech is about.

But leave God’s children alone!


LOLz if you install solar panels on your roof the 'savings' get eaten up when you have to remove them to reroof! There's no "saving's" to be had!

It will cost $4500 to take down and put back up! Run the numbers!

Cable TV is dead. Tucker's interview with Trump will be over 200 million by the end of the day.

175M views. Anyone seen the debate numbers?
My question exactly... what are the debate numbers... including the 'after' debate numbers....?

IMO The GOP/DNC corporations are finsihed.
But leave God’s children alone!
Anyone notice all the sex crimes that are being revealed of late?

Start with Bill Cosby and move forward.

I think Trump is behind exposing EVERYTHING that's been going on behind the scenes. Just look at what we've learned about Disney who tried to bury The Sound of Freedom.

This is Moloch and his minions being exposed to the light of day!
3 things could be true

Prigozhin was taken out by Putin
Prigozhin was taken out for double crossing the CIA
Prigozhin was taken out by in name only and 'disappeared' into the witness protection program.

I watch a lot of 'plane crash' investigations on YT and planes typically don't fall free-fall like the video of this one did. There is a glide path before meeting the ground. This one flip-flopped straight down.

Alex covers it:

Prigozhin plane crash, cui bono? Trump-Tucker 100M views. Ukraine out of men. BRICS grows. U/1​

The crash
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It's a fact that our money is lent into circulation.

As for emergencies, I never said a law wasn't legal. What I said, is that once the emergency is over, they should be repealed, or Sunsetted. If the only reason for them was the emergency, they are no longer needed after it is over.

Also, if the only reason they were legal was because there was an emergency, that means they would not have been legal absent the emergency. Once the emergency is over, they become illegal.
Listen Biker Its simple. You are the one who gets hurt. Not the car. Take the precautions. I have a 20 inch bmx bike I ride all over my city on the sidewalk. Why? bc I dont want to get hurt by getting hit by a car or truck. Get the F out of the way and the road. Its always the nerdy bikers fault.

There is an easy way to spot a troll…

Anyone that uses the laugh emoji on a post that is trying to spread the news of the most horrific crime of our time, which is child trafficking.

Or a poster that refutes a post about child trafficking and claims they are all fake that it doesn’t exist

If you are going to laugh about child trafficking or deny it’s existence…



The courts have ruled there are limits to free-speech for example, the old “ shouting fire in a crowded theater”.

Laughing at or making fun of the existence of child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child rape, child slavery, child sacrifice, and or human trafficking in general, is the same as supporting each of these disgustingly sick issues.

The only place these sick individuals post without moderation is on the dark web.

No legitimate website in the world, including those that promote free-speech the way that your site does would ever allow these sick individuals to maintain an account and post on any forum.

Should we just “Ignore” an individual that actually promotes and makes fun of child trafficking and sexual abuse of children?

Is this what we want new people that come to the site to think? That The Free Speech Forum allows individuals to post in favor, or deny the most sickening crime of our time?

I’ve been knee-deep in this thread, like many here since day fucking one of the Las Vegas thread.

Thus, I think I can pretty much speak for every person that is here on the site because of the LAC thread and resoundingly we sure as fuck don’t want anybody that makes fun of the issue of child trafficking, and or denying it, which is essentially promoting it ITT!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to figure out who the fuck is the troll.

Everyone on this board knows me and I’m not afraid to call a spade a spade or I’m not going hide and can definitely back my shit up.

I’ll put it right here and make it very clear who the troll even though it’s obvious even to Stevie Wonder who the sick motherfucker is….

I think everybody has it figured out, but just to make it clear it’s….

@Jake Broe Stan

If you put it to a vote ITT, it would be the most lopsided vote in the history of voting, and that motherfucker would be gone!

I for one, would love to see the site grow. Since the beginning, I have done everything in my power, which is limited to bring people to the site.

After they blew up the LAC thread on the main board I recruited a vast amount of posters ITT to come here, I’ve given feedback on how to improve the site, at one time was a moderator, and like many have regularly donated.

In my honest and humble opinion, I don’t think the way to get the site to grow is to let a troll that laughs at the issue of child trafficking, and says that it’s fake, which again is actually promoting child trafficking continue to post in the LAC thread.

That’s not what all of us ITT stand for.

If we don’t allow for the promotion of pornography in here, which I’m very much in agreement with, then we sure as fuck shouldn’t allow someone that denies/refutes and laughs at child trafficking, child, sexual abuse, child, rape, and child slavery.

As for any other poster, ITT 100% they should be able to post any view they want even if it’s an opposing view to the majority. That’s what free-speech is about.

But leave God’s children alone!

Sure Scott.

Go on lecturing us about child trafficking while you stan for pedophiles and the largest child trafficking organization in the world. It shows everyone how seriously you take the topic.

He had as much Right to be there as anyone in a car does. Why you do not respect the Rights of others? Are you ok with having your Rights violated by assholes? Or anyone, for that matter.

I already explained why he went further into the intersection. He was trying to get into the far right lane after his turn. Or would you prefer he turned immediately and got into the left lane? Even I would agree it would be wrong for him to have done that. Bikes go in the right lane except when turning left.

Maybe that's how you like it. Talkin' from experience? lol
No if the car can kill you. Its that simple
Sir, just keep doing what you’re doing.

If folks in here don’t know how to ignore the Gaggle of Faggits, that’s on them.

It’s funny how amazing the thread has become since I’ve ignored the Gaggle. It’s like they are not even in existence now - until someone feeds them and you can see something was posted by one of the Gaggle - but it doesn’t matter because you can’t see what they actually said. All you can really see is some blah blah blah a dipshit said who fed a faggit…

It’s just a part of life - like when I get a spam phone call and immediately just block caller.

It’s too easy. People just need to use the ignore feature. It works nicely.

I mean it’s pretty funny. All these faggits can do is 🤣 every single post from someone not in the Gaggle. It’s literally all they can do to keep their troll game up and running lol. It’s so fucking pathetic and gay…

The Gaggle of Faggits love that you’re so engaged with this conversation too lol. Just carry on bro. This thread is bad ass as is.
Any Ron supporters want to explain why he had to seek the approval of everyone else on the stage before he raised his hand to support Trump?

Vivek had his hand up immediately and didn't look left or right to see if anyone else had their hands up.

Why is he being asked to raise his hand? He already signed a pledge. He should have said to everyone on stage, don't raise your hand, we've already answered the question and Trump didn't have the balls to show up.
Prigozhin was taken out by in name only and 'disappeared' into the witness protection program.
Very unlikely, because the russian witness protection program is

- You accidentally fall out of a hospital window
- You are thrown out of a hospital window with a farewell letter in your pocket
- You are accused of tax evasion and end up in the gulag for life
- You die from an overdose of crocodile (russian drug)
- Someone shoots you in the head from behind

the first 5 minutes are revealing and the rest is good too!

Live from Milwaukee! The RNC Debates Tonight AND MORE! Viva Frei Live!​

mainstream media is dead and irrelevant Rumble is the competition now
5m RMPC officer investigating infant deaths - the jab?
7m Jordan Peterson reeducation camp
13m Talks about the candidates.
19m Oliver Anthony fraud accusations
25m Hawaii climate change going from bad to worse - MSM lapdogs of govt
32m California pride flag shooter was a leftist not MAGA!
36m Don Trump Jr interview



Very unlikely, because the russian witness protection program is

- You accidentally fall out of a hospital window
- You are thrown out of a hospital window with a farewell letter in your pocket
- You are accused of tax evasion and end up in the gulag for life
- You die from an overdose of crocodile (russian drug)
- Someone shoots you in the head from behind
Can I volunteer YOU for this program?

If NOT hopefully Vlad will Finnish and shake in URkaine soon so he can head to Germany the rest of Europe.

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