Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Who decides who gets moderated and how? Where is the line? Do we need to have a vote every time someone pisses someone off? There aren’t any rules posted on here, so what is a violation? How do you objectively define a troll? Even amongst the posters in this thread there is not a consensus of how to handle things.
I would adhere to a vote.
You are obviously an avid cyclist and won’t see it any other way.
I "see it" relative to the pertinent laws. If the cyclist was in the wrong, I'd have been quick to say so. It pisses me off when I see cyclists do illegal shit when riding because it just fuels the mistaken idea that none of us ride per the law.
.....and those laws state that the driver was 100% in the wrong. He turned from the wrong lane. That's illegal everywhere.

Replace the guy on the bike with a car. If the other driver did the same thing, how would you see that? Would you blame the guy in the left turn lane? Probably not, and both drivers AND cyclists have the same legally recognized Right to use the road.

Regarding motorist paying tax- the tax is for maintenance on roads.
Exactly, and motor vehicles cause a lot of damage to roads over time. Bikes? they can't cause damage, as they are not heavy enough to.
....but I'd be ok with paying road tax on my bike, but only if pro-rated on a per pound basis with cars and trucks. Ie: pocket change.

However, once the tax is paid they should have a reasonable expectation to drive without constantly having to wait on people blocking the lanes.
Cars block lanes far more than cyclists do. I deal with them all the time. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I have to bang on the back of someones car at a traffic light in order to get their attention away from their phone and to go, because the lights been green.

Again, we n my area many ride side by side, in groups, and don’t really care if they impede traffic. So, they can at least pay to do so…
Riding two abreast is perfectly legal. Why? Because most lanes are not wide enough to be occupied by both a cyclist and a car. So if the car driver is already required to make a safe passing maneuver, (same as you would when passing a car) why does it matter if two cyclists ride side by side? It's safer that way because it lets the driver know that he must change lanes to pass safely. Too many drivers just try forcing their way within the same lane if there is only one cyclist hugging the curb. It's how a lot of cyclists get sideswiped. Because of asshole drivers unwilling to respect other road users Rights.

But we can just agree to disagree. I’m ready to move on from the topic
Of course. Everyone with a wrong position on a topic always s ready to move on.

Both were at fault. The biker should not have been in the turn lane if he wasn’t going to turn and the car should have been in the turn lane and not turned from the lane he was in.
NO, the car was 100% in the wrong. The cyclist was turning onto a multiple lane road, so he will have to go further out into the intersection in order to turn into the far right hand lane. It's illegal for cyclists to ride in the left lane other than when setting up for a left turn.
Who decides who gets moderated and how? Where is the line? Do we need to have a vote every time someone pisses someone off? There aren’t any rules posted on here, so what is a violation? How do you objectively define a troll? Even amongst the posters in this thread there is not a consensus of how to handle things.
I would say that if someone was talking about hurting children or posted pictures of pedophilia, that should not be allowed.

I have extremist views on many things and have no issues with sharing them.........I thought that was the point of the site.

Of course you as the administrator would have decent intel to go off of as to where they were, and would be required to let me know that.
Early stollen was different from the modern version, with the ingredients being flour, oats and water.[9] As a Christmas bread, stollen was baked for the first time at the Council of Trent in 1545,[10] and was made with flour, yeast, oil and water.

The Council of Trent (Latin: Concilium Tridentinum), held between 1545 and 1563 in Trent (or Trento), now in northern Italy, was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church.[1] Prompted by the Protestant Reformation at the time, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation.[2][3]

I went there!!!
Who decides who gets moderated and how? Where is the line? Do we need to have a vote every time someone pisses someone off? There aren’t any rules posted on here, so what is a violation? How do you objectively define a troll? Even amongst the posters in this thread there is not a consensus of how to handle things.
As far as how to identify a Troll, there is no formula. Just common sense. After reading a certain number of posts that are so stupid that they have to be from a troll. A good troll knows to mix in some logic to help with the disguise. Eventually they out themselves.

Let us vote and see if there is a consensus for our Moderator selection. The overall enjoyment here declined when you removed that choice for @MortgageHorn and @Jakethedog. That is why you have been tagged and sent DM’s. Maybe just let the founders decide. Then we know our original LAC thread can continue in that same ideal.
Who decides who gets moderated and how? Where is the line? Do we need to have a vote every time someone pisses someone off? There aren’t any rules posted on here, so what is a violation? How do you objectively define a troll? Even amongst the posters in this thread there is not a consensus of how to handle things.
Sir, just keep doing what you’re doing.

If folks in here don’t know how to ignore the Gaggle of Faggits, that’s on them.

It’s funny how amazing the thread has become since I’ve ignored the Gaggle. It’s like they are not even in existence now - until someone feeds them and you can see something was posted by one of the Gaggle - but it doesn’t matter because you can’t see what they actually said. All you can really see is some blah blah blah a dipshit said who fed a faggit…

It’s just a part of life - like when I get a spam phone call and immediately just block caller.

It’s too easy. People just need to use the ignore feature. It works nicely.

I mean it’s pretty funny. All these faggits can do is 🤣 every single post from someone not in the Gaggle. It’s literally all they can do to keep their troll game up and running lol. It’s so fucking pathetic and gay…

The Gaggle of Faggits love that you’re so engaged with this conversation too lol. Just carry on bro. This thread is bad ass as is.
Yep, @MortgageHorn and I had this same conversation yesterday. Neither of us really like Putin but he does what is best for Russia as far as NATO and other issues.
That's the thing. Putin and Xi are both pieces of ruthless shit BUT at least they do what they feel helps their countries. Our politicians continue to do everything to destroy ours.
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Federal tax revenue is expected to be 4.71 trillion for 2023. Are you implying that’s not enough money to provide aid to both Hawaii and Ukraine?
No, I am implying that the money to begin with is already debt, in fact all our money is debt.

I am implying that YOU think that 4.7 Trillion will be in the clear, which it is not.

I am implying that you cant get something from nothing.
Who decides who gets moderated and how? Where is the line? Do we need to have a vote every time someone pisses someone off? There aren’t any rules posted on here, so what is a violation? How do you objectively define a troll? Even amongst the posters in this thread there is not a consensus of how to handle things.
Why do people think of this as a safe space to circle jerk. You don’t like it, fucking move on down the thread. THE free speech forum = every asshole gets a word. Uncomfortable yes, inconceivable no.
That's the thing. Putin and Ci are both pieces of ruthless shit BUT at least they do what they feel helps their countries. Our politicians continue to do everything to destroy ours.
Yep. Putin is corrupt as shit but at least he makes sure the oligarchs don't get too crazy with the stealing and if someone pulled some shit like our withdrawal from Afghanistan... the general who came up with that plan would be sun bathing in the north pole region.
Just use the ignore function. I still interact with some of the trolls in other threads, but I don't ever click on them in this thread. If they want to waste what little bit of life they have, posting a nonsense garble of words that no one will read.... I am OK with that.

I like to think lafeestermycockissmall still tries to troll in this thread and everyone has him blocked but he's too fucking stupid to figure it out. LOL.
Dudes. Stop responding to the new troll (and the old ones too). This isn't hard.

@Croot_Overlord -- What's being done to deal with the slowly increasing infestation of trolls / spam accounts? And what is being done to keep them from creating new / alt accounts?

By my count we are down from three moderators to one, with no real teeth to keep this thread clean. Most of the site is made up of people who came here to use this thread as a source of news and discussion. Before the introduction of Genmod on the Rivals MB, the mods there even would thread ban flagrant troll / spam accounts for us.

And it's a better draw to this site as a whole if a bunch of content isn't simply spam accounts and those responding to the spam accounts. Let's figure out a way to keep the free speech with ways to restrict / ban those who aren't interested in discussion. Real dissenting views are fine and encouraged, they just need to be value added, not those simply trying to elicit a reaction and deliberately degrade the quality of news and discussion.
I have not conversed with you before( I don't think), but may I suggest something?
Of course, I am speaking about real posters and not bots or the like...........

The real judge of content is the silent viewer. If all upon a sudden a particular point of view is disappeared, by an admin, then the silent viewer will conclude that the point of view being deleted is against a narrative of the site. By definition "Free Speech" implies that speech ought to be "free" of censorship by an administration, and moderation, whether it be for or against, would be dealt with by the rest of the viewers.

In a court of law, when sworn to testimony, you take an oath to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and NOTHING but the truth". This implies that any deviation from this is in fact no matter how small is a lie. To alter a post or remove content is a partial truth, or lie.

In order for a point to be valid, there must be opposition to it. An opposing view must be displayed, for the benefit of the argument. The silent reader can decipher for themselves who is right and who is wrong, and who is an idiot and who is an attention seeker.

Value of content in conversation cannot be weighed by anyone other than the participants, and the silent reader.

The very moment this forum starts to delete any legal content I post, i will not participate further. Not sure if that has value or not, but I am sure many feel the same way.

I find your viewpoint to be a slippery slope whether you mean it to be or not.
Just use the ignore function. I still interact with some of the trolls in other threads, but I don't ever click on them in this thread. If they want to waste what little bit of life they have, posting a nonsense garble of words that no one will read.... I am OK with that.

I like to think lafeestermycockissmall still tries to troll in this thread and everyone has him blocked but he's too fucking stupid to figure it out. LOL.
Who are these "trolls" and what makes them a troll?
I "see it" relative to the pertinent laws. If the cyclist was in the wrong, I'd have been quick to say so. It pisses me off when I see cyclists do illegal shit when riding because it just fuels the mistaken idea that none of us ride per the law.
.....and those laws state that the driver was 100% in the wrong. He turned from the wrong lane. That's illegal everywhere.

Replace the guy on the bike with a car. If the other driver did the same thing, how would you see that? Would you blame the guy in the left turn lane? Probably not, and both drivers AND cyclists have the same legally recognized Right to use the road.

Exactly, and motor vehicles cause a lot of damage to roads over time. Bikes? they can't cause damage, as they are not heavy enough to.
....but I'd be ok with paying road tax on my bike, but only if pro-rated on a per pound basis with cars and trucks. Ie: pocket change.

Cars block lanes far more than cyclists do. I deal with them all the time. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I have to bang on the back of someones car at a traffic light in order to get their attention away from their phone and to go, because the lights been green.

Riding two abreast is perfectly legal. Why? Because most lanes are not wide enough to be occupied by both a cyclist and a car. So if the car driver is already required to make a safe passing maneuver, (same as you would when passing a car) why does it matter if two cyclists ride side by side? It's safer that way because it lets the driver know that he must change lanes to pass safely. Too many drivers just try forcing their way within the same lane if there is only one cyclist hugging the curb. It's how a lot of cyclists get sideswiped. Because of asshole drivers unwilling to respect other road users Rights.

Of course. Everyone with a wrong position on a topic always s ready to move on.

NO, the car was 100% in the wrong. The cyclist was turning onto a multiple lane road, so he will have to go further out into the intersection in order to turn into the far right hand lane. It's illegal for cyclists to ride in the left lane other than when setting up for a left turn.
I have two brothers that cycle and a boss obsessed with it. Needless to say, we debate a lot. You mentioned you get blocked a lot by cars, right? I’m curious if it’s because you want to scoot around all the cars backed up at an intersection, etc….

I have no problem if cyclist want to stay on major roads, but you can’t skip past everyone when traffic is backed up. The reason we block you is two fold, first you want to be treated as a car, then act like a car and wait patiently like everyone else. 2nd, we don’t want to get stuck behind you rolling 22 in a two lane 35 mph area.

With that said, the driver in video was in the wrong.

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