Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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have any of these things in their offices (things that MI police uncovered)•partially completed voter registration forms•“pelican cases in the room with semi-automatic rifles joined with suppressors and optics and customized pistols.”•A case with “4 rifles and 4 pistols.”•“Dozens of new phones” and “Hundreds of pre-paid payment cardsGBI strategies is run by a man named Gary Bell who received 11,254,919 dollars in 2020 but the company was dissolved in 2017. How did a dissolved company receive 11 million dollars from the highest DNC donors and Biden’s own campaign? GBIs address, a company that operates 70 locations across the US, is a duplex that is also associated with 40 other people. This is the shadiest and dirtiest thing I have seen in quite some time but low and behold the FBI has known about this and all its anomalies for three years and they have done nothing. Sure wish the useless communist media would ask Wray and Barr all these questions when they do their little media laps proclaiming the election was perfect. What a bunch of scumbag frauds.
This is just the beginning, and this is why it's so important to hold the line. A-B can claim they didn't know any better. Target has much less leg to stand on. Anyone else follows suit and their board is going to be bankrupted in court.
True. However, the top dogs and the members of the board will cash in their stock options and golden parachutes long before the bankruptcies effect them.
“The View won't be airing new episodes for quite a while due to a scheduled hiatus. This is not unusual as the ladies typically take an elongated summer break following the end of the season. In place of the live broadcast, reruns of previous episodes will air on ABC.”'t%20be,episodes%20will%20air%20on%20ABC.



plastic surgeons and psychiatrists will be busy.
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^^And how many are DEI "administrators" and compliance officers

^^Who had leprosy as a side effect on their card^^
attention whore going to attention whore


1.2 billion dollars each.

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby claimed that the reported unfreezing of $6 billion in assets with some limits in exchange for Iran releasing five detained Americans “is not a ransom.” Instead, we’re talking about taking an account “that has not been made accessible” to Iran, and “making that one account that has been in existence for several years more accessible to the Iranians.”

The Biden administration on Thursday reportedly struck a deal with Iran to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian financial assets and release a “handful” of Iranian nationals jailed for violating U.S. sanctions in exchange for five Americans taken prisoner by Iran on highly dubious charges of espionage.

The Iranian mission to the United Nations on Thursday said, “Iran’s frozen funds in South Korea will be unblocked and transferred to Qatar,” apparently referring to the $6 billion sum. U.S. sources who spoke to the far-left New York Times publication and Reuters confirmed the financial aspects of the deal.

Former OPM lawyer/counsel just told the War Room audience, "Barr didn't want to hear it."​

Andrew Kloster who worked for Trump as a lawyer/counsel for OPM said he was made aware of the Muskegon incident of potential election/voter fraud by a Detroit Dim operative around October 21, 2020.

An LEO from Muskegon had originally arrested the Dim operative. The Dim operative was processed and released that same day. A day or two later a high-ranking member of the Muskegon police department sent the city of Detroit a request to order the Dim operative back to Muskegon for further questioning.....the request was ignored.

Kloster said he was made aware of the incident and gave the Muskegon information to government authorities, according to Kloster, the word came back that Barr wasn't interested enough to investigate the possible attempt by a Detroit Dim operative to stuff ballot boxes in Muskegon Mi.

There was no fraud in the 2020 GE?

Of course, there were voting irregularities/shenanigans/rigging, but it appears the reports of election fraud were never given serious consideration for investigations.
What they always say is “There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” I believe this is generally true. The voter fraud is not widespread, it is targeted.

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