Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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He chose someone with supposed HIGH moral and Christian stature for the Bible Belt. But you knew that already you fake as fuck so called Christian

He chose someone he knew nothing about to potentially be his successor? He had 13 months between the time he announced and choosing a VP. He reportedly almost chose Chris Christie 🤣

You inadvertently make Don Maga look worse with every word you speak or type.

Fake? It's amazing how this thread has become a cult where Don Maga has become a Jesus figure and anyone who isn't on the Trump Train is a heretic.

Edit: no, if that's the reason, I did not know that. I knew very little about Pence before Trump picked him. Evidently, neither did Trump.
He chose someone he knew nothing about to potentially be his successor? He had 13 months between the time he announced and choosing a VP. He reportedly almost chose Chris Christie 🤣

You inadvertently make Don Maga look worse with every word you speak or type.

Fake? It's amazing how this thread has become a cult where Don Maga has become a Jesus figure and anyone who isn't on the Trump Train is a heretic.

Edit: no, if that's the reason, I did not know that. I knew very little about Pence before Trump picked him. Evidently, neither did Trump.
Now do Kamala. It’s all about optics you dumb fuck
Trump had the entire party in 2020, with supposed 95%+ approval rating. He's lost half his support if you believe the polls he touts daily (almost all of which also show him losing to Joe Biden). You think it's an impenetrable wall, when it's a dam that will inevitably break. With each passing day, Trump makes a whole new crop of people who won't vote for him with his 5th grade level social media nonsense.

Perhaps RD is running because he believes the country is hanging by a thread and Trump has already proven he can't get it done? Half of Rs aren't aligned with Trump and its going to get worse. Cult45 has his core group, and no potential and no hope of adding to it. This notion that RD has an obligation to the vile Trump or anyone else is comical. Desantis is still delivering what he promised when he ran, Trump is back to promising the same old things he promised starting back in 2016.

Where does that Bush/Clinton nonsense come from? Trump's paid twitter army. They shovel out the horseshit, people like you eat it up and assume that anything pro-Trump must be true. Trump's campaign staff is as deep state a crew as you can imagine. But because you saw it on twitter, you think RD is the establishment choice.

The critical thinkers, the intellectually curious would have some serious questions for maga if they examined his record. But there's no room for people like that on the Trump Train. Instead, they do as you did above, insult Desantis and anyone who supports him with 3rd grade bathroom humor, pretending Maga isn't the one who hosts an annual queer ball and loves him some pride flag. But when you're a cult, lying to yourself and others is a necessity.
So why is Ron losing support and Don gaining support? Also why is Don's support among blacks up to the highest ever for a pub candidate?

It's like they forget that A) Democrats controlled the House, B) Trump didn't write the bill, and C) there's no line item veto so he could either veto the whole thing or approve the whole thing.

And for good measure, let's throw in D) it passed overwhelmingly and a veto would've ONLY been used against him after the bill passed regardless, while delaying much needed aid for businesses that were laying off people and closing doors in unprecedented numbers (remember, unemployment exceeded 20% from around 3% pre-COVID In the span of just one month)

Oh, and let's also not forget E) that this was a major compromise that Pelosi wanted her caucus to vote against a it wasn't liberal enough, until Trump placed everything at her feet, including the blame for the delay. How, then, could have he vetoed it?

It's very easy to see the fools and the charlatans, although a little tougher to know which is which.

Which one are you?
I would give you a pro tip about crushing the pain pills for a BC Powder like instant reaction to pain but some may think I have a problem.

If you really want to amplify your pain killer you go the Vol route and mix them with a little water and squirt them up your ass.

It's like they forget that A) Democrats controlled the House, B) Trump didn't write the bill, and C) there's no line item veto so he could either veto the whole thing or approve the whole thing.

And for good measure, let's throw in D) it passed overwhelmingly and a veto would've ONLY been used against him after the bill passed regardless, while delaying much needed aid for businesses that were laying off people and closing doors in unprecedented numbers (remember, unemployment exceeded 20% from around 3% pre-COVID In the span of just one month)

Oh, and let's also not forget E) that this was a major compromise that Pelosi wanted her caucus to vote against a it wasn't liberal enough, until Trump placed everything at her feet, including the blame for the delay. How, then, could have he vetoed it?

It's very easy to see the fools and the charlatans, although a little tougher to know which is which.

Which one are you?
Yep. We all know Trump made mistakes and made terrible hires. Nobody is pretending he was perfect. But people are acting like he made mistakes in a vaccum and not with a full court ambush by both parties, the media and several intel agencies around the world. We just kind of skip past those points and act like If Ron got elected and they wanted him gone they would do the same to him.

It's like they forget that A) Democrats controlled the House, B) Trump didn't write the bill, and C) there's no line item veto so he could either veto the whole thing or approve the whole thing.

And for good measure, let's throw in D) it passed overwhelmingly and a veto would've ONLY been used against him after the bill passed regardless, while delaying much needed aid for businesses that were laying off people and closing doors in unprecedented numbers (remember, unemployment exceeded 20% from around 3% pre-COVID In the span of just one month)

Oh, and let's also not forget E) that this was a major compromise that Pelosi wanted her caucus to vote against a it wasn't liberal enough, until Trump placed everything at her feet, including the blame for the delay. How, then, could have he vetoed it?

It's very easy to see the fools and the charlatans, although a little tougher to know which is which.

Which one are you?

I'll tell you what I'm not, a sycophant who makes excuses for Trump's repeated failures. Your point, if there is one, is don't blame Trump for bad legislation that he signed, because the deck was stacked against him. The veto would have been used against him? You mean the press would've treated him badly? Dems would say bad things about him? Trump gave the democrats another weapon to torpedo his campaign, via the stroke of his own pen.

Trump shut the country down, of course unemployment skyrocketed. Those businesses were in trouble in part because of Trump. The globalists fished in Trump as easy as can be. Their fake pandemic, shutdowns, vaccines, the whole 9 yards. The LAC figured it out pretty quickly, but for some reason, we shouldn't expect Trump to figure it out. The guy playing 4d chess who had a plan for eliminating the globalists was in reality a helpless fool who was easily duped into doing their bidding.

Sorry, I don't buy it and neither do a lot of other people. He could've drawn a line in the sand and fought. He never did. He hardly fought anything, other than his own impeachments, he just talked about fighting at rallies. He didn't draw the line on massive gov't spending pre-covid, he wasn't going to during covid. Just as he did nothing to ensure election integrity pre-covid, he certainly wasn't going to address it in the middle of the fake pandemic.

If one believes as you do, why would they vote for Trump again? If he's such a prisoner of the system who's helpless against he wiles of the globalists, exactly why would you or anyone else support him?
FYI, if he were to get in office again (he won't), but hypothetically speaking, they'd just spring another covid-like event on him. Gee, we'll have to forget this whole swamp-draining thing, we've got to fight some viruses, or aliens or whatever.

Telling me he was going to lose the fight is debatable, I believe he could've won, certainly could've rallied enough support to prevent a veto override. His refusal to even make the fight is what really matters. Cleaning the gov't up would take drastic, historic measures. Trump proved to us in spades he's not cut out for that. Especially not as the weak sister you made him out to be.
So why is Ron losing support and Don gaining support? Also why is Don's support among blacks up to the highest ever for a pub candidate?

Trump is gaining support? Where is this coming from?

If Desantis were really "losing support", do you think Trump and his twitter bots would spend their days attacking him? Trump posts more about Desantis than he does the people trying to put him in jail.

Trump is gaining support? Where is this coming from?

If Desantis were really "losing support", do you think Trump and his twitter bots would spend their days attacking him? Trump posts more about Desantis than he does the people trying to put him in jail.
Are you serious? Ron was in the high 30's for a bit. He's battling Vivek for 2nd now at about 24.
For simplicity's sake, let's assume all of the above is true. Is there a person alive who couldn't dupe Don Maga? It's becoming increasingly obvious according to his own supporters, Scooby Doo villians are more clever than he is.

Arguably the most important decision Trump could make, and he chose Mike Pence. He had months to figure out who would be his #2, and according to you and many others ITT, he chose a traitor. Given that, we're supposed to vote for Don and his impossibly bad judgment again next year? Good luck selling that.
There is one, and only one, group that can fuck this up for all of us. And it isn’t the group that has held steadfast through all of this and has stayed focused on what has happened and how to stop it.

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