They are saying he was specifically targeting the pedos. He was looking up the charges beforehand.Need some more context for sure. A person can be put on sex offender registers for pissing in public.
If he killed folks for diddling kids then I would agree with the pardon
Can anyone on this board give me a believable path to a Trump presidency in 24? What has to happen over the next 15 months that ensures he wins next year? Genuinely interested in people’s thoughts on this one.
Actually, just no MORE cheating than last time. They'll need to crank the cheating up beyond 2020's unfathomable levels to win this time. I believe they'll try.No cheating. So how do we stop it!?
I'm guessing a JV player took it.Holy shit.
Just saw the team photo. Nobody is wearing 17 in the pic (Max's number fb and lax)
I'm of course going to show up for the boys and wear them and the coaches out. But no #17?
Max will still be home for the first 2 games. Let the fun begin.![]()
You’re funny!Do you know how I know that at Jake Cum Stain is complete communist liberal faggot piece of shit?
Because he’s the only communist faggot piece of shit that would laugh at a 76-year-old American being shot by the FBI
Like @HiddenLakes said about @ETNVol coming to Vegas
I hope you show up motherfucker I’m going rip your ass, limb from limb.
What a fucking demented bitch you are.
It all actually makes sense once you realize it is the biggest sting operation of all time.Former OPM lawyer/counsel just told the War Room audience, "Barr didn't want to hear it."
Andrew Kloster who worked for Trump as a lawyer/counsel for OPM said he was made aware of the Muskegon incident of potential election/voter fraud by a Detroit Dim operative around October 21, 2020.
An LEO from Muskegon had originally arrested the Dim operative. The Dim operative was processed and released that same day. A day or two later a high-ranking member of the Muskegon police department sent the city of Detroit a request to order the Dim operative back to Muskegon for further questioning.....the request was ignored.
Kloster said he was made aware of the incident and gave the Muskegon information to government authorities, according to Kloster, the word came back that Barr wasn't interested enough to investigate the possible attempt by a Detroit Dim operative to stuff ballot boxes in Muskegon Mi.
There was no fraud in the 2020 GE?
Of course, there were voting irregularities/shenanigans/rigging, but it appears the reports of election fraud were never given serious consideration for investigations.
This is arguably the worst fake poll in history. Anyone who believes this is AT BEST functionally retarded. It's not even remotely believable. Even the thickest cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias wouldn't be enough to believe this one. I won't even take the time to review and pick apart their methodology, because I simply don't care
And just that quick Vivek is tied/ahead of Ron.
@MortgageHorn this applies to the 70 yr old moron resisting arrest and threatening the president too just in case you were wondering why I felt the way I do about his actions.
So you're in full agreement that those that said the same about Trump should be hunted and killed, right?@MortgageHorn this applies to the 70 yr old moron resisting arrest and threatening the president too just in case you were wondering why I felt the way I do about his actions.
Those who threatened Trump while he was president deserve to be arrested just the same as that guy was.So you're in full agreement that those that said the same about Trump should be hunted and killed, right?
Well it looks like what we thought happened to the old guy in Utah is what happened. Showed up at night and then shot him when he came to the door.
Anyone with detox suggestions for my wife? She took the first round of vaccines but none of the boosters. Says she felt some weird stuff around the heart today playing pickle ball. Feel like there was some stuff on here about detoxing but feel like it was 1,000 pages ago already.
I have posted about this in many other posts. I think this will play a big part in Pres Trump's defense when it comes to the people telling him he lost if they were also aware of this and Bill Barr's reluctance to do anything.
Barr is on record saying he would be glad to testify against Pres Trump so get his ass sworn in and confront him with this and the DOJ guy who said Barr said he didn't want anyone to investigate it.
Anyone with detox suggestions for my wife? She took the first round of vaccines but none of the boosters. Says she felt some weird stuff around the heart today playing pickle ball. Feel like there was some stuff on here about detoxing but feel like it was 1,000 pages ago already.