Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Trump shares Q memes and drops.

He quotes Q drops during speeches.

Then last night he shared and praised a video of a member of his transition team going on a wild 10 minute Q spree about how the US MIL have proof of fraud in the 2020 election and are waiting for the public to wake up before introducing it in order to prevent civil war and mass civilian casualties.

Now whether you are familiar with Q, think it’s real, or think it’s some disinformation psyop conspiracy theory cult; shouldn’t you be aware that Trump, the leading presidential candidate in 2024, is openly referencing and quoting this whole Q thing?

Like if you think it’s nonsense, shouldn’t you be worried about Trump’s association with it? How can one be a Trump supporter, and simultaneously think Q is a bunch of hogwash? Because Trump has gradually gone beyond full Q for the past few months on truth social, and it hardly gets talked about in the mainstream.

The mainstream that calls everything and everyone “QAnon”, except for when Trump is actually quoting Q all the time.

So there are two options here. Either:

-Trump is a part of the Q operation and there is some level of validity to it

-Trump is not part of whatever Q is, and the lead presidential candidate and his associates are blindly quoting and referencing a Russian disinformation psyop or some dude in his basement

Both options are insane to think about, and there’s really not any in between. Either he’s a part of it or he’s not.

If he’s not, as Trump supporters, we have a crisis on our hands. If he is, that means that Trump is conducting a massive global awakening campaign so we can introduce reality to the brainwashed and hold the Deep State accountable without mass civilian casualties and civil war.

I’m not telling you what to believe, I’m telling you that ignoring this reality is no longer an option.
Option 3 - it’s all bs

Option 4 - trump and co were fooled. Again.

Option 5 - trumps in on it. Intentionally, blackmailed, whatever. Even this is more likely than the ridiculous “plan” theory.
Option 3 - it’s all bs

Option 4 - trump and co were fooled. Again.

Option 5 - trumps in on it. Intentionally, blackmailed, whatever. Even this is more likely than the ridiculous “plan” theory.
Can anyone on this board give me a believable path to a Trump presidency in 24? What has to happen over the next 15 months that ensures he wins next year? Genuinely interested in people’s thoughts on this one.
The MBAs that run the hospitals and medical clinics were calling the shots (no pun) and reaping healthy pay checks from Big Pharma. They were also mandating the MDs/RNs/PAs working for them to force the shots on patients or lose their jobs.
Hospital admins are shit. And every hospital has a painting of all the shitheads that ruled over each hospital over the years. Beware…
I have not seen this particular instance, but it certainly is in Genesis. The lineage from Adam to Noah is also a Gospel presentation when you translate the individual names in the family line:

Thanks - I'm a Believer - Just Not Good at Bible History and Things

On the Bright Side - If St Peter Gives Me the "Green Light" 🟢

You Guys Are a "Shoe-In"
Nah I just learned a long time ago if I can't afford it I don't need it. Credit score is 850 and I have about 50k CL in cards just don't live above my means so I can pay off every month. Only debt I have is car and home.
We're related

My dad taught me it's a convenience card not a credit card.

You pay the bill in full at the end of the month.
Nah I just learned a long time ago if I can't afford it I don't need it. Credit score is 850 and I have about 50k CL in cards just don't live above my means so I can pay off every month. Only debt I have is car and home.
That’s where we are….and the way I was taught. Many didn’t have the luxury of growing up learning from parents to live within your means.

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