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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020

Once Again Jake Cum-Stain Showing His True WEF Cabal Colors

He Does the Laughing Emoji

Like This Fucking Child-Fucking Clown Knows More Than The Former Director of The Defense Intelligence Agency

Keep Posting Jakey It's Going To Make Crushing Each of Your Eye-Sockets So You Can Never See Again Even More Fun.

You Punk-Ass Bitch

Why Do You Suck Ukraine's Dick - Because You Love Raping Kids


Jan 8, 2021
Anyone with detox suggestions for my wife? She took the first round of vaccines but none of the boosters. Says she felt some weird stuff around the heart today playing pickle ball. Feel like there was some stuff on here about detoxing but feel like it was 1,000 pages ago already.
Good luck man

Jul 1, 2023
Once Again Jake Cum-Stain Showing His True WEF Cabal Colors

He Does the Laughing Emoji

Like This Fucking Child-Fucking Clown Knows More Than The Former Director of The Defense Intelligence Agency

Keep Posting Jakey It's Going To Make Crushing Each of Your Eye-Sockets So You Can Never See Again Even More Fun.

You Punk-Ass Bitch

Why Do You Suck Ukraine's Dick - Because You Love Raping Kids
A person can have any job in the world and still be a liar. Since he has presented zero credible proof Occam’s razor suggests he is full of shit and willing to peddle communist propaganda because it’s politically convenient for him.

You shouldn’t make a habit of threatening people on the internet. It never goes away.

Learn from your friend Mr. Utah or wherever the hell that dumbass was from.


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
So US is cutting ag production. Europe is cutting ag production. Ukr is going to lose tons of production to war. Rus is unable to ship they grain they have due to war. Sri Lanka lost most of it's ag production...

Does anyone else feel like we have a huge famine lurking in the next year or so?

We're good down here - but yea a lot of the world is fucked
Dec 7, 2022
A few wins by the Stockholders in cases like this will stop this shit cold.

This is just the beginning, and this is why it's so important to hold the line. A-B can claim they didn't know any better. Target has much less leg to stand on. Anyone else follows suit and their board is going to be bankrupted in court.


Dec 1, 2020
Paying players hasn’t done much for you for 15 years. You think it will change now heading to the SEC? Good luck (next or already) Nebraska.

Sorry you’re taking this all so hard. Once you settle into a scintillating diet of games with Central Florida, Cincinnati, BYU and Houston you won’t even miss us anymore. Chin up, bubba.
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