Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

The judge isn't going to let him nor will she let anything discovered be released to the public especially if it is harmful to the DOJ, OBiden or anyone of that ilk.

This trial is going to last years as every subpoenaed request will be fought out in court. It will last long enough to interfere with his campaign assuming she allows him to even campaign. The OBiden/Obama cadre of scoundrels will litter the road of justice with nails.
You don't only have to ask permission but you have to pay for the privilege. Repair or replace an a/c, water heater or most else in your home and you need to pay a permit fee and comply with their defined method of doing it. Build a fence and it has to be oriented correctly (in my town - pretty side out), posts have to be a specific depth in the ground, the design has to be approved and pay a permit fee.

And, I love stick shift vehicles because most thieves and others don't know how to drive them and I like shifting gears, few transmission difficulties or filter/fluid changes.
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^^of course she is^^

I’m 15 pages behind but this is absolutely the right answer. I own a company and we have a policy that anytime we’re going to fire someone we have a meeting with my employment attorney any my head of HR to make sure there can’t be exposed for any risk of retribution. It’s insane what you can be sued for. I have a tiny company of 40 employees so I can only imagine what large companies have to deal with.
Do your research on these wackos before you hire them and you don't have these problems. It's way more easier today then it was 20 years ago. Checking social media IMO is the easiest place to eliminate a prospective employee.
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